badnvegas; new vision movie
Posted 2008-01-19 2:32 PM (#4447)
Subject: badnvegas; new vision movie


Posts: 294
rhode island
john your video was very well done, saw one made by raptors and rockets not so good was wondering if you were going to put another one out? this time maybe an easyriders style with several visions canyon riding.lets show what these visions can do in the twistys. multiple cameras and a little editing, would be great as an opening for the mentioned you were gonna have one of these in your garage, did you take the plunge yet? perry
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Posted 2008-01-20 10:03 AM (#4457 - in reply to #4447)
Subject: Re: badnvegas; new vision movie


Posts: 175
Rocky Mountain Freedom Rally is in Moab this year with a very scenic ride along the Colorado River on highway 128. I think we can make that happen. Stay tuned....

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