Security system
Posted 2008-01-06 10:06 PM (#3871)
Subject: Security system


Posts: 76
Hi All,
I was in the Arlen Ness store today and noticed that they had a very nice security system installed on all the Victory bikes. I did some research and found the company that supplies the units for Arlen Ness so I ordered the kit for the Vision and should have it by the end of the week. After I install the kit next weekend I will post my findings if any one is interested. You can learn more about the system here --->

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Posted 2008-01-06 11:54 PM (#3873 - in reply to #3871)
Subject: RE: Security system

Iron Butt

Posts: 810

This looks like a great system. Are you going to try to make you Vision "keyless"?

I put the new Lojack system on mine that calls your cell phone, home phone and emails you if your bike has been moved without the keyfob present. Keyless operation like the HD's would be a nice touch as well.

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Posted 2008-01-07 9:43 AM (#3876 - in reply to #3873)
Subject: RE: Security system


Posts: 76
This unit will allow you to have a keyless system... well almost, you would still need the key to unlock the fuel door but other than that it would be keyless. I have the lo-jack system as well and thought this would be a great addition. I am all for convienance.
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Posted 2008-01-07 11:42 AM (#3878 - in reply to #3876)
Subject: RE: Security system

Iron Butt

Posts: 810


I read their website, but they did not list one for the 2008 Vision.  Do they have one specifically for the Vision (not listed on the website) or are you using one for one of the other Victory bikes?



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Posted 2008-01-07 12:29 PM (#3880 - in reply to #3871)
Subject: RE: Security system


Posts: 76
They have one for the Victory, the website has not been updated with the Victory listing yet.
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Posted 2008-01-09 3:41 PM (#3959 - in reply to #3871)
Subject: Re: Security system

Nalcrest, FL United States
American Rider wrote a product review in the December issue. It seems to be a simple inexpensive security system.
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Posted 2008-01-10 5:57 PM (#4015 - in reply to #3871)
Subject: Re: Security system

Iron Butt

Posts: 849
, FL United States
I got a Scorpio SR-1500S alarm w/ motion sensor from my dealer. Will have it installed @ the 2500 service & report back on my observations of it. It cost me $399 + tax & was recommended by my parts guru,Jeff
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