Tour pack removal
Blue Sky Guy
Posted 2009-08-28 2:38 PM (#42667)
Subject: Tour pack removal


Posts: 329
scotts valley, California
Have any of you removed the tour pack from your Vision? My thoughts are it would be cool to have it off except when on a trip. Questions: Is it time consuming to remove it or replace it? Does Victory parts have a fiberglass plate to cover the hole? Do you think having the tour pack on improves the aerodynamics of the bike? I'm wondering if it would noticibly lower the center of gravity? I would like to hear your opinions.
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Posted 2009-08-28 2:52 PM (#42668 - in reply to #42667)
Subject: Re: Tour pack removal

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 11
Las Vegas
I sell the Visions here and when you remove the tour pack there is a hole, you will have to purchase the cover which costs about $100. Victory has already done all the tests needed for the aerodynamics of the bike with and without the pack, so it should all be the same with and without. No it doesn't lower the center of gravity.
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Blue Sky Guy
Posted 2009-08-28 2:55 PM (#42669 - in reply to #42668)
Subject: Re: Tour pack removal


Posts: 329
scotts valley, California
How time consuming is the project?
Anybody out there don it?
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Posted 2009-08-28 3:15 PM (#42671 - in reply to #42667)
Subject: RE: Tour pack removal

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 36
I have taken on and off several times, it takes approx. 15 minutes. Remove plastic panel in front of seat ( no tools, just open left compartment, pull up from grommets). Remove 2 allen bolts from the front of seat. Unplug harness for heated seats. Remove license plate and bracket
Unplug tour pack wiring harness.Remove 4 bolts through bottom trunk access. Install panel for trunk void. Install lic. plate and seat. I think bike looks better without. It is easier to mount and dis mount the bike without. There is a slight difference in handing. Not as much as you would think, considering the 45lb. trunk
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Blue Sky Guy
Posted 2009-08-28 3:30 PM (#42673 - in reply to #42671)
Subject: RE: Tour pack removal


Posts: 329
scotts valley, California
Hey, thanks, John.
One more quick Question: Asthetics aside, do I need the hole covering plate or can I ride around a bit without it?
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Posted 2009-08-28 3:32 PM (#42674 - in reply to #42667)
Subject: Re: Tour pack removal


Posts: 205
I am new to the Vision also and not an experienced mechanic....but I do own wrenches. I took the pack off myself for the first time 3 days ago.. It really is easy... the post above is absolutely correct. I watched a short video on how to do it and it really helped!

Here is the link to the video. I am happy with and without the trunk and really notice no difference in handling, but a little more wind up my shirt without the trunk. It feels more sporty, but I think it is all in my head.

Here is the link:

**You only need the plate if you want to fill the hole. You will. But technically you can take it off forever without the plate.

Edited by Mfoster 2009-08-28 3:34 PM
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Posted 2009-08-28 4:25 PM (#42681 - in reply to #42667)
Subject: Re: Tour pack removal

Iron Butt

Posts: 804
Perry Hall, MD
FYI Victory sells a bracket (about $99) to hang the trunk on once it has been removed. For 6 bucks I went with a garden tool hanger from Home Depot that is rated for 50lb. My wife was a little concerned with it hanging next to her car, but it works great and hasn't budged (did use 3.5 inch lag screws in a garage wall stud). The bracket arms extend through both the base and the access hole in the bottom of the trunk.

Would like to have the filler panel modified to permit use of the area under it as added storage.
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Posted 2009-08-28 4:52 PM (#42684 - in reply to #42667)
Subject: Re: Tour pack removal


Posts: 249
Montreal, QC Canada
I have taken ours off a few times but I never had to do anything with the seat or the heater. Just the 4 bolts in the trunk and undo the wiring harness for the lights. To put it back on, its good to have an extra set of hands to line up the trunk or you may scratch the body or the trunk with the license plate.

Edited by kenandpen 2009-08-28 4:53 PM
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Posted 2009-08-28 5:05 PM (#42686 - in reply to #42667)
Subject: Re: Tour pack removal


Posts: 247
it helps to have an extension for your socket so you can turn the wrench in the trunk rather than try to reach down into the well. take the license plate off so you don't scratch the trunk. i don't take the seat completely off just loosen the 2 screws and turn it aside for clearance. it took 1 hour the first time 'cause i am so anal and i didn't have the extension. after that about 20 mins to take of or put on.
you will want the filer panel.
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Posted 2009-08-28 7:58 PM (#42706 - in reply to #42667)
Subject: Re: Tour pack removal


Posts: 1290
Ruskin, Fl
I just had the trunk off. Really like it, but I put it back on. Spoiled by the storage space. I considered drilling holes in my license plate so I could remove the bracket w/o with taking the plate off. Might get it down to 7 minutes if I could take the plate and bracket off together.
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Posted 2009-08-29 8:09 PM (#42785 - in reply to #42667)
Subject: Re: Tour pack removal


Posts: 205
HA! Drilling holes in the plate! That is a great idea!

That would be easier... I have a chrome frame and trim bolt covers and it is a hassle...

That is really smart!

