Another brush with ....
Posted 2009-07-09 7:08 AM (#38319)
Subject: Another brush with ....


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I guess it seems I'm one of the few folks that point these things out and I apologize if it bothers folks. But the passion to ride sometimes ends tragically across all spectrums of riders, none is immune. Accidents befall folks in all aspects of life as our argument is that when folks are aghast to our desire to do such a dangerous thing will respond with " I could get run over by a bus stepping into the street" or "skylab could fall on me". Okay, I'm dating myself a little with that last one for those who were born in the late 70's to early 80's.

But to my point; we rant how bad drivers are and we read of accidents of young ladies putting on their makeup and killing folk. And there are plenty others that I could point out, but I am finding the most dangerous folks to me is the average folk going about their daily routine. A few months ago a little old lady ran a red light and almost clipped, T-boned or connected when I had the green light. I've had other incidents when folks have came into my lane and just was not paying attention and did not check to see if the way was clear. Folks on cell phones or doing other things give themselves away making them easy to detect and stay away from. But it is the average driver that is doing the right things except that momentary lapse of attentiveness that really has me bothered.

Take this morning, I saw my life flash before my eyes again when I'm on the inside lane, and had been there for sometime moving forward past the middle lane traffic. It wasn't like I was sneaking up, or putting along, I was moving. While I'm next to a Ford Explorer passing he suddenly moves into my lane like I'm not even there. Fortunately there is ample shoulder and I lay on the horn and move into the shoulder lane hoping he'll bounce back but he keeps coming and I slow and get behind him laying on the horn and hitting my brights on him. I will not describe anything further from this point, but when I get up beside him to give him a dirty look, he's average joe American on his way to work. I see no cell phone or anything else. He does mouth "sorry", but I'm thinking, "yeah, but what would you have said to my wife if they had scrapped me off the highway?"

I'm finding it is these people that I have the closet call with, not the jerk talking on a cell phone or zipping through traffic, as I see them and stay away.

I don't know, maybe it is just me and the way I ride, but none the less a reminder never, ever let your guard down and keep the shiny side up.

Ride safe!

Peace out!
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Posted 2009-07-09 7:20 AM (#38322 - in reply to #38319)
Subject: RE: Another brush with ....

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 26
I would have to agree with this statement. I have told my friends that I don't fear the cell phone user (as much) because I can see them in their car with their cell phone. It's the person wondering what they forgot, when do the kids need to be picked up, etc. that can be the most dangerous. You are expecting these drivers to continue on their course and I think that thinking is what can get riders into trouble. I work from home now but when I drove in the morning commute I tried to leave early and stay out of the way. I seen less careless/aggressive driving on the way home but still tried to remain cautious.
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Posted 2009-07-09 7:58 AM (#38323 - in reply to #38319)
Subject: Re: Another brush with ....

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 21
Omaha, NE
We had numerous experiences in Arkansas. So much so that I just parked the bike and have no desire to get back on for some time. I even told my girlfriend last night that I am considering selling it. It's just that having the grille of an SUV about 3 feet away as you brush in front of it after they made a left turn without looking kinda puts a whole new perspective on things. And also having someone move into your lane while passing even when you have signaled your intentions puts on a new spin. Then having someone pass you on a four lane and move over too quickly and just miss your front end brings new meaning to life.

I have been riding for almost 30 years and these close calls have kinda tarnished the luster of the bike.
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Blue Demon
Posted 2009-07-09 9:10 AM (#38326 - in reply to #38319)
Subject: Re: Another brush with ....


Posts: 99
Kansas City, Ks
I had a little old blue hair come into my lane the other day. I got next to hear and yelled at her so badly
that I don't think she is still driving to this day.
But, I refuse to let any of that kind of stuff get the best of me. I REFUSE to live in fear of dying!!! Everyone
WILL die and the chances are that you will NOT get to pick when it happens. I enjoy living, riding, driving, a
good steak, a beautiful woman and being an American. Why would anyone let outside blah-blah get in the
way of enjoying the things that make life enjoyable?
I have had my brushes with bad s**t plenty of times..
I know that I would not want to ride with someone is in constant fear of having something bad happen.
This cannot be a good thing when someone becomes so overcome with everything happening to the
left and right that they forget what is happening in front of them.
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Posted 2009-07-09 9:26 AM (#38330 - in reply to #38326)
Subject: Re: Another brush with ....


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Blue Demon, that is why I continue to ride as I refuse to cower in the corners of life over something that we have no certainty of. I've not led a dangerous life as I refuse to bungie jump or skydive. I was an active U. S. Army paratrooper for over 10 years, earning my Senior Parachutist Wings.

