Posts: 4278
| http://cyrilhuzeblog.com/ |
Posts: 4278
| http://cyrilhuzeblog.com/ |
Posts: 3006 San Antonio, TX | I just saw the news....so sad since my Vision carried me to work today! |
Fountain Inn, SC United States | Lloyd Greer put things in perspective:
Posts: 3006 San Antonio, TX | I could not have said it better....
Ride Safe! |
Puddle Jumper
Posts: 25
| I probably wouldn't have known this quickly about Victory ceasing production, but I own the stock and noticed it was down more than 3% in a day and went searching for news. Bummer. Like Lloyd says, I hope that some of the OHC technology makes its way to the Indian brand. I know we have "cruisers", but it just isn't the same with 70 or so wheel horsepower from a tractor motor. |
Puddle Jumper
Posts: 40 Cheyenne, WY United States | I certainly thought they would have to chose a brand once they bought Indian.........all I can say is damn, damn, damn.
Ride safe! |
Posts: 3204 Memphis | My brother texted me a heads-up about this story and the first place I came to was here. I honestly feel a little nauseous.
My stint on Vision-Riders was a high watermark of my adult life. I don't have to tell you guys how much I "get" the Victory culture. It's not the bike as much as the community. I can't imagine what my foray into the Victory brand would have been like without Vision-Riders. (The Indian is almost all bike and very little community for me personally. My choice.)
Victory owners will now become the modern day Norton and Vincent guys. The longer the memories drag out, the cooler the bikes will be remembered. Original Victory owners took the biggest chance. Vision Riders will be remembered as the most extreme owners of them all. They saw something that 99% of the motorcycle world just couldn't get their heads around.
I feel very blessed to have had the opportunity to own a Vision and be a part of this community. Vision-Riders will become even more important as a lot of guys unload their Victorys and go down another path. The die-hards will stick it out, stay active here and keep the brand out there for future generations to see, hear and touch. I can't wait to go to a bike show 5-10-15 years from now, find the Victory guys and talk their ears off.
I'll always be grateful for the efforts of guys like Jedi Jeff, Miles and Lloyd along with the band of characters that make up Vision-Riders. This was a sweet spot in American motorcycle history. Regret nothing. |
Puddle Jumper
Posts: 5 , MI United States | Screwed once again by the american industry. For those who paid the price for Polaris products (such as I), I feel your pain. If/when I purchase another product, I will not consider the manufacturer's origin as a priority. |
Puddle Jumper
Posts: 37 Dayton, OH | I wonder if there may be someone interested is purchasing Victory from Polaris. I've always felt quality sells and Victory has been a quality brand. Personally I've always felt they did a really shitty job marketing their bikes and brand. The first really shitty move was changing the logo to the plain jane V. Secondly, they never invested in the model that put them squarely on the map, the Vision. No nothing to keep up with technology; I believe the Vision was the first model to sport the 106" Freedom motor. Now HD is running a 107"!? The Vision should have been running a stock 114" motor by now with all of the wiz-bang electronic state of the art audio, LEDs, creature comfort the industry has to offer. But no, they let the model flounder and cheapened it up every chance they could. They put all their eggs in the HD wannabe basket, the Cross Country and Indian and now they are letting the Cross Country die with Victory. If they think Indian is going to save their motorcycle business they are sorely mistaken; Indian has closed it's doors at least 3 times already!? And the Polaris version is not as nice as the Kings Mountain version in my humble opinion. Too many short lived models, not enough emphasis on the ones that gave them credibility. That Slingshot, i.e. 3-wheeled dune buggy, is not going to last long. One of their nicest models, the King Pin, they discontinued and for what?? Because the Cross Country was making some noise!??! That was a really competent bike and for those who are intimidated by the size of the Cross Country/Cross Roads and Vision, it was the perfect bagger.
Now I got to figure out what to do, my 09 Vision won't last forever, especially the way I ride. I guess I'll be looking for a low mileage 11 with the legacy badges to ride when the 09 gives up the ghost, smh. It's too bad every decision is made about $$ instead of establishing a legacy. Triumph was non existent for a while and now they are back with some interesting and appealing models. Kawasaki had it's time in the dumps but they have won the World Super Bike title 2 years in a row. To me its all about making something that last over a long haul verse something that is just a flash in the pan. Maybe if Victory concentrated on a few tried and true models it could establish their place in the motorcycle industry, but alas, if it doesn't make mountains of money, its not worth the effort.
Edited by BlackMandingoWarrior 2017-01-11 10:47 AM
Posts: 400
| I agree completely on the Kingpin. Have one myself. They set it up with a lot of accessories and the pizza box. It could be a street bike or a tour in a few minutes. 3 years later it was discontinued due to "sales". Funny every year at the AVR, it was the 3rd most popular bike behind the XC and Vision. |
Iron Butt
Posts: 623
| Man this is sad. Guess I should have seen it coming, Vic has made little to zero updates/upgrades last few years. I was in the market for a new bike last summer, my 08 Vision had 105000 miles on it so it was time time for me. After checking into the new visions I found there is almost no difference. So I left the brand. I now wish I kept the 08 and stored it, would make a nice addition to the collection and may be of interest 20-30 years down the road. Sad, Polaris just doesn't get it. Guess they'd rather sell cruisers to dentist and lawyers who dress up in bad ass leathers to trailer their bikes to the dragon and Daytona. Ugggg. Frustrated
Edited by jeffmack 2017-01-11 12:57 PM
Posts: 573 Central Illinois | Another perspective from a friend of Victory owners:
https://www.facebook.com/jon.petrich.5/videos/10207792653085303/ |