Ride Reviews anyone?
Jedi Jeff
Posted 2008-01-12 7:53 AM (#4088)
Subject: Ride Reviews anyone?

Fountain Inn, SC United States
It's great to see that y'all are putting some miles on your Visions. I hope that some of you take some nice tours and report back. Since this is the quintessential touring bike, we need to share knowledge on the best roads to travel. Let's here from you. Post photos if you have them too!

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Posted 2008-01-12 12:30 PM (#4094 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: RE: Ride Reviews anyone?


Posts: 3204

Arkansas is the best kept secret in the country. The southeastern part is flat but rest of it is really fantastic.  Take a look at an atlas and you'll see what I mean.  Get off the interstate and there are no straight roads anywhere and they are all well maintained.  Full of rolling hills and trout streams.  (Trout only live in beautiful locations.)  Throw in mild weather and it is a dream.  Spend a few days there and you will wonder why you didn't go sooner.


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Posted 2008-01-12 4:17 PM (#4104 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
The first week in Feb I'm going from Phx to Laughlin, and from there to San Francisco to see my daughter. Plans are to come back down the PC1. Any of you Cal guys have any thoughts to pass on? Will the weather be OK? Whats the best shot without interstates from 29Palmsbuknakd to SF?
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Posted 2008-01-12 5:31 PM (#4105 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Do you want quick to SF or scenic? If your pressed for time take I 40 to Barstow and pick up the 58 to Bakersfield. Nice mountain and desert roads. May be very windy through Mohave this time of year. If you want scenic, your better off going a little south to pick up PC 1.
I 10 to the 210 to 118 will take you to the 101 and PC 1 without having to go through downtown LA. Watch the 210 in Pasadena, gets a little tricky. If you dont mind LA you can take the I 10 all the way to Santa Monica and pick up PC1 there. PC 1 is not all side road, you have to get on the 101 in places. If you have time, take the 158 up to Cold Springs Tavern and then up through Solvang, nice little german town. If you have a lot of time there's a lot of nice places to get lost in out this way.
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Posted 2008-01-12 8:07 PM (#4107 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
Desertjim, follow cjnoho, he's got a good route. Will post soon. Went up to "pioneer town" to a pub called Pappy and Harriets, from there thru Joshua Tree, then to 29 Palms. After a few pics, went to Palm Springs. Dang hot dow there. (Sorry Pollochickadee) I think it was around 78. They were having the Film festival. Ended up eating at a place called BABES. It's a micro brewery/eatery. Great food, and 21+ beverages. Back up to Yucca Valley. I guess it was around 150 miles. Had a good time with the teey bopper. She's a blast, and loves to see people ogle the new ride. Had a car load take pictures of us while on the 62S.. Interesting.
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Posted 2008-01-12 8:36 PM (#4108 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Sorry. 154 to Solvang.
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Posted 2008-01-12 8:50 PM (#4110 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
Cj...maybe 200?? LOL, I posted pictures in the gallery of my ride, prove you went on yours! Wheres your pics! Solvang is awesome. Last time was in 1989 to spend the night. It was about 78 in Palm Springs and 72 up here in the Upper Desert! I'm sunburnt on my grill!
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Posted 2008-01-12 9:16 PM (#4115 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Told ya, got the only asian woman that doesnt know how to operate a camera. She wont tell me where she hid it.
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Posted 2008-01-12 9:24 PM (#4121 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
dang dude..you got jipped! Out of all the Asian woman in the world...you picked her? It's all good. Next week we'll get together and I'll bring the camera! I'll give her a quick class on how to push a button! sheesh.
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Posted 2008-01-12 9:27 PM (#4122 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?


Posts: 1324
So Cal
She used to laugh at that stuff before we were married. She still laughs but it has an evil tone to it.
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Posted 2008-01-12 9:39 PM (#4124 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Nice pics. One of those at the mural should be on the front page.
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Posted 2008-01-12 9:49 PM (#4126 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Definately going out tomorow. Not sure if it will be north or south, definatly coastal though. Today was beautiful. used to be, get up get on the bike and go. Now, get up, tell the old lady we're going for a ride, wait 2 hrs. for her to primp, 1/2 hr. to pack two weeks of clothes then go. We'll get up at 9 leave by 1:00.
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Posted 2008-01-12 9:55 PM (#4127 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?