When a fear comes upon a person though, it is time to hang up that which brings you fear as you become a danger to yourself. After my brush this morning I actually pulled to the side of the road for a few moments as my body had tightened up so bad that it had control and I didn't. Once that subsided in a few short moments and was back on the road. I even caught up with the perp and road around him one last time to remind him to pay attention.

While on jump status in the Army I had a spell of the pukes. Everytime I was on board I wanted to throw up and would. A wise jumpmaster advised me that it was all in my head and it would get the best of me if I let it. The next time I got that feeling on the plane, I refused to let it dictate me and focused on other things. Sure enough, I quit having those nauseating episodes that was beginning to consume me and take me from what I loved to do, jump.

It either takes a discipline or insantity to ride, I haven't figure out which. While on my Iron Butt ride, determination and the thrill made me take chances I would never normally take, and in retrospect, too foolish to even mention, ever. However, in those instances I felt to be somewhat invincible, a danger to itself. The stunts I pulled on that ride I vowed to never do them again. Truly it was an example that God watches out for fools and bikers. at least for me that day.
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Posted 2009-07-09 9:38 AM (#38332 - in reply to #38319)
Subject: Re: Another brush with ....


Posts: 354
20 miles west of Chicago.
There is a phenomenon called "cognitive disassociation" which is sometimes illustrated by a video in psychology classes. The video shows several people in a room who are tossing and catching a black ball and a white ball among themselves. The students are told to watch the video closely and try to see how many times each ball is thrown and caught. After the video, each student is asked how many times each ball is thrown and caught by which persons. Many get the answers correct. They are then asked how many gorillas were in the room. Invariably they answer "none'. They are then shown the video again, slowed down. Very plainly visible during the ball tossing, a person in a gorilla suit enters the room and walks across all the way from one side to the other. Some of the students usually accuse the instructor of showing two different videos but this is not the case. The students, focusing on the ball tossing and remembering its details, simply do not register the gorilla. When you are riding a motorcycle in traffic, you are the gorilla.

Edited by Mudge 2009-07-09 9:39 AM
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Posted 2009-07-09 9:38 AM (#38333 - in reply to #38319)
Subject: Re: Another brush with ....


Posts: 354
20 miles west of Chicago.

Edited by Mudge 2009-07-09 9:40 AM
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Blue Demon
Posted 2009-07-09 9:52 AM (#38337 - in reply to #38319)
Subject: Re: Another brush with ....


Posts: 99
Kansas City, Ks
Oh, I completely agree. When I ride, I consider myself to be invisible to all!!
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Posted 2009-07-09 11:09 AM (#38342 - in reply to #38319)
Subject: Re: Another brush with ....


Posts: 548
Mount Vernon, WA United States
LOL Mudge.. I have seen a video like that... I don't remember them tossing balls... it was a street scene and we were supposed to count cars... a guy in a gorilla suit walked through the intersection and only two out of 15 of us noticed.... and to make matters worse.. we were the only two that didn't get the car count right... so I'm not sure what that sais... We're more alert but easily distracted by big fuzzy things?? Anyway...

Good point about the "average joe." I'm planning on riding to the AVR and in the past three years I have been so spoiled out here with great roads and so much bike awareness. It seems most people I meet either ride, has ridden, or has been thinking about riding. I don't think you can find a garage without at least a dirt bike in it. Sure there are lots of people who don't ride, but they are somehow related to enough people that do.... so there is an awareness.

And I fully believe, after living in many states, and several countries... simple "AWARENESS" saves more lives than ANY other effort.

The two places that seem to have the biggest problems with cages are places like Florida in the summer when there are a LOT of non-local drivers (not familiar with the roads), driving at high speeds, in cars with the windows rolled up and the AC on and the other are the states up north with only summer riders.... springtime is the worst because bikes haven't been on the road in months, then they are coming out of the woodwork.

Out here is year round, there are always bikes, everywhere. WHile I don't take it for granted ever... I don't feel invisible either.
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Posted 2009-07-09 11:19 AM (#38343 - in reply to #38342)
Subject: Re: Another brush with ....


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
riding invisible is the only way to go as this morning I think that was what saved me. I didn't loose control of anything, and the tightening up was from being fire mad. I was mad because when I caught him coming over at first I hit the horn, but it didn't seem to phase him, so I hit horn again and again and was backing down so I could get on the road, and it still didn't phase him. Once I was behind him I did the stupid thing and just stayed on the horn and hit my brights for about a mile. That's when I saw a hand gesture to say "sorry". When I got up beside him and I looked over, he mouthed "sorry" like, okay, now what? but in a sincere, "I made a mistake" sort of way.

