Video for Left Bag Cover Alignment
Posted 2008-10-30 10:56 PM (#22088)
Subject: Video for Left Bag Cover Alignment


Posts: 3006
San Antonio, TX
I used the method that Blackjack described in a post on to align my left saddle bag and captured it on video.

The video will not be a contender for the "Visi" award this year. The camera is too shaky. Next time I will take still pictures and use them instead.

The bottom of the round nut that is welded to the hinge hits the plastic as well as the end of the bolt. Cutting off the bolt would not be enough to free the hinge. This solution did not require removing or loosening any hardware.

I might work on the hardware later but I wanted to stop the hinge from binding first.

It only took about five minutes to trim the plastic. It took me ten minutes just to find the rotary tool.

In the end Blackjack's procedure worked great!

Edited by radioteacher 2010-02-27 8:57 AM
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