Show & Tell
Posted 2007-12-07 10:19 AM (#2620)
Subject: Show & Tell


Posts: 3204

My 19 year old son, Trey, goes to an Aviation Tech school here in Memphis and asked if he could take the Vision to school for Show & Tell. I said "Sure." At about 11:00 he texted me and asked if he could lay it down in front of everybody. I replied "No problem. Just make sure it's in gear so it doesn't roll when you pick it up." "OK" That was the last I heard until he got home later that afternoon.

Here was his day: He pulled up in front of the school at about 6:50 for a 7:00 start. Everybody in the school was arriving at about the same time and he was quickly surrounded as he dismounted. The guys in his class knew about the bike but no one else had a clue. He finally told everybody that he would give the full tour at lunch time. He got to class at 7:10 (along with his instructor and the rest of his class).

At 11:00 everybody broke for lunch and went outside for the tour. Trey started going around the bike showing off the lighting, compartments, etc. and got to the radio. He put it on XM and cranked it up to 25 (out of 30). (I listen with it on about 9 when I'm riding.) One guy was sitting in his car about 30 feet away with the windows up, talking on his cellphone. He stopped talking, rolled the window down and yelled "Is that coming from that bike!?" Everyone grinned an nodded, heads bobbing. Trey straddled the bike, cranked it up and showed off the power windshield. Everybody loved the sound of the S1/L1 pipes. He had the grips and seat heat on high and let them feel what it felt like (40 degree day). A Triumph 950 guy got on it and just melted into the seat. Trey turned it off and demonstrated how light it was to take off the kickstand by lifting it with three fingers on each grip. He raised the kickstand and was putting it in gear when he acted like he was losing his balance and let it fall to the left. Everybody jumped back and freaked out. "Oh no! Oh no!! OH NO!!!" The guy on the cellphone bolted out of his car and ran up "Man, are you OK!?" The comments came hot and heavy "Your dad is gonna f-ing kill you!" Trey waited a few seconds and said "I meant to do that." They looked at him like he was a total idiot and said "Dude, you're a dead man when you get home." He said "No, seriously, I meant to do that. Look underneath there. It has two tip-over points on either side just for that very reason." They got on their hands and knees and looked around the fallen bike. "Unbelievable, I notice he's scraped the floorboards a few times." "Yeah, a few." Then Trey showed how easy it was to pick back up. By that time lunch was over and they all filed back in to class. It was the only subject of discussion for the rest of the day.

Naysayers and ignoramuses can poo-poo this bike all they want but the fact remains: The Victory Vision is by far the coolest bike on planet earth. Nothing you will ever own will get more attention.

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Posted 2007-12-07 10:27 AM (#2622 - in reply to #2620)
Subject: Re: Show & Tell


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
AMEN! However, I see that others are now trying to copy the lines of the bike. What a dad, let his own son take his other pride and joy to school and let him lay it over, I have heard it all now. How many miles on that beast?
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Posted 2007-12-07 10:28 AM (#2623 - in reply to #2620)
Subject: RE: Show & Tell


Posts: 3204
1400, three weeks.
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Posted 2007-12-07 2:22 PM (#2625 - in reply to #2620)
Subject: Re: Show & Tell


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
Nice Story, Its fun to be a Vision owner! SF, Why don't you buy your son his own Vision?
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Posted 2007-12-07 3:28 PM (#2626 - in reply to #2620)
Subject: RE: Show & Tell


Posts: 3204

Trey is #3 of 5 kids (hence the name). Whatever I do for one, I have to do for the others.

I waited 49 years for the planets to line up just right. They can too.

I have 18 yr old twin daughters. Waiting on nice weather for a photo-op of them riding the bike, wearing the Vision-Riders t-shirts. Will be the SongFan version of Double Vision. Hopefully this weekend.

