Dec 31, what's in a Date?
ez chair
Posted 2008-01-03 5:40 PM (#3739)
Subject: Dec 31, what's in a Date?


Posts: 111
Not much, if you are waiting for Victory to finally ship the promised, three times before, Vision accessories. Thats right the new date is 2/1/08! Do you think they really have this as a goal or is it a date far enough out so people wont "bug" them, but not far enough out for people to really be upset? Wait a minute, I am upset! I have lost hope that its really a true delivery date. Come on Victory your better than that.
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Posted 2008-01-04 12:56 AM (#3764 - in reply to #3739)
Subject: Re: Dec 31, what's in a Date?

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
easy, ez. It might possiblably be your dealer. Just saying. The bikes are moving. I was sitting on my 5th promissed date. Since I was venting daily on this site, I finally got fed up and pleaded for help. I was on my Midnight cherry tour within 3 days. I had to go 180 miles away, but im on my bike, and have 1700 on it. I'm still not sure the bike I ordered in August has been delivered yet. My first promiss date to pick up was 14 Sept. I got my bike on December 8th. I had to use tact and a bit of force, but I got my deposit back from my original dealer. Just saying, you might be stuck in the same situation I was in. If your pissed, rant and rave on this site! Most of us have gone thru this, and we feel your pain. We understand, but don't get politacally correct on us either. It's a PG13 site....and the people who run it usually take whats written within context. Hang in there, and don't be afraid to ask for help. Be mad as h.e.double hockey sticks, and don't take it anymore!
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Posted 2008-01-04 7:37 AM (#3766 - in reply to #3739)
Subject: Re: Dec 31, what's in a Date?


Posts: 296
Central Florida
You guys are talking about 2 separate things.
EZ Chair, I am with you. I was promised Stage 1 Level 2 pipes since oct. they are now Feb 15th, among other things.
Vision MCs have sold well but not well enough that the aftermarket will take it seriously.
Buckeye, There are definitely MCs to be had out there even in Florida. I put my deposit down on May 15th and had delivery of my Steel Grey Tour premium on Sept 27 first one in Florida. My dealer has sold about 5 Visions and has 2 currently in stock but neither is premium.
one of the ones he sold was a comfort tour which the buyer bought all the chrome pieces seperately at a Exorbitant cost, but he had the money and the inclination. My Tour is currently a street and will likely stay that way for the forseeable future.
The weight and change of center of gravity wih the trunk is really tough for me especially 2 up. The passenger back rest and luggage rack
is on order for end of Jan delivery.
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ez chair
Posted 2008-01-04 8:59 AM (#3769 - in reply to #3739)
Subject: Re: Dec 31, what's in a Date?


Posts: 111
Buckeye, When the dealer has had their parts order backordered three times by Victory and their customers are going crazy. Do you really think its the dealer's fault. You sound like a factory rep trying to dodge a problem. If you don't think dealers are as frustrated as us, you have not been reading the e-mails. That's not to say, there may be a rebel dealer out their, but thats the exception.
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Posted 2008-01-04 11:32 AM (#3779 - in reply to #3769)
Subject: Re: Dec 31, what's in a Date?


Posts: 1484
I think Victory is having problems from the beginning with suppliers of accessories or parts. Before I got my bike I ordered the 65 amp charging system so they could put it in when the bike arrived. Before I got my bike I would check on the accessory order I had and they said the charging system was back ordered. Three weeks later, when I got the bike they told me that Victory discontinued offering that accessory. Did not have an explanation though.
By the way has anyone actually seen the level 2 mufflers? I'm told they are completely different from the stock and level 1 mufflers. I have the level 1 on right now, I like the sound, a little less than the Stage 1 I had on my Kingpin.
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Posted 2008-01-04 7:31 PM (#3793 - in reply to #3739)
Subject: Re: Dec 31, what's in a Date?


Posts: 296
Central Florida
From the Pix I have seen the S1L2 pipes are set up kinda like glass packs from the 60s Muscle Cars. they are slip ons and you can toss the crappy heat shields.
The pipes appear to be like hard Kromes pipes with a pipe within a pipe.
Hope that helps.
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Posted 2008-01-04 8:53 PM (#3795 - in reply to #3739)
Subject: Re: Dec 31, what's in a Date?


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Thats what Ive been hearing. The L2 pipes are one piece chrome, no heat shield needed. Also lighter due to no heat shield. Dealer has a display with recordings of all three pipes. No actual parts. L1 & L2 are pretty much the same as far as sound. L2 has slightly better flow than L1. Not sure if download is diffrent. dealer said late Dec. havent checked back yet. Decided to go with the stage 1 level 2 first. If Im still not happy, then Ill go with the Lloydz VFC. Fell into the moneypit on the e-glide, dont want to go there with the Vision. Very happy with the Vision the way it is, a little more athority from the exhaust would be nice.
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ez chair
Posted 2008-01-04 8:56 PM (#3796 - in reply to #3739)
Subject: Re: Dec 31, what's in a Date?


Posts: 111
I am trying to hold out for the stage 1 level 2 pipes also. The rest of my back orders are chrome. With 3 feet of snow and today's temperature of 12 degrees the wait is a little easyer.
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Posted 2008-01-04 9:17 PM (#3806 - in reply to #3739)
Subject: Re: Dec 31, what's in a Date?


