What did you ride before the Vision came to you???
Posted 2007-11-29 7:14 PM (#2326)
Subject: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???


Posts: 143
Birmingham, AL 08 MC Tour Premium 2012 Bronze Mist
I've posted here before about changing families, from most recently a HD. What riding background do you all have? How long and what was the last bike you had (or still have)?

After I posted a message about my new ride on the Harley Davidson CVO forum, I got many responses. Some wanted pictures. I posted a couple and what follows below is one I copied and pasted from the HD forum.

"Congrats on getting rid of your CVO Electra Glide. If you can ride around on that and get the same (or more?) enjoyment as you did from your CVO, more power to ya. That is the oddest-looking thing on two wheels.

What year is that thing, 2050??? "
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Posted 2007-11-29 9:42 PM (#2333 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: RE: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???


Posts: 1484
Last and current ride is an 04 Kingpin Deluxe, pics in gallery, this is a great motorcycle. Been riding since 1981 all but one was a V-Twin. Best bike so far, Honda CX 650 Turbo, wish I still had it, it was built for comfort, and high speed, fun bike. My new Vision will no doubt over shadow the CX and the Kingpin, so in a few days I will have the best bike I've owned..
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Posted 2007-11-30 4:21 AM (#2353 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
STILL RIDING A E-GLIDE. been riding since 1983, had a sporty, and then the eglide...hope to switch to a VICTORY within the next 8 days (or sooner) I had a Huffy (bannana seat) prior to that. I also had one of those little metal cars that you could steer and you had to pedal. It was all enclosed....remember those? Wish I still had it....I traded it in for a trike. then upgrade to a big wheel. Finally in 1973 we up graded to 2 wheels. I've hated 3 and 4 wheels ever since. I still wore the helmet my dad got me for the bike. It was something about the short bus and window cleaner, yummy glass! I was a sophmore in highschool when I was permitted to take off the helmet. I've hated the helmet law ever since. I wish I could still eat paste! My wife says I'm not allowed to because it counter acts my medication. I tried super glue, but it's not the same. Plus it puckered my sphincter and cinched my colon for two weeks. My therapists says it's ok to talk about it now. I like to keep it all inside and have boil out in a fit of rage. Sorry, it's the coffee....don't tell anyone. psssst...hey buddy,,,,check this out...Anyone got a bar towel? I wasn't expecting that.
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ez chair
Posted 2007-11-30 7:22 AM (#2369 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???


Posts: 111
Honda S90 to Honda 305 Super Hawk to Yamaha 650 to Kawasaki 750 Triple to Harley Low Rider to 2005 Victory Hammer to VISION. 43 years saddle time. First time for windshield! Hope I not getting old!
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Posted 2007-11-30 5:03 PM (#2394 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???

Iron Butt

Posts: 849
, FL United States
I was riding a 2000 V92 Sport Cruiser that I bought to get "conditioned" for a heavy v-twin. Namely my Vision.
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Posted 2007-11-30 5:21 PM (#2395 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???

New user

Posts: 3
I have been riding a Suzuki Intruder (1400). Great Bike! It's a 1991 and the only expenses have been tires, batteries & maintenance. I'm looking forward to having a bike for the long haul. If it's as reliable as the 1400 I will be a very happy camper. Actually, I already have my new bike. The problem is that I'm in Fla. & it's in Arizona. I've been waiting for the add ons for quite some time. Supposedly they will arrive 12/14. I am looking forward to riding it home. It's only about 2500 miles. I guess that we will be well aquainted by the time we get home.
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mike s
Posted 2007-11-30 9:01 PM (#2398 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???


Posts: 223
Valdosta, GA
My dumb ass hasn't been able to pass though a calendar year without buying a new bike since I started riding in 2003. First was a 2003 Suzuki Volusia. Second was a 2004 Suzuki Volusia. Then I was finally able to break in the bank and get into Victory. Started with a 2003 Vegas in 2005 and followed that up with a 2006 CNSS Jackpot. I almost got through 2007, but the Vision caught my eye, so to speak. I think I'll be holding onto this one for a while, but now, I'm looking at adding a Kingpin for the wife...
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Posted 2007-11-30 9:52 PM (#2400 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Started riding off road on a Kawasaki befor I had my license. hond 160, the honda 350. Quit riding for 10yrs. because first wife hated motorcyles. Before the ink was dry on the divorce papers, had a sportster in the garage. I tried a friends sport bike but doing 120 mph every chance I got didnt seem like a smart thing to do if I was looking to live long. Been riding HD ever since. Havent owned too many motorcycles because I keep rebuilding them until theyre completly worn out. I LOVE to ride, probably started with my first Sears & Robuck bicycle. All my vehicles 2 & 4 wheels have over 100k on them by the time Im done with them. Love to tour, pick a direction, ride till the sun starts going down, find a hotel and a bar, party alittle and ride home the next day.
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Posted 2007-12-01 12:54 AM (#2404 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: RE: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???


