Vision Heel-Toe Shifter Installed
Posted 2008-01-27 1:41 AM (#4652)
Subject: Vision Heel-Toe Shifter Installed

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 6
I love my heel toe shifter. The Vision should have come with it installed. It really makes the ride more enjoyable. A Big thanks to Jeff Whaley at Polaris Victory of Cumming for getting that done.
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Posted 2008-01-27 5:47 AM (#4657 - in reply to #4652)
Subject: RE: Vision Heel-Toe Shifter Installed


Posts: 154
Was the shifter off a kingpin?
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Posted 2008-01-27 7:49 AM (#4659 - in reply to #4657)
Subject: RE: Vision Heel-Toe Shifter Installed

The Poconos
I also installed one the other day. It was the Chrome Kingpin Shifter. It is really a simple mod and took me only about an hour. The bracket needs to be modified a bit but it is no major ordeal. A flat file and a little bit af patience is all it takes. I shortened the shift rod to move the shifter bracket back to the rear position and that took the most time. A dremel tool and a cut off wheel did that trick. Got it out for the first time today after installing it and it makes a big differance. There is a DIY posted on this also.
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Posted 2008-01-27 5:19 PM (#4672 - in reply to #4659)
Subject: RE: Vision Heel-Toe Shifter Installed


Posts: 76
Can you please point me to the DIY document?
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