Posts: 3204 Memphis | Here is my MOABL - Mother of all Brake Lights. 

I have about 50 pics of the install and will put together a "how-to" in the Tech Forum. |
Puddle Jumper
Posts: 33 Attleboro, MA | That looks good |
Iron Butt
Posts: 725 Reno County, KS | Sorry, no pics there. I couldn't find any in your gallery of the MOABL either. I'm anxious to see this monstrosity. Sounds time consuming. Looking forward to the tutorial. |
Posts: 3204 Memphis | I can see them on IE, Firefox, Google Chrome and i-Phone. Don't know why they wouldn't come out for some. I made a MOABL folder in my gallery so maybe they will show up there. Super easy mod. If you can take your seat off, you can do this. |
Posts: 575 Spirit Lake IA "Birthplace of Victory Motorcycles" | Sweeeeet! |
Iron Butt
Posts: 619 Southeast Iowa | Nice work, looks way cool! |
Puddle Jumper
Posts: 35 St. Charles, MO | Very nice! |
Posts: 1632 Jasper, MO | I like it! I've been thinking about doing something like that. Where did you get the lights?
Ronnie |
Posts: 3204 Memphis | http://www.vision-riders.com/bb/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=4824&posts=1&start=1 |
Posts: 496 Scottsdale AZ | SF- Awesome!! Thanks for taking time to sure with the rest of us - With your great tutorial I am going to give this a shot on my own- watch out in the neighborhood!!%$(** I might even become DesertJim--- Master Mechanic. or--------- I call you or TimS to bail me out- |
Posts: 3204 Memphis | DJ, To tell you the truth, I had you in mind when I took the pictures and put together the tutorial. I tried to think of every question you would have asked if it was your first time doing something like this. I majored in Phys Ed at the U of A so I need lots of pictures and short words. Don't mean to sound like I'm talking down to anybody but I really wanted it to come across as a totally doable project for anyone who wanted to try. Having that brake light up at eye level to the drivers behind me has been my #1 safety concern and I wanted to offer a universal fix. It might just be my imagination but I seem to get more than the usual number of thumbs-up from drivers next to me at stop lights these days. You're gonna love it. |
Posts: 496 Scottsdale AZ | SF - LOL - I need LOTS of instructions - Paint by the numbers is sometimes hard for me. I have only been thru the tutorial twice, but I think I have digested at least 25% of it. I will move forward with ordering the LED's and stuff I need. Thanks again, stay tuned, for my success stories and think about doing one when you get to the bags. I really want these mods. |
Posts: 575 Spirit Lake IA "Birthplace of Victory Motorcycles" | My Stingerz came in today, but unfortunately, the Posi-Lock connector folks dropped my connectors in snail mail instead of 2nd day air as I requested. I fear they will be lost behind thousands of letters to Santa! Anxious to get this mother lit up . . . may start with normal scotch-loc connectors then replace when Posi-Locks come in. I'm like a kid in a candy store! Thx Songfan
Edited by Man314 2009-12-02 1:44 PM
Posts: 575 Spirit Lake IA "Birthplace of Victory Motorcycles" | Found a dusty box of Posi-Locks (black) at a local auto parts store. Made the mod this afternoon and she looks BEAUTIFUL! Songfan, directions were impeccable. The ONLY time I got in trouble was when I deviated. Has the coat hangar wire down the hole. I thought, I don't need no stinking extra piece of red wire . . . so I just looped the other end of the coat hanger, and tied / black taped the LED wires and yanked it on through . . . UNTIL, the wire loop caught on something and I couldn't get it through! I pulled and twisted and tried to get the wire through. Finally ended up taking passenger seat back off (three screws) and found that I had somehow entangled the two speaker wires and pulled them loose! Got that fixed and everything works beautiful! Nice looking mod AND it adds to overall safety of the bike! I'll post pics when I get a chance. |
Posts: 255 New Brunswick , Canada | Looks Awsome SongFan....Do you have the Kuryakin 4710 Mod also , on this bike ???? |
Posts: 3204 Memphis | Man314 - Most excellent that you pulled this off that fast! I have been poking around customdynamics.com for several years now and yesterday I found this: http://www.customdynamics.com/posilock_connectors.htm I had no idea they sold them also or I would have said so in the tutorial. I'll make that change tonight in the write-up so that everything should be one stop shopping. They are a great company to deal with and I have e-mailed a guy named Dave there and am going to send him pictures of this mod for them to show on their website. Lojak - I don't have the Kuryakyn 4710 mod on my bike because I installed Muth mirrors with LEDs built into the glass. Buddahead has a good pic of them in this thread: http://www.vision-riders.com/bb/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=4785&start=1&posts=5 