Posts: 293
Had a Simplex when I was in junior high. CB750 Honda at end of Marine Corps tour in 1971. Kawi Vulcan 750 in 1988. V65 Magna in the 90's. V92c in 2000, GL1800 Goldwing in '02, Vegas in 2003 (had these last two at same time for a while); HD Road King Custom in '05, and HD Street Glide in '06. Just sold that a couple months ago- MC Prem. Tour Vision
should be here within a week or two more! Something over 100,000 miles all together, with about 60,000 of it in the last 3 yrs.

Edited by jama 2007-12-01 1:00 AM
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Posted 2007-12-01 2:55 AM (#2406 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Ride it till there's nothing left.
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Posted 2007-12-02 3:05 PM (#2422 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
riding till there is nothing left doesn't take long on a Harley. I think they made them to self destruct at 30K...I'm not joking either...thats when my factory warrenty was up. Was at 31K when my cam self destructed and blew my engine to hell. Of course I didn't! I thought HD would stand behind the machine...there i go thinking again. This happened while on a cross country..nice huh? Now, since Im on the waiting list for the vision, I don't even want to put my butt on the hog. Might cost to much.
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Posted 2007-12-02 9:44 PM (#2431 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???


Posts: 57
Twin Cities, MN
I rode dirt bikes has a kid (remember the Honda Trail 70?) Recently started on bigger cruisers. My finance suggested we buy a friends 2001 Honda 750 Shadow Spirit. He had it a couple seasons and gave me a great deal. (he picked it up on bank re-pro) We put over 5000 miles on it from July to Oct of 2005. Spring of 2006 I picked up a new 2005 Yamaha V-Star 1100 Silverado. Sold the Honda for $500 more then I paid the previous year. A couple good seasons on the V-Star and 10,000 additional miles had us looking for a bigger 2 up cruiser. (again) Test drove a Gold Wing and a HD Ultra. The Wing was nice but I didn't like the posture the engine almost felt "electric". Missed the big twin rumble. The HD was big and felt big - hated the idle vibration - smoothed out at speed but felt too big. The Vision stole my heart the first time I visited the web site. I finally get to see one in person back on October 30th. Put money down that day! The pictures don't do it justice. Somehow I got lucky and took delivery on November 15th. A little over 2 weeks... MCTP - I've was able to put 200 miles on it before tucking it away for the MN winter. LOVED EVERY MILE... Looking forward to another 5K plus 2008 riding season (so is the wife!)
I still go out in the garage just to look at it!
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Posted 2007-12-02 10:33 PM (#2432 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???


Posts: 173
Prescott Valley, AZ
As one of those "re-entry riders" I got back on two wheels with a 2000 Kawi Vulcan 750 I purchased new. Put 36,000 on it before I moved up to an 03 Nomad which was a nice ride for about 25,000 before the 05 Nomad I just traded in at 35,000+ miles. I'm thinkin this MCPT will get a ton more miles than those first three did!!!!!

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Posted 2007-12-02 10:40 PM (#2433 - in reply to #2431)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???


Posts: 293
Grebs 59 said:
My finance suggested we buy a friends 2001 Honda 750 Shadow Spirit. He had it a couple seasons and gave me a great deal. (he picked it up on bank re-pro)

Gee, I wish I could find a "finance" to suggest I buy something. I did have a fiancee once, but she cost me a bundle! It's been my experience that you need finance before you can get fiancee!

Waht the hcek; semoiemts it jsut dseon't mtater waht odrer we put sutff in.

Edited by jama 2007-12-02 10:42 PM
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Posted 2007-12-03 1:31 AM (#2435 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: RE: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???


Posts: 154
Suzuki Intruder 1500 lc, I have two a 2000 that I turned into a chopper and the ''Intruderglide" with HD fairing and bags A 98.Awesome bikes stupid easy to work on and fun to ride, IMO best bang for the buck! My Vision was a 40th birthday gift from my wife and I love it.
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Posted 2007-12-03 10:28 AM (#2450 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???


Posts: 57
Twin Cities, MN
Hey Jama - I stand corrected! (Fiancée)

- Now she's my wife and the main reason the new Vision is a reality!
(married into money the 2nd time around!)
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Carolina Tom
Posted 2007-12-04 9:34 PM (#2524 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???


