Bluing Heat Shield
Posted 2008-01-18 8:08 AM (#4391)
Subject: Bluing Heat Shield


Posts: 1484
Noticed last night my back cylinder header pipe heat shield was blued right up by the head. In taking a close look at it, saw the heat shield was touching the header pipe where it comes out of the head. I pryed it up a little to get it off the pipe. You may want to check yours.
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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2008-01-18 2:45 PM (#4402 - in reply to #4391)
Subject: Re: Bluing Heat Shield

Fountain Inn, SC United States
Also worth noting is to use BlueJob to remove the blueing. It comes in a powder that you add water to and create a paste. Work that into the cool pipe with a cloth. Takes some elbow grease but keep at it and it will come out.

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Posted 2008-01-18 8:33 PM (#4411 - in reply to #4391)
Subject: Re: Bluing Heat Shield

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
Thankx for the heads up, and BlueJob is a quality product.
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