I took him to be a decent guy by looks, but it just welled up and hit me that not only he wasn't paying attention, he wasn't going to pay attention unless he had his radio loud and couldn't hear the Vision whiny horn.

Maybe it is time to go AIRBLASTER!
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Posted 2009-07-09 11:21 AM (#38344 - in reply to #38319)
Subject: Re: Another brush with ....


Posts: 363
Goldsboro, NC
Mudge, you are a poser and a liar.

I'm 6'4" and weigh 315lbs. The only places I don't have hair are 1) my knuckles (from dragging them) 2) my shins (the wind makes my jeans chafe the hair off) and 3) my head, because I would be too beautiful if I was not well along the male pattern baldness path.

Who's the gorilla here? I am.

I even like bananas.
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Posted 2009-07-09 12:19 PM (#38348 - in reply to #38319)
Subject: Re: Another brush with ....


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
Chris, I'm sorry - after reading all this - you are the one at fault. Which is probably what made you so angry. You NEVER ride along beside someone in traffic. NEVER. Either get in front, get in the rear (with enough room if the idiot moves over) or get parked.
MAKE yourself seen, and able to BE SEEN. Don't mess with cruise control (one speed) - speed up, slow down - always keeping in front or behind. And watch the guys head and body language. Watch him in HIS mirrors. AND the guy in front of him and the bunch behind you. Read the traffic ahead (and behind) and be alert for situations that might make him WANT to change lanes.
I avoid driving on those kind of roads (freeways) if I can because driving like I suggest is tiring and nerve wracking - but better that than dead. Sorry - I don't mean to lecture, but if some of this sinks in and helps you and others, then it's worth it.
And DON'T GET ANGRY - that just leads to some other danger.....
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Posted 2009-07-09 12:29 PM (#38350 - in reply to #38319)
Subject: Re: Another brush with ....


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX

Great Thread! I am glad everything turned out well. It is threads like this that help remind me to stay focused when riding.

I am thinking about a louder horn as well. One loud enough to shake their soul.

Ride safe everyone.
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Posted 2009-07-09 12:48 PM (#38353 - in reply to #38319)
Subject: Re: Another brush with ....


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX

He wasn't beside him. He was passing the guy. We all do that.

This morning I had a punk in a truck change lanes in front of me with less then a car length between my front tire and his bumper. No look. About 300 yards down the road he cuts back to the original lane using the same action.

This happened to me in about the same spot that a rider died in about four weeks ago. Facts about that wreck are: Weather clear and dry, Lunch time, V-Twin motorcycle, no helmet, 20 mph or more over the speed limit of 45 mph, he crested a small bridge that would have obscured him to oncoming traffic, impact happened 400 feet after the bridge, car turned left in front of him.

Have a good one and please ride safe.
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Posted 2009-07-09 12:51 PM (#38355 - in reply to #38319)
Subject: Re: Another brush with ....


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
Chris, I'm sorry. I have been thinking about my tirade and what made me 'pipe up'. It is because one of my best friends has been 'down' three (3) times on the same bridge here in Vancouver. Traffic is 3 lanes each way, with feeders at both ends, crossing from Vancouver to the North Shore. And the bridge has curves at both ends. What happens of course is every driver is searching for his entry/exit lane and lane changes are fierce and often.
So my buddy, drives every day on his Wing, la de dah de lah - and some asshole like yours causes him to brake/swerve/veer/crash/slide - THREE times.
And every one of them avoidable by just paying goddamned attention. NO HORN - just proper riding.
I cross that bridge at least twice a day - and my asshole gets sore from tightening my sphincter - but that's better than my buddy's alternative......
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Posted 2009-07-09 12:56 PM (#38356 - in reply to #38319)
Subject: Re: Another brush with ....


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX

I was in your area last week. My ship docked in Victoria. All I can say is "Wow you guys keep all of the pretty parts of Canada in one island." Nice people and sites.

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Posted 2009-07-09 1:01 PM (#38357 - in reply to #38319)
Subject: Re: Another brush with ....


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
Correction. As I read it, Chris was ABOUT to pass him - not passing. Why did the guy suddenly move over? Just dreaming? Or was there something ahead that made him feel he needed to move over? And could Chris have forseen this action and been prepared for it?
I'm not assigning blame - to either side. Just suggesting some tips that help me....
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Posted 2009-07-09 1:16 PM (#38360 - in reply to #38357)
Subject: Re: Another brush with ....


