technical info squealing noise.
Posted 2007-12-06 2:57 PM (#2587)
Subject: technical info squealing noise.


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Riding down the road, especially next to another vehicle, I can hear a squealing noise, like an old fan belt not tight enough. At idle, no sound, or if you lightly get into it, the squeal would get louder.

Ran it past my dealer who said it would take a few days to get to it. I told him it was probably just a loose belt. Still told me it would be a couple of days or more to fix it.

I don't have a ride so unable to leave it. Get home and decide to have a look. The book goes into pretty good detail on how to check and adjust it. Took me probably an hour. Probably could do it in less than 10-15 minutes after a few times. To me, not worth the $60+ to have someone else do it. On the easy scale, its so easy Buckeyes Gerbil could do it.
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Posted 2007-12-06 3:16 PM (#2589 - in reply to #2587)
Subject: Re: technical info squealing noise.

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
i would think the high pitched squeel was you, or maybe a bunch of hard bodies looking at pictures of the BUCKEYE. then again, i'm uglier than a mud fence, my feet smell bad and my comb "back" not "over" leaves a handsome yet mid life crisis having, vespa hater. I was a multi- award EXPERT with an M-16A2 service weapon. (cool points) Was this squeel due to your failure to do the 500 mile service? Did you need any "specialty" tools? If you didn't have to by a $200 tool, it definately has the H-D beat. I will be looking for some tech advice by the weekend. In 2 1/2 hours I should know. I will post up from home. I know you ALL care what I decide to do, and love me for the Buckeye step child I've become.
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Posted 2007-12-06 3:23 PM (#2591 - in reply to #2587)
Subject: RE: technical info squealing noise.


Posts: 57
pollolittle - 2007-12-06 9:57 AM
Buckeyes Gerbil.
Holy Armageddon.

BUCKEYES definition of a HARLEY
"Harley Davidson, the most efficient way to convert gasoline into noise without the side effects of horsepower"
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Posted 2007-12-06 3:24 PM (#2592 - in reply to #2587)
Subject: Re: technical info squealing noise.


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Your weapon of choice, isn't that like World War I equipment, like yourself, Oh Great Vespa Loving Buckeye.
The squeal was not due to me not having the dealer not do the 500 mile service for around $300. I did the 500 mile check-up myself and thought the belt to be a little loose and ran by the dealer only to have them tell me it was alright.
The noise started around 3000 miles. No specialty tools just one large Crescent wrench or the appropriate size socket. I didn't have a socket that big, so I used the next best thing. Then a small 13 mm Deep Well socket to adjust the belt tension. Two turns either side, pretty tight belt and use big crescent wrench to tighten it all back down. Done.
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Posted 2007-12-06 3:42 PM (#2593 - in reply to #2587)
Subject: Re: technical info squealing noise.

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
swiftvtx...that has got to be the best analogy of HD yet. without your permission, because thats the way pollo and I roll (ask forgivness not permission) i will add to your analogy...H-D, the most EXPENSIVE, OVER PRICED, HUNK OF BAD ENGINEERING, way to convert gasoline into noise without the side effects of horsepower...
by the way poop, the Sweet 16 is still a BAD MAMAJAMMA. No hammer for the squeel? Me around tools is scary. My wife told me that the hammer isn't the only thing in the tool box, then she showed me a shiny thing called a ratchet / socket set. oooohhhh pretty. Once i seen the shiny object, i forgot what i was going to fix, got another beer and ran thru the house nakid.
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Posted 2007-12-06 4:26 PM (#2594 - in reply to #2587)
Subject: Re: technical info squealing noise.


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
You guys are GOOFY, although I'm on your side of the wrench Buckeye. Agree with the HD analogies My belt is 38-40 and pretty snug, used to be 36 for a long time but I had to loosen it. I don't know what all these wrenches are for, I just have a buckle in front that is always bright and shiny.
When will you know Bucky?
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Posted 2007-12-06 5:38 PM (#2597 - in reply to #2587)
Subject: Re: technical info squealing noise.


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
I thought it was GERBIL Power not Horsepower. Once again slugeye, too much information, you running around all nekid and stuff. At the moment, since I don't know what you look like, I will envision a young twentysomething lady hottie running around, just to substitute.
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Posted 2007-12-06 8:08 PM (#2604 - in reply to #2587)
Subject: Re: technical info squealing noise.

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
my chest is at least a A cup....eeewww the picture you have now must be something.
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Posted 2007-12-07 7:54 AM (#2616 - in reply to #2587)
Subject: Re: technical info squealing noise.


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
It sure is, quite your Yapping, your ruining my little wonderland.
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Posted 2007-12-08 11:48 AM (#2691 - in reply to #2587)
Subject: Re: technical info squealing noise.

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
you should see the tassles on the a cup's! Cowboy boots and thong! lol....will post pics this afternoon.
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Posted 2007-12-10 8:47 AM (#2741 - in reply to #2587)
Subject: Re: technical info squealing noise.


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
I don't remember any tassles or Boots or Thongs in your pics. Do answer one question, "Where did that Vegas Low Wannabee come from?" Even though you looked good on it. Feed it the Gerbil Food and see if it grows up.
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Posted 2007-12-10 2:42 PM (#2771 - in reply to #2587)
Subject: Re: technical info squealing noise.

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
Got it for the kid when she was 7yrs old. she putted around the cul-de-sac. "wanted to ride like dad", i would tell her to ride it like she stole it, and she would twist the throttle...thing goes about 35 mph. she has no fear....teenager now, but still rides the little thing around the block.
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