Something is missing...
Posted 2016-02-12 3:44 PM (#178727)
Subject: Something is missing...


Posts: 170
Barrington, NH
Hopefully going a little faster this year than last year...


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Posted 2016-02-12 5:29 PM (#178728 - in reply to #178727)
Subject: Re: Something is missing...


Posts: 4278
if you don't know when you put the belt back on put it so you can read the word (victory). They say the belt will not last long if you change the direction of the belt.

If you don't mind a harsh rough ride take the shock out and put in another link rod. Guessing that would drop the weight by 30 or 40 pounds.

Keep up the good work speaking of witch are you building the motor up
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Ferta McDaniels
Posted 2016-02-12 8:37 PM (#178730 - in reply to #178727)
Subject: RE: Something is missing...

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 44
Okeana, OH United States
Chico7z - 2016-02-12 4:44 PM

Hopefully going a little faster this year than last year...

You are probably a day or two from making that happen. Going fast is the bomb!
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Posted 2016-02-13 2:59 PM (#178738 - in reply to #178727)
Subject: Re: Something is missing...


Posts: 170
Barrington, NH
I'm hoping for around 135hp when its back together... It was all stock before, I'm guessing around 90hp at the wheel?
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