Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle
Posted 2008-10-29 12:50 AM (#21925)
Subject: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada

Congratulations to our first 1000 Posting members, winner of the prestigious 'Golden Bib' award.

After reading many of their considerable contributions to this website, I think they both can claim with a LOT of pride the title of 'Most Loquacious Contributors'. All of the readers of their wisdom can claim to be wiser today because of their dedicated effort!

Here's To You, and we look forward to your next milestone! Please send in a photo when you get your awards!

Respectfully yours,

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Posted 2008-10-29 8:08 AM (#21927 - in reply to #21925)
Subject: Re: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
I haven't made it yet, I'm slowly working my way up to it. However, this has nothing to do with the Victory Vision. I've babbled and dribbled enough about the Vision, though!
I thank you and all the others who were giving me a chance to achieve the higher IRON BUTT award of a single Star. It's kinda of a let down, I go from all these pretty stars back to one RED one. EEEWWWWWWWWW!!!!
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Posted 2008-10-29 8:45 AM (#21933 - in reply to #21925)
Subject: RE: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA

I humbly accept the babbling dripple award and look forward to receiving it (once I construct one). Thank you, thank you. I must give credit where credit is due. (I won't turn this into an Alan Jackson acceptance speech, trust me.) To my good online and fellow Vision rider from the hills of Tennessee. (camera pans to man in audience with his lovely Navy Chief wife) Pollolittle! ..... (pause for the applause to die down) He is the one truly deserving of this award, because it is his truly creative babble and relentess come backs that inspired me to babble on and that has turned a bulletinboard forum into a chat room. (more applause......) (ref: MOTORCYCLES thread) (look at pollolitte and quips) Po, the next real award is 1,200 post when your handle changes to Visionary. You still have a chance. (mild laugh from the audience) I must also give a great thank you to Jeff and Miles, who, with talent and Vision without bounds that broke free of tyranny and created the Vision-Riders (tm) website. (a long wait for the thundering applause from the entire audience to die down, on there feet, whistles, drumming of mountain dew and dr. peper bottles on tables and camera panned in on two gentleman at the head table) Thank you! (more, long thundering applause then a fade to near silence, with a shout from the crowd, Go JAM, Go Miles.... more fading applause.) I thank them for taking my 10,000 mile review and posting on the front page of the site. I thank  you for the really cool long-sleeve tee that I wear proudly with the VR logo on it. Thank-you.

But my postings my seem to some that I don't have much else better to do then to spew out useless babble as well as some constructive input. But I like to look at it as a research project. What kind of people that visit the Vision-Riders forum? Great people! (mild applause). People who have a Vision, no pun intended. People who like to be different, set apart from the crowd. People who want the latest and greatest, but most of all, the best people in the world, bikers! (another thundering applause) People of all walks of life, people from around the world, and people who were tired of the way things were. People ready for change. Well, before it sounds like I'm running for an office, I just say thank you to all those who did and did not respond to my post, and even to those would pulled out the best and the, (head hung down) the worst of me. I say to all, Ride with the shiny side up, watch for cagers on cellphones or eating their burgerking whopper, and for furry little creatures. I hope I get a chance to ride with each and everyone of you. Ride Often, Ride Safe! Peace out! (leaves the podium with the peace sign held high. camera pans the audience on their feet with a thundering applause (V is for Victory Vision).... the applause dies down as mr. Tracey retakes the podium).....

Edited by varyder 2008-10-29 8:54 AM
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Posted 2008-10-29 11:51 AM (#21942 - in reply to #21925)
Subject: Re: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
As Valongwindedryder departs the podium with V in the air. The thunderous crowd begins chanting "BENTLEY, BENTLEY, BENTLEY" (just giving props to the bike that brought you this far!) As Varyder is off stage, you hear the light roar of the BENTLEY S4 ignite and make the grand entrance onto the stage with the smiling partner VaRyder on his saddle. Just gives me the chills thinking about it! One good long "Blip" of the throttle allowing the smell of expended fuel and the overpowering rumble to emanate throughout the room. (It really is more rumbly back by the ends of the pipes especially in a garage, it rumbles nicely.) Rip the throttle one more time and ease off the stage, (Roaring, thunderous, applause with hoops and hollers, and a little chicken calling!) Wow, what a spectacle, amazing to being a part of it all, awestruck. Of course, VAryder's fame, now, is to be written in the books of Historical Societal Mentionables.

