Changing oil - does skid plate need to come off?
Posted 2009-11-18 12:36 PM (#47945)
Subject: Changing oil - does skid plate need to come off?


Posts: 52
San Jose, CA
I've got the Arlen Ness skid plate. Does it need to come off to change the oil?

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Posted 2009-11-18 4:40 PM (#47968 - in reply to #47945)
Subject: Re: Changing oil - does skid plate need to come off?


Posts: 87
Does it cover the drain hole!???If not ,no.
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Posted 2009-11-18 5:26 PM (#47972 - in reply to #47945)
Subject: Re: Changing oil - does skid plate need to come off?

Iron Butt

Posts: 935
Rockford, IL
The Arlen Ness skid plate is a bit of a rarity. Think only maybe a handfull (if that) folks around here have the plate. So there ain't many folks here who can answer this question.

But I would tend to think that the plate is engineered so that it doesn't interfere with the oil plug or filter. Be a pretty stupid move on Arlen Ness's part if it wasn't.
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Posted 2009-11-18 6:16 PM (#47975 - in reply to #47945)
Subject: Re: Changing oil - does skid plate need to come off?


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
If you are looking for the drain plug for the first time....check out the following video.

But whatever you do, please never let my twin brother put oil in your ride! If you do not believe me watch this video!!!
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Posted 2009-11-19 8:10 AM (#48021 - in reply to #47945)
Subject: Re: Changing oil - does skid plate need to come off?


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
RadioTeacher, I didn't know there was no "N" in "Bertolli". That's pretty funny. However, I think you might have been faking putting that Olive oil in your bike, I seen you come around the end of your bike. I think I saw the camera cut off tooo. Your pretty sly, but I think I'm a gonna have to call foul, on your part. That's no way to treat me, if I hadn't a spotted your little sly moves, I might have tried your "Bertnolli" olive oil. Anybody else see it? Oh, the travshamockery of it all!
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Posted 2009-11-19 8:53 AM (#48024 - in reply to #47945)
Subject: Re: Changing oil - does skid plate need to come off?

Iron Butt

Posts: 742
North Orange County CA
I'm quite sure, as disturbing as it may sound, that our two wheeled JamesJoyceFoghornLeghorn is correct .

The radioguru is trying to pull a fast one. Heck he's almost as good with "talkies" as the guy who photo-shopped Mrs Palin's head onto the "body of bikini clad girl with AR-15".

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Posted 2009-11-19 11:40 AM (#48039 - in reply to #47945)
Subject: Re: Changing oil - does skid plate need to come off?


Posts: 52
San Jose, CA
I have watched radioteacher's great videos on youtube. Actually after watching it I went to the bike and felt around down there (got my long sleeve work shirt dirty in the process, hahahhaa). I think it is covered. If it is, I will just drill a hole before I put it back. I'm sure countless of dirt bike riders have done that on those skid plates.
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Posted 2009-11-19 3:42 PM (#48055 - in reply to #47945)
Subject: Re: Changing oil - does skid plate need to come off?


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Oh no a hole in a perfectly good skid plate, yikes, we will need prior verification if this can be done safely, and in accordance with proper OSHA regs. We want no one getting hurt or injured if modification must be made. Please wait for an authority figure with a badge shows up to approve such a mod.

StickintheTarpitsageof99 - I enjoy a good Foghorn Leghorn reference "I say, I say, Hold on there just a minute!" But I got lost with the "JamesJoyce" reference, I must go look it up. Or just clarify, for the brain cells.
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Posted 2009-11-19 11:42 PM (#48084 - in reply to #47945)
Subject: Re: Changing oil - does skid plate need to come off?


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX

If there was something that I could get wrong that I missed please let me know. I mispronounced about everything I could in that video.

I was going to use an Air Impact Wrench to proper torque the oil plug....but I forgot to do it.

I remember reading a thread on a guy that forgot to put his dipstick back in the bike and started it up. He said the bike shot oil on the ceiling of his garage. So I added it to the video.


Thanks, I am glad the videos are at least watchable. I hope to add more soon.

I added a LOUD horn and have the chrome to add to the rear tipovers. Those videos are coming soon.

Ride Safe!
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Posted 2009-11-21 10:00 PM (#48217 - in reply to #47945)
Subject: RE: Changing oil - does skid plate need to come off?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 11
I have a skid plate. It does not interfere with changing the oil.
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Posted 2009-11-26 12:57 AM (#48468 - in reply to #47945)
Subject: Re: Changing oil - does skid plate need to come off?


Posts: 52
San Jose, CA
I concur. It does not interfere at all. It is scraped so obviously I've not slowed down enough in lots with bumps. Glad i have it.
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