1 Year Review on my 08 Vision
Posted 2009-10-27 9:47 PM (#46673)
Subject: 1 Year Review on my 08 Vision


Posts: 447
Northeastern Penna.
As mentioned many times over here on threads, the looks of this bike bring me so much attention,wherever I go. Other bikers look and admire, not to mention non riders. I still to this day,
admire it's sleek lines and looks, many times just staring at it in my garage, like a beautiful model.
I get a consistent 42-45 mpg's, very happy with that.
I know there have been troubles with other Vision owners with their 1st year Visions, some not resolved, but aside from the few recalls notices on my bike, in which all have been corrected,
it's been trouble free at 7800 miles.
The clunking sound from the transmission as mentioned, seems to have diminished some. I have
not used Amsoil. Maybe I just have got used to it or maybe it's the method in which I now shift, which I know has lessened the shifting sound.
I can't say anything about Corporate support, as I have not experienced them yet.
Yes there can be some refinements on this bike with regards to the controls and some features
as also mentioned many times over. There will be changes !
Some have even mentioned not being completely sold on the comfort of the seats, albeit, few
make up this percentage. Me, I think it is very comfortable, having tested it on many long trips.

My only big negative, would be the somewhat disappointing amount of space in the side bags
which, I know will be increased on future models. I can write about many more items with this motorcycle, bottom line, I have no regrets with my Vision.
I definitely would buy another Vision !
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