But wait, where did he go, VaRyder has left the building looking for the next 25,000 to roll on his BENTLEY S4. I heard he was doing the Iron Butt of America, where he will travel the US border in like a Week. Wow!

I think I will have to infer you may need to go back and give the appropriate Kudos to the bike, which without, you would probably not be here, but on a Goldwing site.

We now bring back to the podium for Vision Pilot Tracey to say a few words. Vision Pilot Tracey! (thundering applause for the Canuck and his hockey team).
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Posted 2008-10-29 12:45 PM (#21945 - in reply to #21925)
Subject: Re: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada

Who knew???
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Posted 2008-10-29 12:55 PM (#21946 - in reply to #21925)
Subject: Re: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
donemanoffewwordstracey - I think we were looking for a few more! Just thinking out loud, typed!
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Posted 2008-10-29 12:58 PM (#21948 - in reply to #21925)
Subject: Re: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
Sorry - you both said it for me. And others, I suspect, due to the lack of responses from our brothers and sisters....
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Posted 2008-10-29 1:15 PM (#21949 - in reply to #21925)
Subject: Re: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
other than my post count, don't you at least have to say a few parting words, thank you's see ya next time. Etc...... You opened it!
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Posted 2008-10-29 1:44 PM (#21952 - in reply to #21925)
Subject: Re: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
Well, I was hoping for a torrent of 'well done's' or 'jolly good show, chaps' from the other folks, but....

Keep Up The Good Work, Gentlemen! WRITE ON !
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Posted 2008-10-29 1:59 PM (#21954 - in reply to #21942)
Subject: Re: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA

pollolittle - 2008-10-29 11:51 AM  Wow! I think I will have to infer you may need to go back and give the appropriate Kudos to the bike, which without, you would probably not be here, but on a Goldwing site.

Hours later, VaRyder catches wind of Pollo's words and reflects on how true they are. And he reflects in his mind that not even on the Wing site has there been as much comradery as there has been on the Vision-Riders site. I would have never met, online, and a few in person, the best people on the planet. So, yes, this award should go to Michael Song and the cast of characters in Songfan sig, for designing the Vision. I thank the Bentley, if it is possible to thank an thing, yet with character. I thank the man, whereever he may be that so named it the Bentley. I thank my high school teacher, with fond descriptive words, made me admire a car, the Bentley, which I've never seen in person, save once, yet would aspire to own one should I ever fall to such good fortune to afford a chauffeur. I thank my mother for giving birth to me and never wanting me to ride a motorcycle. It was that "you'll get hurt on that thing" that drove me into rebellion to buy my first one over twenty five years ago. I thank the guy who sold me those two Honda 350's out of his barn for $50.00 in which I tinkered with until I got one running from parts of the other that got me riding in the first place. I thank my wife, who upon my insistance, said, "go ahead, you'll never be satisfied until you get that thing." Also, I thank the lady at the bank who partially backed me in my investment of a first year and rare breed of motorcycles, that will only climb in value as they climb in popularity. I give thanks to the dealer, without any pressure, who sold me the Vision, and who gave me an inside favor to ensure I would be riding earlier, rather than later. I could go on, and on, and on, and on, but there is so many other things that is of better use of my time. So I give thanks to a cast of thousands, and especially to the Canuck, Don E. Tracey who has fell prey to the drawing power of frilious posts. Thank you one, and all. VaRyder ponders on.....