Posts: 1324
So Cal
My dealer quoted 2 hrs. I could do the pipes an air filter myself but would have to take it to the dealer for the download. Probably let the dealer do it all, since the download is included in the stage kit. The learned something from HD.
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Posted 2008-01-04 9:29 PM (#3810 - in reply to #3793)
Subject: Re: Dec 31, what's in a Date?


Posts: 1484
devilboy - 2008-01-04 2:31 PM

From the Pix I have seen the S1L2 pipes are set up kinda like glass packs from the 60s Muscle Cars. they are slip ons and you can toss the crappy heat shields.

I'm sure you will like the level 2 mufflers, but I'm curious why you say the heat shields are "crappy".
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Posted 2008-01-04 9:38 PM (#3815 - in reply to #3739)
Subject: Re: Dec 31, what's in a Date?


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Im not saying the heat shields are junk. In fact, I think theyre the better way to go in case one gets damaged. The pipes still good. Actually, the weight savings isnt that much either. But common sense seems to go out the window when it comes to me and motorcycles. Im learning to compromize.
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Posted 2008-01-04 9:43 PM (#3817 - in reply to #3739)
Subject: Re: Dec 31, what's in a Date?

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
cjnoho....put down your credit card and back away from the dealer! I know it's hard to "not" buy the exhaust upgrades, but think of the dogs at the end of the block! Let me know how the pipes turn out...I know there is no talking you down. I tried!
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Posted 2008-01-04 9:49 PM (#3819 - in reply to #3739)
Subject: Re: Dec 31, what's in a Date?


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Ive been trained by years of HD ownership. Its harder to break a bad habit than a good one. If it dosent cost an arm and a leg, it cant be good. That reminds me, I gotta ride the Harley soon, that poor dog needs it.
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Posted 2008-01-05 6:51 PM (#3856 - in reply to #3810)
Subject: Re: Dec 31, what's in a Date?


Posts: 296
Central Florida
VisionTex - 2008-01-04 9:29 PM

devilboy - 2008-01-04 2:31 PM

From the Pix I have seen the S1L2 pipes are set up kinda like glass packs from the 60s Muscle Cars. they are slip ons and you can toss the crappy heat shields.

I'm sure you will like the level 2 mufflers, but I'm curious why you say the heat shields are "crappy".

I just don't like the look and feel of heat shields. They arent necessarily crappy just not as nice as
one piece exhaust. I may settle for the S1L1s as they are in stock and dealer owes them to me as NC install for buying MC from them. If they can push back the L2s twice already, who is to say they wont be pushed back again.
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Posted 2008-01-05 7:54 PM (#3857 - in reply to #3856)
Subject: Re: Dec 31, what's in a Date?


Posts: 495
Carrollton, TX

After purchasing several different sets of custom pipes for my bikes I have learned to like heat shields. Most pipes that do not use heat shields start bluing or discoloring from the direct heat. Also if they get scratched or dented the only way to correct it is to replace the pipe whereas with a pipe that has a heat shield you can just replace the heat shield.

I will probably stay with the stock pipes as I want to hear the stereo as well as possible and noise on long trips becomes annoying. It is for these reasons why after buying two custom sets of pipes for my Vulcan I have gone back to the stock pipes.  

I will also probably go with Lloyd’s computer and air filter to increase performance and get a richer mix that will lower engine heat. The stock pipes from many manufactures are so well tuned that aftermarket pipes usually will not increase performance now. The stock pipes on my Vulcan actually provided better performance than most of the aftermarket pipes.

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ez chair
Posted 2008-01-06 8:40 AM (#3864 - in reply to #3739)
Subject: Re: Dec 31, what's in a Date?


Posts: 111
Buckeye has a good point. we love to spend on what we think we need. I myself am a "Chrome Crow". When I traded in my Hammer for my Vision it was traded with 3 sets of pipes. I am trying to have only one upgrade on the Vision. I am trying not to buy untill all choices are availible.
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Posted 2008-01-06 8:51 AM (#3865 - in reply to #3864)
Subject: Re: Dec 31, what's in a Date?


Posts: 296
Central Florida
ez chair - 2008-01-06 8:40 AM

Buckeye has a good point. we love to spend on what we think we need. I myself am a "Chrome Crow". When I traded in my Hammer for my Vision it was traded with 3 sets of pipes. I am trying to have only one upgrade on the Vision. I am trying not to buy untill all choices are availible.

That's what I said back in Sept when I purchased mine. I have probably $4K in extra stuff on Vision already. So far nothing I have put money into is a permanent loss.
IF my vision were to be sold tomorrow, there would be a lot of stuff available for a Vision.
GPS would stay with me unless new buyer bought it as an add on.
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Posted 2008-01-06 9:11 AM (#3866 - in reply to #3739)
Subject: Re: Dec 31, what's in a Date?


Posts: 550
Tacoma, WA
Aint that GPS wonderful??? I LOVE mine! Even gives me phone numbers to resturants, so i can call in my order before I show up! -----Metalguy
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