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Posted 2007-12-07 3:38 PM (#2627 - in reply to #2620)
Subject: Re: Show & Tell


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Songfan's own Double-mint commercial, maybe new Victory commercial. Do all them young'uns ride? One out of three like to ride and he is only 3 years old. Don't see me flinging the keys to him anytime soon, though. I'm sure he would test it out if he could.
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Posted 2007-12-07 3:52 PM (#2628 - in reply to #2620)
Subject: RE: Show & Tell


Posts: 3204

Oldest son is 27, got married and left home before I really got into motorcycles. (He's kind of chapped about that.) Oldest daughter is 25. The three girls all know how to ride motorcycles (and drive a stick) but don't do it as much as they would like. Trey has been on a KLR-650 since he was 16.

Just living in "the house with the Vision" has been cool enough for them. All of their friends (and their friends dad's) are totally jealous.

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Posted 2007-12-07 4:02 PM (#2629 - in reply to #2620)
Subject: Re: Show & Tell


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
SF,Po - I would look forward to some family photos around the Vision - Feel like I'm getting to know you guys, might as well meet the family- Maybe we could come down for Christmas dinner. How many can you seat for Xmas dinner? Got some cousins would like to come also.
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Posted 2007-12-07 10:07 PM (#2641 - in reply to #2620)
Subject: Re: Show & Tell

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
GAVE BIRTH! SHE'S A SWEET BABY! Buckeye will no take a second to....WAAAAHHHHOOOO! Drove her 180 miles home in the rain, in the sun, in the light, in the home, wanted to get back on! Cigars for everyone! High Five and a round of beers for everyone, ESPECIALLY TimS,,,YOU ARE DAAAA MAAAAAN!
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Posted 2007-12-07 10:18 PM (#2642 - in reply to #2641)
Subject: Re: Show & Tell

Iron Butt

Posts: 810
BUCKEYE - 2007-12-07 10:07 PM

GAVE BIRTH! SHE'S A SWEET BABY! Buckeye will no take a second to....WAAAAHHHHOOOO! Drove her 180 miles home in the rain, in the sun, in the light, in the home, wanted to get back on! Cigars for everyone! High Five and a round of beers for everyone, ESPECIALLY TimS,,,YOU ARE DAAAA MAAAAAN!


What did you get? Black, Silver or Red?

BTW, I charge a finders fee (going rate for headhunters is 30%) !!!

Congrats. You are going to love it.

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Posted 2007-12-07 10:21 PM (#2643 - in reply to #2620)
Subject: Re: Show & Tell


Posts: 57
Twin Cities, MN
Great story SF.
The snow came early and heavy this year in MN. My MCTP came the week before Thanksgiving. Only able to put on 224 miles before winter set in... I'm temped to trailer it south in Jan. for a long weekend of riding...
The tip-over feature is amazing - I accidently tested it once. I had it jacked up on my ATV lift - lowered it back down with the sidestand up... Opps - I'd like to see the E-Glide riders out there try to pick one up solo...

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Posted 2007-12-08 10:46 AM (#2669 - in reply to #2643)
Subject: Re: Show & Tell


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
Grebs_59 - 2007-12-07 8:21 PM

Great story SF.
The snow came early and heavy this year in MN. My MCTP came the week before Thanksgiving. Only able to put on 224 miles before winter set in... I'm temped to trailer it south in Jan. for a long weekend of riding...
The tip-over feature is amazing - I accidently tested it once. I had it jacked up on my ATV lift - lowered it back down with the sidestand up... Opps - I'd like to see the E-Glide riders out there try to pick one up solo...


trailer it down here to AZ - 60's and 70's all winter
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Posted 2007-12-08 10:51 AM (#2670 - in reply to #2620)
Subject: Re: Show & Tell

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
SF, awesome story! It was appreciated more by me, now that the VESPA pollo-tiny let me trade in with the gerbal machine!
My 13 year old daughter can't wait to ride now! I'm not sure about momma, hopefull I can get her on the MCherryPremium tonight for a quick spin and test her new ass warmer. got 206miles riden as of this morning. left dealer at 2:30 yesterday.
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Posted 2007-12-08 11:03 AM (#2676 - in reply to #2620)
Subject: RE: Show & Tell


