Question for those with the CB system
Posted 2008-01-18 9:11 PM (#4417)
Subject: Question for those with the CB system


Posts: 76
Hi all,
I am looking into purchasing the Victory CB system for my vision and was wondering if I can send and recieve phone calls via the unit? If that is possible do I need to purchase additional cables? Finally, what would be the best headset setup? Shoud I go with the Nolan flip up helmet or should I use my existing helmet and purchase a headset? Sorry if my question are elementary, I've never owend a CB system and just wanted to know what I would need. Thanks in advance for any input.
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Posted 2008-01-18 9:51 PM (#4418 - in reply to #4417)
Subject: RE: Question for those with the CB system


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA

MRG, my understanding is that can be through the blue-tooth enable GPS. I've not read of a CB hook for the cell-phone but you might find something with the J&M folk. Happy hunting.

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Posted 2008-01-18 10:43 PM (#4420 - in reply to #4417)
Subject: RE: Question for those with the CB system

Iron Butt

Posts: 810


FWIW, I put the Garmin 2820 on my Vision. I paired my Nokia bluetooth phone to the Garmin. I can hear phone calls made on my Nokia bluetooth phone through the wired helmet headset. I was not able to transmit back through the headset microphone. I do not know if this is a limitation on the phone, the Vision or the Garmin. I have not pursued this any further yet.


Edited by TimS 2008-01-18 10:45 PM
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Posted 2008-01-18 10:54 PM (#4421 - in reply to #4417)
Subject: RE: Question for those with the CB system


Posts: 76
Thanks all,
I will pursue further.

What part of SoCal are you located? Maybe we can hook up and ride sometime.
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Posted 2008-01-18 11:48 PM (#4423 - in reply to #4417)
Subject: Re: Question for those with the CB system


Posts: 296
Central Florida
Tim, The Garmin 2820 will only recognize blue tooth devices paired with it or devices(IE microphone )plugged into it.
I have sucessfully paired my BlackJack phone/PDA and my Motorola Hs850(earpiece/microphone) to the 2820. I have used the set up in the SUV, I have NOT used it on the bike. Hope that helps.
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Posted 2008-01-19 12:24 AM (#4424 - in reply to #4421)
Subject: RE: Question for those with the CB system

Iron Butt

Posts: 810



I am in Westlake Village, right off the 101.  I would look forward to meeting some other members. 

I have been riding with the Ventura chapter of the Southern Cruisers Riding Club.  There is another Premium Vision and another Victory rider in the group besides myself.  The rest is a mix of Goldwings, HDs, Hondas and other bikes.  They do rides every other Sunday as a rule plus additional rides when they pop up.  They pride themselves in being a riding club and they do ride.



Edited by TimS 2008-01-19 12:30 AM
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Posted 2008-01-19 12:26 AM (#4425 - in reply to #4423)
Subject: Re: Question for those with the CB system

Iron Butt

Posts: 810

Hi Marc,

 I paired my Nokia to it and it recognized it.  When I make a call with the cell phone, the audio comes through the Vision's wired headset, but it doesn't work in the other direction.  If I stick a microphone directly in the Garmin, it should work, but it would be better if it could share the VOX/CB microphone.

 I know my Nokia works with my Pioneer GPS in my car.


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Posted 2008-01-19 12:07 PM (#4433 - in reply to #4424)
Subject: RE: Question for those with the CB system


Posts: 76
Thanks Tim,
I live half the time in Torrance and the other half in Palm Springs. I would really like to ride with you guys sometime. If you would not mind sending me more info I would appreciate it.

Oh yeah, I have one more question for you CB guys. Will I need to keep the tour pack on to use the CB? In other words can I relocated the antennae?
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Posted 2008-01-19 12:22 PM (#4434 - in reply to #4417)
Subject: Re: Question for those with the CB system


Posts: 293
It's not just the antenna; the CB is located in the trunk base itself.
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Posted 2008-01-19 12:53 PM (#4435 - in reply to #4434)
Subject: Re: Question for those with the CB system


Posts: 76
Thanks Jama,
I guess I will have to come up with another communication system since I prefer to roll without the tour case.
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