Posts: 83
Lexington, North Carolina
2006 Kawasaki 900LT, bought in August of 06 was the only other bike I've ever owned. After one long road trip my wife was open to more comfort, so the search was on that brought me to the Vision. Loved that Kawasaki. Sold it to one of my coworkers, but this Vision is some kind of comfortable.
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Posted 2007-12-05 2:42 AM (#2531 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 20
My first bike was a Hodaka Road Toad 100 when I was 13 years old. From there I graduated to a Kawasaki KZ125 (strictly off road of course) when I was 14. Next I picked up a Yamaha TT250. She was a four stroke hill climbing machine. The first time you climb a 200ft near vertical hill with the top 10 absolutely perpendicular to the ground below is kind of scary, but after you figure out you need to keep your weight forward and your knees firmly gripping the tank, its a breeze. Next was a Honda 350-4 (had this bike and the Yamaha at the same time) that I road until I got married then the bikes went away and I didn't ride for about 18 years. When I decided to start riding again I picked up a 2006 Kawasaki Vulcan 900LT in June of last year. I absolutely love this bike. Kawasaki did this one right. After riding on the back of my 900 for a while my wife decided she wanted to ride her own. So we went and bought a Honda Shadow ACE 750 for her to ride. We went on a couple extended rides over the last year with the 900, and while a great bike, just isn't setup for long range comfort. We were looking through a magazine a while back (I believe it was Rider) and read a review of the Vision which seriously piqued our interest. We then went to Seattle and did a demo ride and that sealed the deal for us. The next week we put money down on one. We also test road a Yamaha Venture and a Harley Ultra Glide before going with the Vision. While the Venture was a very comfortable bike it just didn't have as much hitch in its giddyup as I would have liked (Its a 4 cyl 1300cc (79ci) engine). While the Venture didn't satisfy my thirst for power, the Ultra Glide vibrated when it was at idle like the space shuttle on take off (an immediate turn off for me). It was a 2006 and they wanted $23,000 for it. I must admit it did ride nice while moving, but I just couldn't get past the vibration at idle. So here we are, waiting for our Vision which according to the dealer we are on schedule to pick up next week. After reading here that there are still some who are waiting for the bikes, I am keeping my fingers crossed.
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Posted 2007-12-08 7:20 PM (#2705 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???


Posts: 185
On & off for 40yrs. My last bike was a '02 Victory TC. I put 70K on it before i traded it for the Vision. The TC was a great bike. If I can get the same trouble free miles out of the Vision I'll be more than happy.
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Posted 2007-12-08 8:57 PM (#2709 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???


Posts: 296
Central Florida
1st adult bike Suzuki M50 blue(2006) put 8000 miles on it it 11 months. Picked up my Vision Tour premium sept 29th and have 5000 miles on it. currently a Vision Street...Thats pretty good considering I dont ride it every day!
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Posted 2007-12-08 9:38 PM (#2712 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: RE: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???


Posts: 495
Carrollton, TX
Got my first bike when I was 9 years old on the farm in Montana, it was a Honda 55 trail. I later traded up for a Honda 90 Trail, and then a Kawasaki 175. In college I bought a used Bridgestone 175 Twin which was my first street bike. I then bought a Yamaha 1976 IT400C which was an awesome dirt bike at the time. I sold the IT400C in 1978 after becoming a workaholic.

A friend and business partner in late 2000 let me ride his Harley and after a couple of miles I was saying to myself where have you been for the last 24 years of my life. My biggest regret in life was going 24 years without riding a motorcycle. After a lot of research I bought a 2000 Victory V92C and did a lot of customizing to it (http://www.dfwvroc.com/cedland/ click on My Last Bike) and then sold it and bought a 2003 Kawasaki Vulcan 1600 Classic. The Vulcan has been a great bike that has served me flawlessly for over 62,000 miles but I wanted a true touring bike with all the amenities.

I test rode the Gold Wings, Harley eGlides and BMW's quite a bit but none of them provided what I was looking for in a turning bike. I almost settled for a Gold Wing before leaving on my 7,300 mile ride in August but I got more details on the Victory Vision and decided to wait till I could see and ride one and man am I glad I did. It was love at first ride. The Vision swept me off my feet so to speak. Victory really nailed it. I had been building a long list of what I wanted in a touring bike and Vision had almost every little thing on my list. I am hoping to have my Vision before Christmas and I can't wait.

Midnight Chery Tour Premium on order

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Posted 2007-12-10 7:41 PM (#2787 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???