Posts: 3204
You guys that have ridden Harley's, Goldwings and other big touring bikes are the best judges of the differences between them and the Vision.  I can't believe how "right" Victory got this thing first shot.
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Posted 2007-12-08 11:14 AM (#2681 - in reply to #2620)
Subject: Re: Show & Tell

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
I couldn't agree more SongFan. It was an adjustment of about 30 seconds! My sales guy said, "your gas mileage might be bad on the first tank", heck 41mpg is way better than the big vespa gerbal. The ride is undiscribable! I don't know how many times I felt like i was just floating thru space, until I had to throttle around something, and this beauty jumped....nay leaped with aggression, hate and discontent. The power is awesome, the ride tremendous, the looks..amazing. Oh, yeah, I'm a walking comercial and will by TimS a beer immediately! I might have buyers euphoria! I will tell you, that every HD i bought, i had buyers remorse within the first hour. AWESOME BIKE!
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Posted 2007-12-08 11:31 AM (#2686 - in reply to #2676)
Subject: RE: Show & Tell


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
SongFan - 2007-12-08 9:03 AM

You guys that have ridden Harley's, Goldwings and other big touring bikes are the best judges of the differences between them and the Vision. I can't believe how "right" Victory got this thing first shot.

Ditto on Buckeys comments about the design team - As time goes by with more exposure the HD designers will be lookin for a job - Michael Song is "the best", with all of his experience with designing other brands, he saved the absolute best for last!! I want to meet this guy and his team, he's now right up there with all my other all time heroes. What is his address SF, I'll send him a Christmas Card.
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Posted 2007-12-08 11:34 AM (#2688 - in reply to #2620)
Subject: Re: Show & Tell

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
Al Bundy, Homer Simpson, and Mike newest addition to the Hall of Buckeye Heros! buuuurp.
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Posted 2007-12-08 11:34 AM (#2689 - in reply to #2620)
Subject: Re: Show & Tell

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
oh, and TimS and the VTWIN 101 bubbas!
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Posted 2007-12-08 12:03 PM (#2694 - in reply to #2620)
Subject: RE: Show & Tell


Posts: 3204
I think Harley designers will have the Vision to thank for job security. Harley is going to rely on the designers to totally re-invent the way they build motorcycles.
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Posted 2007-12-08 1:53 PM (#2696 - in reply to #2620)
Subject: Re: Show & Tell

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
3 bike tours done....more to follow. nothing but eewws and ahhs.
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Posted 2007-12-16 3:39 PM (#3079 - in reply to #2620)
Subject: Re: Show & Tell


Posts: 175
Tom fantastic write up! I have three girls and yes they all ride but not as often as I wish they would with their old man.

That makes me jealous of you and the relationship you have with your son. The fact he respected you enough to call, ask if could lay it down and you had enough trust in him to say yes makes me want to keep trying. ohhhhhhh Dee...ah the truth is I am to old to start over and I will have to trust my three ladies now to bring good boys into the family. Which I do....keep the stories coming hope like many on this forum is we will meet in person and share the wealth and laughter in person. If you guys ever find yourselves in Colorado give me plenty of notice. If your riding out here in the west let us know we are always on the road and may be crossing paths...
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Posted 2007-12-16 3:46 PM (#3080 - in reply to #2620)
Subject: RE: Show & Tell


Posts: 3204
John,  I have April 16-24th off with no plans except to ride out west.  If you and Dee have some "passes" you want to knock out, I'm game.  Let's start planning now if it works for you guys.
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Posted 2008-01-05 10:12 PM (#3860 - in reply to #2620)
Subject: Re: Show & Tell


Posts: 175
I am game, I will send you an email. Here are the snow fall averages for just a couple cities in Colorado. Note April...still risky.

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 54 5.2 4.8 9.3 6.7 1.5 T T T 1.0
DENVER, CO 61 8.1 7.5 12.5 8.9 1.6 0.0 T T 1.6

Hmmm that didn't work out so well lets try again.

Edited by badnvegas 2008-01-05 10:15 PM
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