It's good to be back.
Posted 2014-09-23 8:56 AM (#167024)
Subject: It's good to be back.


Posts: 59
Austin Texas Yaaaalll
Last year I traded my 2011 Vision on another bike. I had had a total engine re-build done on her and as I was approaching 50K on the clock I was loosing confidence in the bike. So I muddled around with a couple of bikes, but really started missing the Vision. I found myself on craigslist all the time looking for a good used one. I wanted the same color and the options that I had on my 2011 Crimson and Black. I finally found one with 3100 miles at a dealer in AL. I flew out to Nashville on Saturday and the dealer met me in the long term parking with the bike and we completed the deal. It felt so good to be back on the Vision, I had a great ride back to Austin, TX.
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okie vision
Posted 2014-09-23 10:32 AM (#167026 - in reply to #167024)
Subject: Re: It's good to be back.

Iron Butt

Posts: 752
Broken Arrow, OK
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Posted 2014-09-23 4:30 PM (#167032 - in reply to #167024)
Subject: RE: It's good to be back.

Glendale, AZ United States
Congrats and welcome back. I'm sure it's like ridding a bike, no pun intended I've been looking at pulling the trigger on a used BMW GTL for those "Gitty UP, spurs in the nuts" type rides and holding on to my 09 VV as well since it's paid off. I just need to convince the wife to be on board with my plan. Heading out for happy hour in a few minutes and will implement my sick and twisted plan by catching her during her moment of weakness after a few margaritas. Vlad
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Posted 2014-09-23 7:09 PM (#167035 - in reply to #167024)
Subject: RE: It's good to be back.


Posts: 50
Many happy miles. You picked the best color.
Now time for upgrades, and remember to keep a eye on the front fender.
Ride safe and often.
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Posted 2014-09-23 7:45 PM (#167036 - in reply to #167024)
Subject: Re: It's good to be back.


Posts: 573
Central Illinois
Welcome back. Now go get that thing broken in.
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Posted 2014-09-24 6:35 PM (#167056 - in reply to #167024)
Subject: Re: It's good to be back.


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
welcome back !! and i hope you learned from your mistake... on behalf of a lot of us... Dont let it happen again !! The 2nd time back, is like joining the mafia... there is No leaving us.....
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Posted 2014-09-27 9:17 AM (#167091 - in reply to #167024)
Subject: RE: It's good to be back.


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
swmckinley54 - 2014-09-23 8:56 AM

Last year I traded my 2011 Vision on another bike. I had had a total engine re-build done on her and as I was approaching 50K on the clock I was loosing confidence in the bike. So I muddled around with a couple of bikes, but really started missing the Vision. I found myself on craigslist all the time looking for a good used one. I wanted the same color and the options that I had on my 2011 Crimson and Black. I finally found one with 3100 miles at a dealer in AL. I flew out to Nashville on Saturday and the dealer met me in the long term parking with the bike and we completed the deal. It felt so good to be back on the Vision, I had a great ride back to Austin, TX.

Those Alabama folks will take care of ya
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