J.R. Ewing and Major Nelson like the Vision !!!
Posted 2008-01-03 11:41 PM (#3751)
Subject: J.R. Ewing and Major Nelson like the Vision !!!

Iron Butt

Posts: 810

I picked up my Vision from its 2,500 mile service this evening and then stopped at the corner filling station to top off. It was twilight and a gentleman approached me and started asking questions about the bike. I was trying not to spill the gas and when I looked up it was Larry Hagman (from Dallas and I Dream Of Jeanine, etc. fame).

He asked all sorts of questions about it and wanted to hear it running. I asked if he rode and he said mostly HDs. I told him it was the "Other American Made Bike" and is supposed to have more American made parts in it than HD. I showed him the various features and started it up for him. He said he really liked it and I pointed him down the street to the Victory dealer.

Funny thing, it is a small world. I probably would have never met him if I was filling up another bike.


Edited by TimS 2008-01-03 11:41 PM
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Posted 2008-01-03 11:57 PM (#3754 - in reply to #3751)
Subject: Re: J.R. Ewing and Major Nelson like the Vision !!!


Posts: 266
Stockton, Ca.
I used to do his radio work many years ago on La Brea and Melrose ave in L.A. At that time he drove a big converted van with a huge plexiglass dome on the roof. It looked like something converted from Lost in Space. Who knows maybe it was. Inside it was completely cowboy with bull horns mounted on the side, lots of leather and suede and interior decor fresh from Dallas. He seemed to be attracted to unusual and futurisitic things then so the Vision should be right up his alley. I'll bet that was a cool experience...
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Posted 2008-01-04 12:20 AM (#3757 - in reply to #3754)
Subject: Re: J.R. Ewing and Major Nelson like the Vision !!!

Iron Butt

Posts: 810

Mr. Hagman was very polite and seemed earnestly interested in the Vision. I think Mr. Hagman rides with the Uglies motorcycle club.

We run into a few notorieties out here. I took my better half out to dinner for her birthday and Tom Selleck yelled out from the corner table, "Hey, its Tim & Debra" !!! =). Actually, I had to keep Debra from wanting his autograph. A couple of weeks ago, we met Don Stark from "That 70's Show" at dinner. He was also very nice.

I met Mickey Jones on the Kids-2-Kids toy run this year. He was the Grand Marshall for the ride and was riding an Indian. He also seemed really cool.


Edited by TimS 2008-01-04 12:21 AM
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Posted 2008-01-04 12:37 AM (#3760 - in reply to #3751)
Subject: Re: J.R. Ewing and Major Nelson like the Vision !!!

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
Cool story! You know whats funny, old women. They don't know what they are looking at, but know what looks good. Everytime I'm out, some old 70-80 something tells how beautiful the bike is. Thats a hoot. The people racing to get up next to me to see what I'm on is becoming a little scary. The thumbs up is nice, but their lack of attention to the road causes me to throttle away everytime. (its fun, and probably makes the bike look cooler). I'm out in the upper desert so i don't get those "high profile" oppurtunities. Anyone know what Jay Leno thinks of the Vision? I know he's into fine machines.
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Posted 2008-01-04 10:52 PM (#3828 - in reply to #3751)
Subject: Re: J.R. Ewing and Major Nelson like the Vision !!!


Posts: 1324
So Cal
His writers are on strike, he"ll get back to you when its over. I know a few uglies from whe I rode with an outlaw club. Great people. If you go to the car shows and the Rock Store in Malibu, you will eventually run into Jay Leno. I live near Burbank airport, and I see Jay driving his vehicles all the time. I have met him at many car shows and he has always been by himself or with one or two friends, no need for a posse, he"s a staight up normal person. Definately a man that hit the jackpot and is not afaid to have fun with his money.
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