My main goal with the 99 LED mod was to make it as simple as possible to install and if anyone wants to add to it or modify it to fit their personal needs, they can. I look forward to feedback from more guys who install this mod. I wish I could follow myself around at night to see it in action. Just to give you an idea of how bright these LEDs are: The bike was parked in the garage the other night (next to the '69 Baja) and my youngest daughter hadn't seen the lights in action yet. I took her out and had her stand at the far edge of the driveway, about 20' from the bike. When I squeezed the brake handle the lights actually cast a very distinct shadow of her on the wall of the house next door. I would say that wall was about 25-30' away from the bike and it was totally washed in red except for my daughters shadow. Unbelievable. |
Posts: 575 Spirit Lake IA "Birthplace of Victory Motorcycles" | Here are some of my pics:
Attachments ----------------
051.JPG (56KB - 2 downloads)
049.JPG (50KB - 2 downloads)
056.JPG (56KB - 2 downloads)
Posts: 576 , IA | ok so now i need to get the led strip the kry 4710 adapter and pull or cut two wires so i can have the rear lights that in my opinion the bike should of came with but oh well what the heck ..cause i live in snow country will not be going this until late winter so if anyone comes upon any problems please post or i'll be hooking these things up |
Iron Butt
Posts: 763 Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis) | SongFan,
I don't normally do much to the appearance of my bikes. However, I really like your LED brake lights. I have always been scared of getting rear ended in a panic stop situation. Your brake lights would certainly help grab the attention of a following motorist. I am going to add these to my bike.
Thanks for sharing. |
Posts: 3204 Memphis | vvt, Glad you're going for it. It's such a simple mod that can make a huge difference in my opinion. I have to laugh at what Custom Dynamics must be thinking with just one string of red LEDs being ordered. They actually built that 99 LED strip to be mounted under big fenders and on cars/trikes. The Vision trunk is the ultimate platform because the gap is just perfect and they are all but invisible when not on. Plus, the way the LEDs follow the curves of the trunk is just cool, I don't care who you are. |
Iron Butt
Posts: 742 North Orange County CA | Tom:
I was ready to move on the 4710 mod until I saw this project. Shock and Awe, dude! The MOABL is now my first priority.
Thanks for the detailed "idiot proof" instructions; electrical mods are always the ones that scare me the most.
Edited by Tarpits99 2009-12-05 1:01 PM
Posts: 192 Republic of Tejas | Ordered my parts today. Merry Christmas to me!!!!!! |
Posts: 3204 Memphis | This is cool. |
Posts: 575 Spirit Lake IA "Birthplace of Victory Motorcycles" | See what you have started SongFan! You have created your own little US Stimulus package. People buy parts, FedEx delivers, people stay employed, they buy more stuff, others stay employed! |
Posts: 3204 Memphis | I literally spent 2 years trying to figure out the best way to put a brake light on that trunk. I even spent $50 on a brand new chrome trunk piece with the VICTORY on it to see if I could cut out the letters and backlight them as running/brake lights. (I'm still mulling that over and haven't cut the piece yet.) A couple of guys have put other Stingerz in that gap (usually with a Kuryakyn 4170 to make it running/brake/turn signal) so I knew they would fit. When the 99s came out I originally looked at putting them in the lower edge of the saddle bags, ala TimS http://www.vision-riders.com/bb/photos/show-album.asp?albumid=56&photoid=1880 . (That is still one of the coolest looks of all time.) I finally noticed the long wire on the 99s and it occurred to me that they would probably reach all the way to the wire bundle without having to add any more wiring. Within minutes of that revelation I ordered the Stingerz and the rest is history. |
Puddle Jumper
Posts: 11 San Antonio, TX | I like the MOABL, but I ordered the 24 LED stingerz and wired them off of my 4710 enabled trunk turn/brake lights and now I have all kinds of Blink! Still get a baby-MOABL action when all 48 of them blink, then solid on braking. Thanks for the instruction and motivation.
Now I have to figure out how many more LED's I can put on it before it starts looking tacky! |
Posts: 3006 San Antonio, TX | ClayinSA - 2009-12-06 2:59 PM
I like the MOABL, but I ordered the 24 LED stingerz and wired them off of my 4710 enabled trunk turn/brake lights and now I have all kinds of Blink! Still get a baby-MOABL action when all 48 of them blink, then solid on braking. Thanks for the instruction and motivation.
Now I have to figure out how many more LED's I can put on it before it starts looking tacky!
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It will be nice to see what you have done.