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Posted 2008-10-29 2:06 PM (#21955 - in reply to #21925)
Subject: Re: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
So MUCH better than I could say! You NEEDED 'hours' to humbly pen such inspiring words...
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Posted 2008-10-29 2:39 PM (#21959 - in reply to #21925)
Subject: Re: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 340
Regina Saskatchewan Canada
I must admit the two of you can spew a lot of dribble! And I mean that in the nicest way!
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Posted 2008-10-29 4:52 PM (#21964 - in reply to #21959)
Subject: Re: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 143
Sparta, WI
Crawford - 2008-10-29 2:39 PM

I must admit the two of you can spew a lot of dribble!

I am trying not to get a visual of that.
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Posted 2008-10-29 5:17 PM (#21967 - in reply to #21925)
Subject: Re: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 340
Regina Saskatchewan Canada
Yea that kind of does things to one's head doesn't it Minnow? Sorry about that!
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Posted 2008-10-29 5:33 PM (#21969 - in reply to #21967)
Subject: Re: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 143
Sparta, WI
I'm over it Crawford. On with the rest of the day. I appreciate your concern.
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Posted 2008-10-29 5:56 PM (#21972 - in reply to #21925)
Subject: Re: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 294
rhode island
This milestone did generate more of a response than anticipated, congragulations to both varyder and po.
for some incredeble and some not so incredeble post's , This bud's for you!

Edited by sandman 2008-10-29 5:56 PM
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Posted 2008-10-29 6:45 PM (#21976 - in reply to #21925)
Subject: RE: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 3204

va & po,

Nice job guys.  I'm guessing your wives don't get to talk much.

va, be sure to  give me a heads-up when you're coming through.  I'd love to be your wingman for a day.

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Posted 2008-10-30 2:47 PM (#22032 - in reply to #21925)
Subject: RE: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 320
Savannah, GA -Year round riding!! Yay!
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Posted 2008-10-30 3:19 PM (#22034 - in reply to #21925)
Subject: RE: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada

GREAT JOB GAgirl ! I will try to attach the first Golden Bib Award

(Golden Bib4.jpg)

Attachments Golden Bib4.jpg (58KB - 0 downloads)
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Posted 2008-10-30 3:33 PM (#22036 - in reply to #22034)
Subject: RE: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Po, man, make a post dude! you still riding at 999!
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Posted 2008-10-30 4:24 PM (#22039 - in reply to #21925)
Subject: Re: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
HMMM - there is two posts from him in this thread - both at 999. You think WebMeister has got it in for him????
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Posted 2008-10-31 1:49 AM (#22101 - in reply to #21925)
Subject: Re: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 1324
So Cal
In the beginning I thought Buckeye would be the first. Just goes to show, dont ever take what I say or think seriously. First to 1k couldnt have happened two better members. Both are masters at blowing smoke!
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Jedi Jeff
Posted 2008-10-31 7:04 AM (#22107 - in reply to #21925)
Subject: Re: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle

Fountain Inn, SC United States
LMAO! Great stuff for Vision Riders archive (if there ever becomes one). You guys are the Gunsmoke of the Vision boards, "Have Vision, Will Post!"

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Posted 2008-10-31 8:14 AM (#22120 - in reply to #22107)
Subject: Re: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA

It must be killing chicken man right about now as he has paused at 999. But me thinks that he has gone over to the <brand removed> forum to talk about how everyone likes that funny looking spaceship bike that they think is ******* ugly. Or just maybe he's gone on some other off road excursion with his ViVi and don't want to tell anyone about it just yet.

Po, tink, tink, come on Po, type, just one more time, come on, you can do it.

Hey Songfan, can you run over and check on Po, I think there might be something wrong with him...

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Posted 2008-10-31 8:39 AM (#22124 - in reply to #21925)
Subject: RE: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 3204
You just now think there's something wrong with him?
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Posted 2008-11-03 1:36 AM (#22331 - in reply to #21925)
Subject: RE: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
Right. Wrong. Who cares?
Po, where are ya? Even an old fart like me misses ya!


