headlight bulb replacement
Posted 2014-05-12 4:47 AM (#156162)
Subject: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
I need to replace one of the headlight bulbs (not the center one) I don't have enough room for my hand to squeeze the retaining clip to release the bulb. Has anyone gone at it from the front? So you don't have to blindly feel around for stuff.
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Posted 2014-05-12 4:56 AM (#156164 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Removing the assembly is basically the only other alternative if you have larger hands. I'm able to remove the air filter and then adjust the headlight up and basically out of the adjuster, so it seems. This gives me enough room to fiddle around in there and change the bulb. I had to remove my assembly the first time because the jackleg at the factory installed the clip wrong and it wouldn't undo to remove the bulb.
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Posted 2014-05-12 5:05 AM (#156165 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
that's the thing. I don't have big hands and thought I would be able to do it but I have tried and tried.
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Posted 2014-05-12 5:06 AM (#156166 - in reply to #156164)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
was the assembly very difficult to remove? reassemble?
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Posted 2014-05-12 6:32 AM (#156169 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
tedious, I'm one not to remove more than I have too. I didn't remove the side fairing as per manual, but did remove enough fasteners up front to remove the headlight assembly. The bear seems to be the bolts underneath, but I think there is a trick, just don't know what it is at the moment, that was over five years ago.
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Posted 2014-05-12 6:34 AM (#156170 - in reply to #156169)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
Thank you. I pray I haven't bitten off more than I can chew.
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Posted 2014-05-12 2:49 PM (#156198 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement

Iron Butt

Posts: 802
If you do a search you'll find lots of threads on replacing the bulbs including some really great tips. It does tear the back of your hands up. I found that if I only run the low beams during the day the bulbs last for years. If I run the highs all the time I end up changing bulbs out at least yearly. Yes, it sucks the big one :-((
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Posted 2014-05-12 3:11 PM (#156202 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
I rarely run the high beams so hopefully, my lights will last forever. I do pretty well at taking stuff apart but always seem to have extra parts when I put things back together. Hate to spend a few hundred bucks for the dealer to change out a couple bulbs.
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Posted 2014-05-12 3:14 PM (#156203 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I used the "expensive" bright lights for a while that blew out every so many months. I went to the "cheap" powersport lights and I can't even remember the last time I've changed them out. One was changed about 5 months of the other, about two years ago, and both are still going strong. I could change both lights under an hour I was changing them so often. Now, I would have to refer to my notes since it's been so long since the last change. The other thing about the lights that I'm using, they were on clearence, making them even cheaper, about $2 each, if I remember. Go figure.
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Posted 2014-05-12 7:06 PM (#156214 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 4278
If you haven't tried yet. Pull air filter and adjust headlight all the way up. That might get your hand in there. Go to auto parts store and ask for the longest lasting H-4 bulbs. Replace both of them.
Other wise take the hole front apart but you only need to do one side.


Attachments user3229_pic52_1285098939.jpg (65KB - 7 downloads)
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el spanky
Posted 2014-05-12 7:35 PM (#156221 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 155
Victoria Tx, TX United States
I took my dash apart to get to mine. Hmm???
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dan camarco
Posted 2014-05-12 8:20 PM (#156222 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 206
Lumber Bridge, NC United States
do yourself a favor and don't buy cheap replacement bulbs. it takes about 1 to 2 hours to do.
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Posted 2014-05-13 4:24 AM (#156231 - in reply to #156198)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
marcparnes - 2014-05-12 2:49 PM

If you do a search you'll find lots of threads on replacing the bulbs including some really great tips. It does tear the back of your hands up. I found that if I only run the low beams during the day the bulbs last for years. If I run the highs all the time I end up changing bulbs out at least yearly. Yes, it sucks the big one :-((

Thank you, I finished up yesterday evening, success! and with a record minimal fasteners left over (thank you Lord) lol!
I never run high beam during the day. Now that I got it out and could see the back of the unit, I might be able to do it blind by feel like the manual instructs, but , if not, I can go in from the front again. After reading all about the headlight bulb replacement nightmare , I really expected it to be worse than it was. Time consuming (I'm intentionally slow at bike tinkering) , harder than it has to be but not that bad really.
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Posted 2014-05-13 4:37 AM (#156233 - in reply to #156202)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
Monkeyman - 2014-05-12 3:11 PM

I rarely run the high beams so hopefully, my lights will last forever. I do pretty well at taking stuff apart but always seem to have extra parts when I put things back together. Hate to spend a few hundred bucks for the dealer to change out a couple bulbs.

I couldn't see paying someone to change a bulb for me either but I almost convinced my self to after reading post after post ranting about the headlight but I did it. This was monumental for me. I was afraid to touch the bike because of the body work. My fear was I would break the tabs and cost me but I finally convinced my self to try it. Once I pealed back the layers it allowed me to understand more about the bike.

