Muth signal mirrors
Posted 2008-12-18 11:25 PM (#25275)
Subject: Muth signal mirrors


Posts: 106
L.I., N.Y.
I just got an email back from Sue Kolhs on the Muth Sales Team who tols me that due to low demand for vision signal mirrors the their company is not currently planning to retrofit Vision mirrors. If your interested email her at or call her at 1800 844 6616 or fax 1920 451 2015 Your emails and calls will change their minds and show them there is an interest in this item. They already make them for Honda, Harley, and BMW. Why not.
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Posted 2008-12-21 1:20 PM (#25400 - in reply to #25275)
Subject: Re: Muth signal mirrors


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
whats the advantage of these mirrors? i have had a very bad past with aftermarket mirrors. every set of aftermarket mirrors that i ever owned in a short time frame because discolored and or were not as good at (being a mirror) as the OEM were. including extensive vibration. Our turn signals on the back of the vision are many many times larger than the normal motorcycle or even car turn signals. so its not like they are a little 2 inch circle that people can rarely see, like my old bike. This might be why no one has really shown interest in wanting such a product? But i could be completely mistaken.....
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Posted 2008-12-28 5:13 PM (#25694 - in reply to #25275)
Subject: RE: Muth signal mirrors


Posts: 215
Boydsville, AR United States
I just sent them a request.
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