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
No, I was passing, I was at the passenger door, maybe the front wheel as I saw the for sale sign in the passenger window coming at me, well the whole ford explorer actually. I tap my horn at first as I was riding the inside line already. he keep a coming so I moved to the shoulder, and it is a wide shoulder and clean, thankfully and hit my horn again. He still keep a coming so I back off quickly and got in behind him....

I was a fault for not blowing my horn louder before I passed and put in a stream of lights in front of me saying I'm coming. I really don't know what else to do. I DO NOT RIDE IN PEOPLES BLIND SPOTS EVER UNLESS I'M JUST PASSING THROUGH THEM. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt that they will be attentive to their driving more if they know a motorcycle is in the area.

Morning traffic here is a bear. If you ride the slow lane and stay away from folks, you contend with people riding your hind end trying to use the slow lane as a passing lane. If you are in the middle you get it from both sides. If you ride the fast lane, you have to go fast and deal with idiots that will jump from the middle lane to the passing lane without warning and with no room to accomidate them.

On I-95 there is the Richmond, DC Traffic mad rush, and then there is the drug runners coming from Florida to New York, and everyone else in between.
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Posted 2009-07-09 1:42 PM (#38362 - in reply to #38319)
Subject: Re: Another brush with ....


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
Getting my cams done in a couple of weeks - this will help my philosophy of 'pass the bastards before they know I'm there'.

Using the horn is about as effective here as using the index finger - with windows rolled up and radio's blasting no one could hear a Vision horn anyway - or even a semi-tractor air horn.

Glad you're still with us - got to shake your paw some day.

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Posted 2009-07-09 1:51 PM (#38364 - in reply to #38319)
Subject: Re: Another brush with ....


Posts: 548
Mount Vernon, WA United States
donetracey... you talkin 'bout Lions Gate bridge?? eeee-gads... My favorite NOT, part of Vancouver is still going around south Cambie on the back streets where there are intersections WITH NO STOP SIGNS AND NO LIGHTS!!!! It's the honor system I guess???
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Posted 2009-07-09 2:09 PM (#38365 - in reply to #38319)
Subject: Re: Another brush with ....


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
I'ts the 'get your ass thru safely before some asshole gets you' system. With the 'ethnic' drivers we have here, you learn to survive purely thru defensive driving. The Chinese don't use rear-view mirrors - something to do with beliefs in evil spirits, and the East-Indians only see God knows what. And no - I'm NOT kidding. And no - I'm NOT racist - my wife of 45 years was Chinese.
The bridge I referred to is the 2nd Narrows Bridge - at the other end of the harbour. Lions Gate is 3 lanes - with the center lane changing direction depending on traffic volume, or where the accident is.
Come and visit, everyone!!!! And they do. And that adds 'tourists' to the mix - year round. Toss in some rain, hills, curves, mountains, etc and 'driving do become a FUN thang'.... did I mention West Coast Dope Smokers????
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Posted 2009-07-09 2:57 PM (#38369 - in reply to #38319)
Subject: Re: Another brush with ....

Iron Butt

Posts: 1158
Richmond, Virginia
Im not hairy enough to be considered a gorilla but I want a horn that actually speaks. I want it to say
" PAY ATTENTION , YOU ARENT THE ONLY VEHICLE ON THE ROAD, AND WE DONT READ MINDS" and Santa, if it could say "asshole" at the end of the statment, that would make me really really happy.
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Posted 2009-07-09 2:58 PM (#38370 - in reply to #38319)
Subject: Re: Another brush with ....

Iron Butt

Posts: 1158
Richmond, Virginia
Im not hairy enough to be considered a gorilla but I want a horn that actually speaks. I want it to say
" PAY ATTENTION , YOU ARENT THE ONLY VEHICLE ON THE ROAD, AND WE DONT READ MINDS" and Santa, if it could say "asshole" at the end of the statment, that would make me really really happy.
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Posted 2009-07-09 4:46 PM (#38374 - in reply to #38369)
Subject: Re: Another brush with ....

Iron Butt

Posts: 935
Rockford, IL

VaParadox - 2009-07-09 1:57 PM Im not hairy enough to be considered a gorilla but I want a horn that actually speaks. I want it to say " PAY ATTENTION , YOU ARENT THE ONLY VEHICLE ON THE ROAD, AND WE DONT READ MINDS" and Santa, if it could say "asshole" at the end of the statment, that would make me really really happy.

I think this place has what you are looking for

Apparently they have a horn that plays MP3 clips. Make your own MP3 sound clip and load it into the horn and you should be set

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Posted 2009-07-09 8:14 PM (#38382 - in reply to #38319)
Subject: Re: Another brush with ....