Attachments DON TRACEYs.jpg (75KB - 0 downloads)
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Posted 2008-11-03 7:42 AM (#22340 - in reply to #22124)
Subject: RE: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA

SongFan - 2008-10-31 8:39 AM You just now think there's something wrong with him?

Come on SF, give him back his keyboard!

Hang in there Po, we've assembled a rescue squadrons of Visions to swoop in a save you. I can't believe one of our own, Songfan, would turn on you like that. It's not like he can get those 546 posts to beat you to a grand or anything, though I think he was trying with all those motivational posters.

Folks, be on the look out for Pollolittle. Here is some posters I've made up, feel free to make copies and post around your town. Sorry, at this time there is no reward.


Attachments motivator4799093.jpg (57KB - 1 downloads)
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Posted 2010-05-23 5:20 PM (#60551 - in reply to #21925)
Subject: Re: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada

VaRyder has gone missing! I mean - 'DISABLED" ....

Leaving SongFan as the new "Golden Bib Award" CHAMPION !!!!

Here are your TOP FIVE:
1 SongFan Visionary Memphis 1941 posts
2 radioteacher Visionary San Antonio, TX 1364 posts
3 Teach Visionary 1283 posts
4 cjnoho Visionary So Cal 1271 posts
and at No. 5 pollolittle Visionary Brighton, TN 1263 posts - slipped from No. 2

Cheers to SongFan and the great works he has given all of us - HOO RAH !!!

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Posted 2010-05-23 5:30 PM (#60552 - in reply to #21925)
Subject: Re: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
disabled ain't the word for it....
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Posted 2010-05-24 9:25 AM (#60584 - in reply to #21925)
Subject: Re: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Slipped, that looks more like a bungee jump with no rubber band. I was surprised to see Songfan make such a charge to the front, he was so quiet at the beginning, waiting on his bundle of joy. Then afterwards has been steadily going and going and going, with lots of pics of VISION's. I have yet to see a Vision wearing a T-shirt, a thong, or just some drapey thing. The one time was when they unveiled it, and I think it has been neked for a while. Just sayin'!
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Posted 2010-05-24 10:11 AM (#60587 - in reply to #21925)
Subject: RE: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 3204
If they come out with a Vision the same color as a nice, tropical tan all bets are off.
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Posted 2010-05-24 1:17 PM (#60600 - in reply to #21925)
Subject: Re: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
WAIT ! When I consult the Stars - Chris is still "the most Drooling One" - true owner of "The Golden Bib".

VaRyder Stars: 2000+500+200+50 ---- Yeah Cris!
SongFan Stars: 1000+500+400+25 ---- chasing hard!

1000 red
500 blue
100 purple
25 green
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Posted 2010-05-24 2:56 PM (#60614 - in reply to #60600)
Subject: Re: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
donetracey - 2010-05-24 2:17 PM

WAIT ! When I consult the Stars - Chris is still "the most Drooling One" - true owner of "The Golden Bib".

VaRyder Stars: 2000+500+200+50 ---- Yeah Cris!
SongFan Stars: 1000+500+400+25 ---- chasing hard!

1000 red
500 blue
100 purple
25 green

I'm not sure it is something to be honored for. If I ever get chased off the board, as I head out I'll make it look like I'm leading a parade! Now wouldn't that be cool, a parade of Visions with me in the lead, woo hoo!
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Posted 2014-08-30 2:20 AM (#165673 - in reply to #60551)
Subject: Re: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 2118
Pitt Meadows, BC Canada
I think the Honorable WEBMEISTER should come up with a NEW award system to encourage more nice flowing commentary on the BEST motorcycles in the WORLD !!!

.... before I do
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Posted 2014-08-30 9:16 AM (#165675 - in reply to #21925)
Subject: Re: Congratulations to varyder and pollolittle


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
You forgot to take in varyder alter ego.
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