Intel/BMW designing smart helmet technology
Posted 2015-05-19 3:17 PM (#172477)
Subject: Intel/BMW designing smart helmet technology


Posts: 366
Albuquerque, NM
Too bad this isn't Intel/Victory. Cool technology!

Edited by nailer 2015-05-19 3:21 PM
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Posted 2015-05-19 4:09 PM (#172478 - in reply to #172477)
Subject: Re: Intel/BMW designing smart helmet technology

Iron Butt

Posts: 804
Perry Hall, MD
Pretty neat, but would I have to upgrade from my flip phone?

Unfortunately they are right when mentioning that people don't check the things that are part of the bike status check. Add the blind spot check and camera control with a "reasonable" price and it looks like a no-brainer. Now to get it to read the Victory code and get it on the market.
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Posted 2015-05-20 1:03 PM (#172481 - in reply to #172477)
Subject: Re: Intel/BMW designing smart helmet technology


Posts: 190
I've wondered for years why someone doesn't make a helmet that will work with heated clothing...i.e...a heated helmet liner. As someone who has ridden in the low 20's, the coldest part of my body is at the base of the helmet on the back of my neck and heat would be awful nice. I also remember a company, a few years ago, making a helmet with a rear-view mirror built in that I thought was a good idea. The mirrors on my '85 BMW were about as useless as the Vision mirrors when pulling my camper ( I read somewhere the same person designed both, which would explain that). A mirror at helmet height would have been great. Neither of these are so high-tech as this Intel/BMW set up but it's good to see someone thinking outside the box a bit.
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Posted 2015-05-21 8:56 PM (#172495 - in reply to #172477)
Subject: Re: Intel/BMW designing smart helmet technology


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
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Posted 2015-05-22 7:22 PM (#172507 - in reply to #172477)
Subject: Re: Intel/BMW designing smart helmet technology


Posts: 180
Georgia On My Mind.... United States
On the Harley version, the girl talks "nasty" to you.
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Posted 2015-05-23 7:05 PM (#172511 - in reply to #172495)
Subject: Re: Intel/BMW designing smart helmet technology


Posts: 190
Wow..that IS something. I'd almost be afraid of getting distracted but it looks like it's well thought out.
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Posted 2015-06-01 2:47 AM (#172616 - in reply to #172495)
Subject: Re: Intel/BMW designing smart helmet technology

New user

Posts: 1
Arkainzeye - 2015-05-21 8:56 PM

An interesting video. we should use helmet but many of us don't were while riding..
The manufacturing of durable helmet give us a message of good and long lasting products..
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Posted 2015-06-03 4:52 PM (#172654 - in reply to #172477)
Subject: Re: Intel/BMW designing smart helmet technology

Iron Butt

Posts: 880
Orlando, FL
OMG, I am getting old. What ever happened to just getting on your bike a going for a ride in the country. I still make fun of people who wear a watch when riding. The whole point to me is freedom. Letting go of everything but the ride and the wind.
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Posted 2015-06-03 5:15 PM (#172656 - in reply to #172477)
Subject: Re: Intel/BMW designing smart helmet technology


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
Hell old school harley riders may look at us and say.. what the hell you need a radio for on a bike?! Your supposed to escape from this all. And what the HELL is the story with that silly electric Windshield?? Bad enough those p?=sues have to have a wind shield... then what do they do, have one you electricly adjust as your riding ... bunch of sissy girls... oh then of course. What's up with their sensitive hands and rears ends? What afraid of a little nip in the air ? And the list goes on....
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Posted 2015-06-27 6:31 AM (#173023 - in reply to #172477)
Subject: RE: Intel/BMW designing smart helmet technology

New user

Posts: 2
What makes the Intel/BMW prototype special is that riders can talk directly to while still accessing the Internet.
You can just say ?status? and it?ll do a full systems check for you.
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