Well, my front brake switch has not worked in over six months and I've been too lazy and cheap to replace it. I was able to get through state inspection and the few times I use cruise control, I need to remember to hit the rear brake to disengage. About two weeks ago I was spraying down the joints with WD-40, to include the switch. I noticed this morning the rear brake light was working again and of course, the cruise will now disengage with a tap of the front brake.
Posted 2014-09-07 1:46 PM (#165784 - in reply to #165763) Subject: Re: wonder salve
Posts: 1350
I still have my roll of stainless steel baling wire from the Air Force.
It's been ages since I used my lockwire pliers. When I was building subs an outside machinist was discussing lockwire pliers. He had the auto rewind style. Very fancy. Later that day he asked if he could borrow mine. I said, what about those fancy auto rewind ones he had? He said he dropped them in the Trident graving dock basin. O.o I said he could borrow mine but he had to use a lanyard. )
Drilled many a bolt head for lockwire.
Life is good.