RAPTURE sound updates, amps. 10s, Hertz st35 horns
Posted 2018-02-05 7:17 AM (#192424)
Subject: RAPTURE sound updates, amps. 10s, Hertz st35 horns


Posts: 167
, OH


Making some sound upgrades. Complete the adding of crescendo's UN-10, 10 inch midbass in the bags, Hertz st35 horn's, and a fosgate dsr1 sound processor. That brings up it to (2) 6.5's, (2) 5 1/4's, (2) horns, 4 tweaters, (1) fosgate T400x4ad amp on the tank, (2) fosgate T400x2ad amps one in each bag, 2nd battery, dnomat the panels, and cleaning up for even more clarity. anyway thats the plan

Id love to remove the mirrors and move them to the levers. I have a set of levers and master cyl out for chrome. I like the factory concealed speaker look in the dash vs the external 6.5 shove in look. Just wish I had a mirror fill in/speaker grill that kept the more cleaner factory look but in matching paint. Vision black.


Anyone add horns, where did they put them?









Attachments rapture-8-jpg.9033.jpg (237KB - 1 downloads)
Attachments rapture-6-jpg.9035.jpg (70KB - 0 downloads)
Attachments rapture-1-jpg.9034.jpg (104KB - 0 downloads)
Attachments get-attachment.asp.jpg (66KB - 0 downloads)
Attachments UN10_2__97115.1502302840.1280.1280.jpg (103KB - 1 downloads)
Attachments g575DSR1-o-1.jpg (20KB - 0 downloads)
Attachments ST35_prosp.jpg (52KB - 0 downloads)
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