Posts: 367
Cottage Grove, Mn
In 2003 I purchased a new TC after being off a bike for 24 years. At the end of 06 I totaled it but I loved that bike so much I bought it back and fixed it. I put it up for sale in anticipation of the arrival of my Vision, it sold fast and I was bike less so I returned to the dealer and purchased a jackpot shortly after that the Vision arrived and now I have the best of both worlds.
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Posted 2007-12-10 9:21 PM (#2795 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
Welcome Blackjack, we look forward to your input!
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Posted 2007-12-12 6:31 PM (#2858 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: RE: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 47
Adamsville, Tn
Been riding since I was 5. 2 mini-bikes, more dirt bikes than I can remember, a KZ 750 (2 stroke), man was it fast. Had 2 sportsters, a wide glide, 2 super glides, and now an '03 vegas. Moving up to a touring bike. Test drove a road glide, rode good but a little weak after riding my veags. Going to test a vision soon. Have seen one, but still in the crate, on a very busy day for the dealer. Said I could test ride it soon. If it is as good as it looks I will be on one shortly.
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Posted 2008-01-04 11:19 PM (#3832 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 12
a suzuki 450
a kawasaki 454
a honda shad0w 750
a hd electraglide classic
a hd heritage softail
a st1300 (still own)
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Posted 2008-01-04 11:27 PM (#3835 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Hey stretch! The KZ 750 was an awsome bike!!! Had the expansion chambers. Shifting was like an automatic. 2 stroke butting heads with the EPA killed that bike.
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Posted 2008-01-05 12:20 PM (#3854 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???


Posts: 550
Tacoma, WA
My bikes prior?? I started in dirt, with a KS 125, then a RM250, a YZ465, then after that got stolen, a YZ 490, and then I was back to enduro riding...a Suzuki 250, then a Honda Shadow 1100, and a rat bike, a Honda VT700, and the Vision now. I still have the Vt1100c, and the Vt700c. They are just too fun to get rid of. I put a 14 degree rake on the 1100, with 10" extended forks...it is way fun. My Rat bike has mailboxes from Lowes on it for saddlebags....UGLY, but FUN!!-----Metalguy
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Posted 2008-01-05 8:51 PM (#3858 - in reply to #3854)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???


Posts: 320
Savannah, GA -Year round riding!! Yay!

I want to see pics of the rat bike (specifically the mailbox saddlebags)

I've ridden all Hondas up til now. I started (front seat) two years ago on a '02 VT750 Shadow ACE, sold that and then on to a '03 VTX1300 Retro. That bike was wrecked (not my fault). During the 8 weeks it was in the shop, I was jonesing, and they had a'06 CB600 Hornet 599 on the dealer floor one day. I fell in love with that bike! Rode it for about 6 months, but it is wasted here in the flat straight roads here, with all of the container trucks going to the ports. I fell in love with the riding position, and got a '06 ST1300 Tourer. At the same time, my VTX 1300 was still giving me problems after the wreck, so I sold both of those bikes (599 amd 1300 X) and got my VTX 1800 Neo. I still have the ST1300 and the VTX 1800 Neo. I've added a bat wing fairing and hard bags to it. Now, adding my 3rd bike, the Vision, one of my bikes is feeling neglected. I think it's my ST. I might sell her come spring.

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Posted 2008-01-06 12:01 AM (#3861 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???


Posts: 266
Stockton, Ca.
Prior bikes include a Kawasaki 400 back in 1978. Then enduro riding came about for awhile on an 1987 Yamaha TW200 (I still have that bike). In 2001 I purchased a Suzuki Volusia 800 a metric cruiser. From that point I needed higher performance so I traded for a 2004 BMW 1150RT. The RT is hard to beat for handling and performance. It has great touring capabilities and corners like a sport bike. I really enjoyed the ride but I missed the cruiser so I purchased a 2005 Victory Kingpin. The Kingpin is also a great bike but when I read and heard about the Vision I wish I had waitied for the Vision. Oh well, I got the Vision anyway, traded the Kingpin. Now the Vision is the most comfortable ride yet. It performs close to the BMW and far exceeds it for touring and comfort. The Beemer will remain for now but considering the handling charactisitcs of the Vision the Beemer could end up for sale in the spring also.
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Posted 2008-01-06 9:13 AM (#3867 - in reply to #2326)
Subject: Re: What did you ride before the Vision came to you???


Posts: 550
Tacoma, WA
I will have to get out the digital camera, then. A few others from other sites have expressed intrest in seeing pics of the rat also----Metalguy
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