Another Vision on the road!
Posted 2007-12-03 8:12 AM (#2446)
Subject: Another Vision on the road!


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
I am pretty sure I passed another Vision on the road Friday, going south on 55, just below the 240 loop in Memphis. I only know of one other person in the area, riding one. Felt weird, caught me off gaurd, big shiny piece of V shaped metal staring back at me. Took me a couple of miles before I actually thought I had seen another one! I feel like I have just seen a UFO, and giving a first hand account from in front of my trailer, with beer in hand. "There I was, riding along and then out of nowhere, this alien thing come blasting by and trying to take me away."
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Posted 2007-12-03 11:43 AM (#2455 - in reply to #2446)
Subject: Re: Another Vision on the road!


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
Po - Settle down, it was probably an ol HD with a custom fairing, someone already copying the V on the front end. Were you Dr. Peppered up? Maybe a dream? Check the DMV for other registered Visions -or- maybe it was a Vision, the one that was stolen from Buckeye, he should know about this, take his Vespa and run it down. I need some coffee, cold here in AZ today59 at Starbucks this morning. Unsolved sightings of Alien ships here that are still unsolved -
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Posted 2007-12-03 1:00 PM (#2457 - in reply to #2446)
Subject: RE: Another Vision on the road!


Posts: 3204
Someone from Olive Branch, MS had a deposit on another red tour due in first week of Dec. Might have come in early. (Don't let BUCKEYE see this.)
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