Luggage Rack Installation - Observations
Posted 2008-01-12 2:39 AM (#4086)
Subject: Luggage Rack Installation - Observations

Iron Butt

Posts: 810

FWIW, I installed the Vision's trunk luggage rack today and noticed that the marked pilot holes do not line up exactly with the rack I received. The instructions tell you to drill from the buttom (at the marked locations), but if I were doing it again, I would do a dry run with the rack on top and drill from the top down to get a perfect fit.

I also bought the Kuryakyn standoffs for the GL1800's rack. The OD of the Visions rack and the ID of the GL1800 standoffs are both 1/2" so they fit. The bolt hole in the GL1800's standoffs are smaller than the Vision's rack holes so I had to mill out the Kuryakyn standoffs to allow for the thicker bolts. Since these standoffs raise the rack by 5/8", I also needed to get 4 longer bolts to accommodate the extra 5/8". The Vision's rack bolts already come with some blue lock-tight on them so I added some blue lock-tight to the new bolts (the removable lock-tight).

The 5/8" standoffs give you a little more room to get under the rack for cleaning and they also have a wider footprint which spreads some of the weight across more real-estate on the trunk lid. All, in all, it worked pretty good, but milling out the standoffs can be a pain if you don't have the equipment.


ONE OTHER NOTE: Install the wrack BEFORE you install the Vision Trunk mirror. The Vision's Trunk mirror is held on by double sided tape and there are 4 bolts under the mirror. You need to remove these 4 bolts to install the rack. If you already have the mirror installed, you might break the mirror trying to unstick it from the double sided tape to gain access to the 4 bolts.




Edited by TimS 2008-01-12 2:49 AM
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Posted 2008-01-12 6:18 AM (#4087 - in reply to #4086)
Subject: Re: Luggage Rack Installation - Observations

Iron Butt

Posts: 849
, FL United States
Too much for me to do,so I'm going to have my wrench @ dealer do it when my Vis is in for 2500 mile service.Will also have alarm system installed then as well.Will post later re:alarm system.
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Posted 2008-01-13 1:53 PM (#4149 - in reply to #4086)
Subject: Re: Luggage Rack Installation - Observations


Posts: 266
Stockton, Ca.
I installed my rack and the pin holes are not exact but if you drill the holes slithely larger but not too large so that the rubber washers still cover, it goes on perfectly. The whole install took about an hour and I am not a mechanic by any sense. It looks daunting at first but following the instructions step by step made it easy. Lining up the mounting holes was tricky until I opened the holes allowing me to adjust the angle of the mounting screws making all the difference.
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