Edited by Mfoster 2009-08-29 8:10 PM
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Blue Sky Guy
Posted 2009-08-29 8:28 PM (#42786 - in reply to #42667)
Subject: Re: Tour pack removal


Posts: 329
scotts valley, California
I drilled holes in the plate, and it works great.
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Web Mobile
Posted 2009-08-29 10:39 PM (#42794 - in reply to #42667)
Subject: Re: Tour pack removal


Posts: 53
Island Lake, Alberta, Canada
Hint: when the trunk is off, find some studs and use nuts and flat washers to replace the bolts. Makes putting it back on a breeze, a one man job.
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Web Mobile
Posted 2009-08-29 10:40 PM (#42795 - in reply to #42667)
Subject: Re: Tour pack removal


Posts: 53
Island Lake, Alberta, Canada
Hint: when the trunk is off, find some studs and use nuts and flat washers to replace the bolts. Makes putting it back on a breeze, a one man job.
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Blue Sky Guy
Posted 2009-08-29 11:43 PM (#42799 - in reply to #42667)
Subject: Re: Tour pack removal


Posts: 329
scotts valley, California
a nudder good idea!!!!!!1 tnx
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Posted 2009-08-29 11:45 PM (#42800 - in reply to #42667)
Subject: Re: Tour pack removal


Posts: 208
Edmonton Alberta, Canada
I have removed mine many times, I put a chunk of slit ruber hose on the top of the plate and bracket. 2 polishing towels on the grab handles. 4 bollts and unplug the harness. I trimmed the cover plate so that I am able to just snap into place. maybe takes me about 4-5 mins.
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Posted 2009-08-30 8:40 PM (#42870 - in reply to #42667)
Subject: Re: Tour pack removal


Posts: 247
Web Mobile-Any rating on the studs and nuts or just common ordianry hardware stuff?
Norcan-any pics or description on where you trimmed the cover plate- I am assuming you did this so you don't have to remove the seat?
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Posted 2009-08-30 11:00 PM (#42887 - in reply to #42667)
Subject: Re: Tour pack removal


Posts: 208
Edmonton Alberta, Canada
I trimmed the lip that would normally go under the side panels, no seat removal at all, just have to flex the cover a bit to get it into place. Snap the upper snaps first and then the lower ones( closest to the the liscense plate. Removal is just reverse, with a plastic tool, unsnap the lower snaps and then the upper. I will be looking for studs as this would make it even easier to re-install. I did not take any pictures when I was butchering up the plate, just lucked out and no one can tell. Maybe I will take some pictures when I put trunk back on.
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Posted 2009-08-31 7:14 AM (#42906 - in reply to #42667)
Subject: Re: Tour pack removal


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
If you do not take the seat off, how do you release the wiring harness?
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Posted 2009-08-31 1:52 PM (#42954 - in reply to #42667)
Subject: Re: Tour pack removal


Posts: 208
Edmonton Alberta, Canada
I lift the trunk up, and lay forward onto the grab handles, thus the towels on grab handles, it will balance and then I unplu/plug in the wiring harness.
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Posted 2009-08-31 2:11 PM (#42956 - in reply to #42667)
Subject: Re: Tour pack removal


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
studs would make the process easier, but then that would create problems with the backrest, maybe. just have to be precise. the seat is too easy to remove so i'm not sure what the benefit in not removing, it definetly gives me space to work in disconnecting/connecting the wires without doing a balancing act.

also, how does removing the pack affect those with a hitch as I believe it uses the same bolt holes. just curious and want to drag that information into this thread.
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Posted 2009-08-31 4:22 PM (#42967 - in reply to #42667)
Subject: RE: Tour pack removal

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 36
I have have the Ness chrome license plate. I forgot to mention that I have drilled holes in the plate for easy removal. I noticed it was mentioned by others.
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Posted 2009-09-01 4:18 AM (#43007 - in reply to #42667)
Subject: Re: Tour pack removal


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
Some pictures of these changes would be nice.
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Posted 2009-09-01 6:44 PM (#43054 - in reply to #42667)
Subject: RE: Tour pack removal


Posts: 72
Eden Prairie, MN
the has a great set of videos check them out:
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Blue Sky Guy
Posted 2009-09-01 6:53 PM (#43055 - in reply to #42667)
Subject: Re: Tour pack removal


Posts: 329
scotts valley, California
What a kick! I just replaced the four bolts that afix the tour pack with studs and found that the "New American Motorcycle" uses metric threads, at least for those four bolts/studs. Well, I guess that it is possible that metric nuts and bolts could be made in America.
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Posted 2009-09-02 8:49 AM (#43089 - in reply to #42667)
Subject: Re: Tour pack removal


Posts: 127
Surprising, ain't it? I don't know where the bolts are made, but the Vic is considered a "metric" bike only for that reason. Lots of parts catalogs list it right in there with Honda and Kawasaki rather than in the "American Made" section which appears to be exclusively Harley.
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Blue Sky Guy
Posted 2009-09-02 11:30 AM (#43107 - in reply to #43089)
Subject: Re: Tour pack removal


Posts: 329
scotts valley, California
Yes, it's getting kind of spooky. I went to a key place to have a replacement key made and found the Victory blank cost $10 (must be made in America). The sympathetic key maker thought he could do better for me so he found a Kawasaki blank that would work for about half the price. Well, it does work but, in my heart, I know where it came from.... How long can I live with that?
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Posted 2010-08-10 6:12 PM (#66834 - in reply to #42667)
Subject: RE: Tour pack removal


Posts: 4278
If you still want to remove the tour pack go to you tube and type in the vision tour pack removal
and watch
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