Ride Safe |
Posts: 79 Memphis,Tn. | Looks GREAT Tom!!! |
Posts: 3204 Memphis | Thanks Jim. You need to do this so we can follow each other around and see it in action! Rode in at 25 degrees this morning. Gate guard didn't even want to come out and check my I.D. |
Posts: 79 Memphis,Tn. | To borrow a line from Sarah P. - I can see the "New Tower" from my shop doors. You must still be hiden off Democrat. In 25 degree weather, I'd leave the garage riding with Ben Gay and return with Arthur Rietis.
Our gaurds wear scarfs and heavy coats when it drops below 73 degrees. I'm not that cold natured (yet).
Are you going to leave your trunk on year 'round from now on??
Edited by TopFuel 2009-12-12 7:10 PM
Posts: 3204 Memphis | Yep. |
Posts: 575 Spirit Lake IA "Birthplace of Victory Motorcycles" | (cue music) . . . All I want for Christmas is . . . for these Red LED 92's to come into stock! |
Iron Butt
Posts: 742 North Orange County CA | Songfan:
Should the LED array be fused?
I noticed all the Custom Dynamic LED Kits sell with inline fuse pigtails. Now that I have successfully completed the driving lamp installation I'm ready to tackle the MOABL ! |
Posts: 3204 Memphis | I'm the wrong guy to ask on that one. The kits from Custom Dynamics are all set up to be separate from the main wiring bundle. They tie straight into the battery and are switched. The 99 LED strip is such a small power draw (milliamps) that I don't even know if there is a fuse small enough to blow before the current got to the LEDs. Like I said, I don't know if it needs a fuse or not. If so, let me know and I can update the install. To tell you the truth, I hope it doesn't need one because the #1 advantage to this mod is it's simplicity. |
Iron Butt
Posts: 742 North Orange County CA | Large format graphic production I know, electronics and vehicle wiring might as well be organic chemistry or Sanskrit; as evidenced by the fact that I wasn't even thinking about protecting the LEDs but was more concerned about the wiring harness and the rest of the bikes electronics. |
Posts: 3204 Memphis | Like I've said before, I'm a P.E. major from Arizona. You're probably right about the fuse thing but I don't know how much fuse and where to put it. K-Guardsman or other tron geniuses are probably laughing at my ignorance. I've had a perfectly good Stebel Air Horn sitting in the box for six months because I am totally bumfuzzled about having to use parts off the old horn. Don't even get me going about relays...... Sorry I'm not more help. |
Iron Butt
Posts: 742 North Orange County CA | Relay!!? Its a pretty simple word, and I thought I understood its meaning until I looked it up. Imagine my consternation when I discovered that "relay" in electric/tronic simply means "switch" in English!
If words actually mean something entirely different than what we expect depending on circumstance, then its not too great a leap to assume that I will never be able to accurately communicate with (for example) Canadians, Baptists, thevog.net members, Harley riders or my children.
Does this then mean that my wife is actually right when she misinterprets almost every word that comes out of my mouth? I always chalked it up to hormones.
The world just became a whole lot scarier.
Help Mr. Wizard! |
Posts: 1484 LaPorte,Tx. | t99, back away from the relay, take a deep breath, now doesn't that feel better...a little oxygen to the cells, you must be BENT over the relay too far. If you can, ride the Vision...right now, this will clear everything up and you will again be right with the world around you.
Relay...automated switch... 
Edited by VisionTex 2010-01-05 5:24 PM
Posts: 411 Dallas, Texas | SF--I am far from electrical or mechanically inclined, but how difficult would it be to have two halfs, that both light when braking, and then run or flash when the left/right signals are used? Just curious. |
Iron Butt
Posts: 742 North Orange County CA | VisionTex - 2010-01-05 3:22 PM
t99, back away from the relay, take a deep breath, now doesn't that feel better...a little oxygen to the cells, you must be BENT over the relay too far. If you can, ride the Vision...right now, this will clear everything up and you will again be right with the world around you.
Relay...automated switch...