Posts: 520
Simi Valley, CA
My son was out visiting and joined me on the long ride the past few weeks, he lives in Hawaii and they just passed the "no talking on the cell phone while driving law"; and he said to me when we entered California on the last leg of our ride,"I thought talking on the cell phone was illegal in Ca?" I said yes, he just shook his head, I have never seen anyone pulled over for cellphone use, and until they start doing that we are still sitting ducks on the roads.

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Posted 2009-07-10 9:33 AM (#38427 - in reply to #38326)
Subject: Re: Another brush with ....


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States

Blue Demon - 2009-07-09 8:10 AM

I had a little old blue hair come into my lane the other day. I got next to hear and yelled at her so badly
that I don't think she is still driving to this day.
But, I refuse to let any of that kind of stuff get the best of me. I REFUSE to live in fear of dying!!! Everyone
WILL die and the chances are that you will NOT get to pick when it happens. I enjoy living, riding, driving, a
good steak, a beautiful woman and being an American. Why would anyone let outside blah-blah get in the
way of enjoying the things that make life enjoyable?
I have had my brushes with bad s**t plenty of times..
I know that I would not want to ride with someone is in constant fear of having something bad happen.
This cannot be a good thing when someone becomes so overcome with everything happening to the
left and right that they forget what is happening in front of them.
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Posted 2009-07-10 9:36 PM (#38473 - in reply to #38319)
Subject: Re: Another brush with ....


Posts: 377
O'Neill, Nebraska
Be the gorilla baby!
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Posted 2009-07-11 12:55 AM (#38478 - in reply to #38319)
Subject: Re: Another brush with ....


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
Our friend Chris had one of these this week. I commented loudly and often (too often likely) because somehow a HORN had become some sort of useful tool for driving. Where I live - 99% of people don't have a clue where their horn is - let alone what to do when they hear one. And about half the drivers don't understand English - so YELLING is no good either.
Only thing left is - jimtom's advice :
"I refuse to let any of that kind of stuff get the best of me. I REFUSE to live in fear of dying!!! Everyone WILL die and the chances are that you will NOT get to pick when it happens. I enjoy living, riding, driving, a good steak, a beautiful woman and being an American (For this Canuck - just read 'ALIVE'. Why would anyone let outside blah-blah get in the way of enjoying the things that make life enjoyable? "

Chris - for all my ranting - I think I was trying to say what 'jimtom' is saying. JUST STAY ALIVE AND ENJOY - getting angry just let's the idiots win....
Drive as safe as you can, use your cloak of invisibility wisely, and your power and maneuverability to your advantage - and get on down the road....
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Posted 2009-07-11 4:53 AM (#38479 - in reply to #38478)
Subject: Re: Another brush with ....


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA

Thanks Don, and I agree. I stated getting angry, but that was probably a mix of emotions at the moment. That is some I really have not been a accustomed to on the Vision. The Wing, it happened several times as I always thought I would be going down in heavy traffic and would have to occassionally stop just to take a breather from the madness. I don't do that on the Vision, and when this guy did what he did, I guess I felt mad about it because I didn't "get my way." Not a good attitude on the bike, and we'll always have the idiots on the road, I have to make a choice if I want to contend with them.

I had my "angel" talk with just yesterday at wally-world. He was an older gentleman that use to ride some years ago, but he didn't like putting up with all the idiots. The last time he rode was in the '80's and he didn't understand why anyone would ride today as it is much worse now. He actually followed me around some telling me little stories and would knudge me, saying "you be careful out there, you hear?"

But Don, and anyone else, my passion, or desire to ride is not waned, and I made my post to remind you and me to be careful out there, as NOBODY SEE's US.

I love this forum almost as much as the Vision...ride on...

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Posted 2009-07-19 1:29 PM (#39031 - in reply to #38370)
Subject: Re: Another brush with ....


Posts: 174
Edmonton, AB
VaParadox - 2009-07-09 12:58 PM

Im not hairy enough to be considered a gorilla but I want a horn that actually speaks. I want it to say
" PAY ATTENTION , YOU ARENT THE ONLY VEHICLE ON THE ROAD, AND WE DONT READ MINDS" and Santa, if it could say "asshole" at the end of the statment, that would make me really really happy.

I added a Stebel Nautilus horn to the vision. Stock horn still works as well. It is much louder than the stock and fits nicely on the right side down tube. When I was giving a demo to another rider at the dealership, one of the salespeople came outside becasuse she thought it was a Semi in the parking lot. I haven't yet had to use it to "scare" someone back into their own lane but I feel safer knowing that if they are in a car with the windows up and music on there is a much greater chance that they will hear me now that I have added the Stebel.
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