Drilling holes into the bafles
Gray rider
Posted 2009-01-08 12:11 PM (#26331)
Subject: Drilling holes into the bafles


Posts: 394
Tucson, AZ
I'm sure this must have been addressed before, but I'm considering drilling maybe six 1/2" holes into the ends of each baffle and leaving the end caps off. Anyone tried this? I'm just trying to get a little more rumble.
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Posted 2015-10-08 7:46 PM (#175328 - in reply to #26331)
Subject: RE: Drilling holes into the bafles


Posts: 308
Vineland, NJ United States

did you ever try this?  how did it turn out?

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Posted 2015-10-09 5:32 PM (#175337 - in reply to #26331)
Subject: Re: Drilling holes into the bafles


Posts: 4278
the baffles are up in front of the muffler. Drilling holes in the end caps will make the bike louder.
Drill four first. Then if you want more add some.
If you don't like them you can always find a welder to weld them up


Attachments baffles.jpg (44KB - 2 downloads)
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