VT: You were right; it worked! |
Posts: 3204 Memphis | iluvink, You would need to do the Kuryakyn 4710 mod because the Stingerz are single filament. It would be the same as turning your trunk lights into run/brake/turn signals. Even if you took two strips and just made them brake/turn signals, how would the LEDs know what to do when you hit the brakes and a turn signal at the same time? You can have any one of the three options without a controller but 2 or more would need a controller. |
Posts: 204 West Knoxville TN | SongFan what a great mod. I am adding this to my list as well. First I have to get my forks powdercoated, my deflectors changed out, the 4710 mod done and then this. |
Puddle Jumper
Posts: 14 Billings, Montana | Thanks for the install instructions. My buddy gave me a 24 light string that I stared at for quite a while wondering what I was going to do with it. Once I saw this idea I didn't wonder any more. Maybe not quite as much llight at the 99 string but I'm sure it's going to help. |
Posts: 390
| Just finnished this mod. on my Black Beauty.....she looks great! It's as easy as you say. Thanks for the Installation Directions, SongFan. |
Posts: 3204 Memphis | Glad to see you guys going for it! It would be amazing on any vehicle but on a motorcycle it is frickin spectacular. You know the people behind you are staring at you anyway so that has to blow their minds when it hits. Blue Ice, I just looked at the photos at the beginning of the thread and counted out 24 leds to see how wide that is. It's wider that the word VICTORY on the chrome piece. Even that 24 LED mod will make a tremendous difference to anyone behind you. Best free mod you will ever make. |
Central Wisconsin | SongFan - 2009-11-26 6:47 PM
Here is my MOABL - Mother of all Brake Lights
Hi Tom,
Just wanted to thank you for the '99 LED Brake Light mod info.
It turned out GREAT on my bike and was able to hook it up to my Kuryakyn 4710.
Well I got my 1st post out of the way. LOL!
Iron Butt
Posts: 742 North Orange County CA | http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Victory-Vision-LED-Third-Brake-Light...
Wow! Not only $30 higher than Custom Dynamics. They didn't even bother to use their own photos!
Posts: 1290 Ruskin, Fl | What is the "strobe kit" they are talking about? |
Posts: 273 Midlothian, Va. | Tarpits99 - 2011-02-03 2:03 AM http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Victory-Vision-LED-Third-Brake-Light... Wow! Not only $30 higher than Custom Dynamics. They didn't even bother to use their own photos! I hope folks are smart enough to buy from CD and not this douche. I also have the 99 special and thanks again to Song FAN.
Iron Butt
Posts: 742 North Orange County CA | CW1115: Funny they mention a "strobe" in the listing title but it is not included; you can buy that at" additional cost".
Upon further consideration, it occurs to me that they probably just "copied and pasted" the installation instructions from SongFan's tech posting on this site as well.
Why should they bother with a modicum of intellectual honesty, when it looks like they've already "appropriated" not only the idea for the product, but photos of the man's motorcycle.
Biscuit: "douche" may be too weak a description.
I plan on letting them know what I think, unless SongFan tells us otherwise.
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Posts: 3204 Memphis | Hey Guys, I'm a little torn on this one but not too bad. On one hand it would have been nice to have been contacted and asked if they could use the photos/idea. On the other hand, it's not like it's costing me anything. It's not a Chinese knock-off of something I developed myself. There are probably quite a few Vision owners out there who don't know about Vision-Riders and never would have found that mod on their own. If they do a search on eBay for Vision stuff and come across the MOABL and put it on their bike, I think it's a good thing. They (that company) pretty much has to buy the kit from Custom Dynamics anyway so that's a good thing also. If I had proprietary rights and was marketing/selling that kit and saw that ad, I'd be pissed and go after them. Since all I'm trying to do is make the Vision safer, I have a hard time wanting them to shut it down. Besides, it would be kind of hypocritical of me after all the photos I've stolen for the posters. I greatly appreciate the show of support but I'm not real wound up over the ad. |
Posts: 160 Camas Washington | I have a 2011 on order and should be here in a week or so. 1st mod will be ordering the LED brake light FROM YOU!! |
Posts: 390
| I bought my stuff from CD and installed myself. Are they using your complete installation directions and photos? If so, then a E-mail would be in order. They need to earn thier $30 with some work.
Edited by chesshiretuna 2011-02-03 1:05 PM
Posts: 3204 Memphis | I e-mailed the seller and asked him to remove the photo of my bike from his ad. The more I read it, the more it bugged me. As noted here by Tarpits99, I pointed out that he advertised "w-strobe" in the title but charges extra in the fine print. No Posi-Taps, adhesive promoter or tie-wraps mentioned. Just "wire it directly to your brake light". Never shows a photo of the "kit". I asked if he uses my instructions also. I'll let you know how he responds. I mentioned the fact that a lot of Vision riders had contacted me about his ad and the use of my photo so we'll see if he pulls it. New territory for me. I've never come up with anything worth ripping off before.
Edited by SongFan 2011-02-03 3:10 PM
Posts: 2118 Pitt Meadows, BC Canada | I'm still waiting for some warmer weather so I can install my "SongFan 99" brake light. I used all the paper in my laser printer to print out the installation instructions!
You should copyright it: SongFan 99's or SongFan 99LED's - sumthin' like that....  |
Iron Butt
Posts: 669 Peachtree City, GA | I did your install a few months back - thank you!
As for them pulling it - contact ebay and let them know that the picture is being used without your permission - they will pull it. |