Posts: 1324
So Cal
They were building a casino near Solvang the last time we were up there. Didnt look like much but it was just starting. Seems like everybodys getting back at us for kickin their ass. Getting tough to be a white male in this country. We screwed it up long enough, lets give someone else a chance. Cant do any worse?
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Posted 2008-01-12 10:29 PM (#4128 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?


Posts: 550
Tacoma, WA
I am thinking of going on a ride with my Girl this weekend, maybe to up near Rainier, or towards the coast. We are finally supposed to get some fairly reasonable weather! I am having withdrawls here. My right wrist keeps twitching on me! I need to ride bad. I have Reserves tomorrow, and will ride to and from that in uniform, of course! Today was all out rain, all day. A couple of days ago they had a tornado in Vancouver, and before that mucho black ice...C'Mon spring!!!!-----Metalguy
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Posted 2008-01-12 11:00 PM (#4132 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
Thx CJ, I'm inland up to SF and then down on PC 1. I'm with you to Bakersfield on the 58, from there it looks like the 99 could be a good option north?? to Modesto, and then west to SF. I'm in no hurry either way planning on about 10 days with a couple in SF. I'm open for any suggestions overnight stops, etc.
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Posted 2008-01-12 11:07 PM (#4133 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
OK CJ and Bucky - Solvang is on my radar for sure, on the way back down, keep givin me suggestions, I'm hungry for adventure - Was in the 70's her today also, about 250 sweet miles more on the Vi- Sorry Tennchikinsnowdin, have another cup of coffee with Baileys, you will feel better.
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Posted 2008-01-12 11:08 PM (#4134 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
CJ- Where's home base for you?
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Posted 2008-01-12 11:56 PM (#4136 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Im in walking distance from Burbank airport. 99 is the nicer route, if your in a hurry I 5. 99 gets foggy in the am right before Fresno. Bakersfield is your best bet for lodging. Tehachapi has some beautiful scenery. Mohave is a little barren, they do have the aircraft graveyard, never had time to stop. Watch out for the wind though. Fresno has some nice places also, not much in the way of 4 star, but most are neat & clean. Sounds like you have a good plan. Quick way up, scenic route back. South on 101 is is a nice ride, closer you get to LA the worse it gets. Camirillo has an outlet center, week days, non rush hour are no problem, weekends can get congested. When you get to Calabases on the 101 take one of the canyon roads to PCH. 101 starts heading inland after that. I take Kaenan road to PCH and it takes me donw through malibu and onto Sata Monica. You can pickup I 10 from there.
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Posted 2008-01-13 12:03 AM (#4137 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?


Posts: 1324
So Cal
If your going to be in the area on the weekend let me know. My bark is worse than my bite. Growing up around hardcore bikers, pushing buttons is what the did best, guess it rubbed off on me. Im pretty mellow, still like to push buttons though. Dont worry, I know when not to.
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Posted 2008-01-13 12:20 AM (#4140 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Metalguy, I dont know how you do it. Just the thought of riding NORTH makes it sound colder than it is. Ive been to Idaho in the summer with no problem but it still sounds cold riding NORTH.
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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2008-01-13 8:26 AM (#4142 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?

Fountain Inn, SC United States
CJ, Buck - sounds like a nice route.

DesertJim - if you take that ride, take pictures and do a write-up. I'm sure many others would like to "ride along".

Same goes for anyone that know a great ride. Give me photos and a write-up and we'll post it in the Ride Review section for all.

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Posted 2008-01-13 10:51 AM (#4144 - in reply to #4142)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
JAM - 2008-01-13 6:26 AM

CJ, Buck - sounds like a nice route.

DesertJim - if you take that ride, take pictures and do a write-up. I'm sure many others would like to "ride along".

Same goes for anyone that know a great ride. Give me photos and a write-up and we'll post it in the Ride Review section for all.

Since the better half will be 2 up on the way back, she will be a full time photographer, tour guide and pain in the arse. She actual loves the tour deal and now is really fired up with the new ride. I'm sure we will have a full report.
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Posted 2008-01-13 11:45 AM (#4145 - in reply to #4137)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
cjnoho - 2008-01-12 10:03 PM

If your going to be in the area on the weekend let me know. My bark is worse than my bite. Growing up around hardcore bikers, pushing buttons is what the did best, guess it rubbed off on me. Im pretty mellow, still like to push buttons though. Dont worry, I know when not to.

CJ- Definitely will try to hookup , pushin buttons is fun here. Stir the pot. I am harmless though. Grew up in a real back alley pool hall, but hopefully have moved forward. Actually learned more about life in the pool hall than in College. I will ask more questions about the trip down the coast as I get my s--- together. 70's here again today - Ride Baby Ride!

Bucky, BTW who is APPALATION STATE ANYWAY?? 41 one point dog, go Mountaineers!
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Posted 2008-01-13 12:17 PM (#4146 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
DesertJim, Cj is all over the route, good one. He's right about the Mojave. Barren is a good word for it. Great place to ride out of to get to somewhere though. Hey CJ, the Indians (casino, not slurppies) are going to build a casino in 29 Palms. It ought to be great! Resort/Spa Casino. If I could afford to build something like that out there I'd do it.
I'm stuck doing "Honey DO's today",, not because I have to, because I want to. LOL. Still putting Christmas stuff in the rafters!
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Posted 2008-01-13 10:12 PM (#4171 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Added some bugs to the windshield today. 250 mi. trip along the coast. 78 degrees all the way. Downtown Santa Barbara didnt impress me. Did find a nice place for lunch though. Finding parking was a pain. Guess everyone had the same idea. Beginning to like southern routes better. If I could only find an easy way past dowtown LA.
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Posted 2008-01-14 7:20 PM (#4204 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
Went to IKEA today (just off the 405) in the mini love van. It was 80 degrees. I had to take my jacket off! Since Mrs Buckeye took a short ride with me the other day, she is now planning trips to take pictures everywhere....YES! Destinations abound in SOCAL!
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Posted 2008-01-14 7:21 PM (#4205 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
by the way, I still rode into work on the vision...34 miles one way!
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Travelin Man
Posted 2008-01-14 7:31 PM (#4208 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?

Iron Butt

Posts: 721
I'm envying all you guys out there in the southwest right now as we are once again having a day of light snow........ but on the other hand, I rather enjoy our 80 to 90 degree days in the middle of summer as opposed to the triple digit temperatures that you guys and gals get down there...........hmm, looks like I need to get a winter getaway out that a ways.
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Posted 2008-01-14 7:33 PM (#4209 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
Isn't it great to have a wife that wants, keyword WANTS, to take trips. I think the Vision should be in every marriage councelors agenda of ways to bond a marriage. But of course, no back seat driving, no whining, OK for beer stops etc.
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Posted 2008-01-14 8:15 PM (#4216 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
I couldn't agree with you more! I used to have to beg her to go on short trips on the "HD". I still have fun without her, but would have a much better time with her. Nothing like being in a Biker "Widow" to strain the marriage. She still "churns my butter" and with her latest requests to ride, has changed my mind on the refund policy. It's so hard to turn them in after 21 years.
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Posted 2008-01-14 9:30 PM (#4228 - in reply to #4216)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
BUCKEYE - 2008-01-14 6:15 PM

I couldn't agree with you more! I used to have to beg her to go on short trips on the "HD". I still have fun without her, but would have a much better time with her. Nothing like being in a Biker "Widow" to strain the marriage. She still "churns my butter" and with her latest requests to ride, has changed my mind on the refund policy. It's so hard to turn them in after 21 years.

Yea, I agree, but, the original marriage license should be written with 3 to 5 year renewal options. This would have saved me 2 marriages and mucho dinero. Which reminds me of my favorite stir the pot story of a good friend. He divorced a girl after three weeks of gettin married. His lawyer billed him for the prenup and the divorce on the same invoice. I have a copy and send it to him for Christmas every year.
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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2008-01-14 9:34 PM (#4230 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?

Fountain Inn, SC United States
Guys, back on topic, please. If anyone has a favorite ride/road, let's hear about it in separate threads. Be as detailed as you can.

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Posted 2008-01-14 10:45 PM (#4238 - in reply to #4230)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Well, one of my regulary traveled roads in Route 522 in Virginia between I-64 to Front Royal. I travel this road when I go and visit the folk west of Winchester and is ideal to miss the I-95 traffic. It twist through beautiful Virginia hills and farmland. Culpeper is a good stop for gas. There are two towns along the way that are strict 25mph zones, but very short to pass through, the rest is mostly double nickels. I'll occassionally take RT 55 west out of Front Royal since it is the route I'll finish up on, however, I-66 to I-81 are good interstates to travel over to RT-55.

I found this site for those who would like to see other roads. http://www.motorcycleroads.us/index.html
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Posted 2008-01-14 10:47 PM (#4239 - in reply to #4088)
Subject: Re: Ride Reviews anyone?

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
oops. Jam we do tend to go off track on occasion. What was the topic? oh, rides?
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