(headlightbulb change.jpg)

(headlightbulb change2.jpg)

Attachments headlightbulb change.jpg (58KB - 11 downloads)
Attachments headlightbulb change2.jpg (57KB - 6 downloads)
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Posted 2014-05-13 4:42 AM (#156235 - in reply to #156214)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
johnnyvision - 2014-05-12 7:06 PM

If you haven't tried yet. Pull air filter and adjust headlight all the way up. That might get your hand in there. Go to auto parts store and ask for the longest lasting H-4 bulbs. Replace both of them.
Other wise take the hole front apart but you only need to do one side.

I didn't even take thought to the qaulity of the replacement, I just slapped the burned out one on the old barrel head at O'Reillys and said I need one of these Maybe it will last.
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Posted 2014-05-13 4:47 AM (#156236 - in reply to #156235)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
going in through the front really served several purposes. I made identical lower deflectors out of metal at work and needed to see how much clearance was between the panel that the brackets are mounted on . The deflectors are heavier at .0747 thickness metal so I'm securing brackets by drilling and fasteners through the panel. Also, last year at the wildlife loop in Custer State Park, someone dropped their Harley against my Vision and dented the chin cowling. I was able to take it off and hammer it some. It looks a little better now.
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Posted 2014-05-15 3:05 PM (#156362 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 161
Albuquerque NM
Jimtom, we would love to see some pictures of the deflectors that you made. Maybe you can inspire some of us to do something similar.
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Posted 2014-05-15 3:23 PM (#156363 - in reply to #156362)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
gr8punkin - 2014-05-15 3:05 PM

Jimtom, we would love to see some pictures of the deflectors that you made. Maybe you can inspire some of us to do something similar.

I sent you an email.
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Posted 2014-05-15 6:22 PM (#156371 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 4278
hey what about the other thousand of us we want to see to.
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Posted 2014-05-15 6:33 PM (#156372 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 2300
Georgia, west of Atlanta
IT IS A PAIN IN THE ASS...........
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Lone Ranger
Posted 2014-05-19 10:57 PM (#156520 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 447
Cleveland, GA
I changed headlight bulbs a couple of times. Now I pay my dealer to do it. I went through a LOT of bulbs - but I used to ride with my high beams on all the time. Not anymore!

Oh, by the way - one time my headlight socket was melted and I had to get it replaced completely. Fortunately the mechanic at my dealer went to the local auto parts store to get it rather than ordering it from Ma Vic. Saved me a ton of money!
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Posted 2014-05-20 6:36 AM (#156525 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 341
West Salem, WI United States
That's one of the cool things about this bike (and Victory in general), they seem to have used stock off the shelf automotive parts for many things. At least in the wiring harness anyway!
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Posted 2014-05-20 7:16 AM (#156526 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 576
, IA
$100 for 2 at local dealer to do work y waste your time
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Posted 2014-05-20 8:01 AM (#156527 - in reply to #156526)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
sonicbluerider - 2014-05-20 7:16 AM

$100 for 2 at local dealer to do work y waste your time

Cost me $10 and I learned something about my bike. I actually enjoyed it and have the satisfaction of knowing how to do it now. $90 left over for gas , well worth it to me
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Posted 2014-05-20 8:03 AM (#156528 - in reply to #156214)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
johnnyvision - 2014-05-12 7:06 PM

If you haven't tried yet. Pull air filter and adjust headlight all the way up. That might get your hand in there. Go to auto parts store and ask for the longest lasting H-4 bulbs. Replace both of them.
Other wise take the hole front apart but you only need to do one side.

I checked and turns out , I did replace it with a long life bulb. Eiko 9003 HB2 60/55W
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Posted 2014-05-20 8:08 AM (#156529 - in reply to #156371)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
johnnyvision - 2014-05-15 6:22 PM

hey what about the other thousand of us we want to see to.

I should get them on today. Here they are in raw steel.



Attachments deflector.jpg (93KB - 2 downloads)
Attachments deflector2.jpg (55KB - 1 downloads)
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Posted 2014-05-20 8:45 AM (#156530 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
They look heavy. Is weight a concern for the fasteners to the side fairing? Or are you going to run a bolt through the fasteners/fairing as well?
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Travelin Man
Posted 2014-05-20 9:58 AM (#156532 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement

Iron Butt

Posts: 721
Has anyone figured out what the cutout on the bottom of the deflectors is for? While I still have my original Victory ones the only thing I can think of that cutout being for is for when you have them folded all the way in for the toe of your foot.
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Posted 2014-05-20 10:05 AM (#156533 - in reply to #156532)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland

Travelin Man - 2014-05-20 10:58 AM

Has anyone figured out what the cutout on the bottom of the deflectors is for? While I still have my original Victory ones the only thing I can think of that cutout being for is for when you have them folded all the way in for the toe of your foot.


You figured correctly

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Posted 2014-05-20 12:52 PM (#156537 - in reply to #156530)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
willtill - 2014-05-20 8:45 AM

They look heavy. Is weight a concern for the fasteners to the side fairing? Or are you going to run a bolt through the fasteners/fairing as well?

I did run a bolt through the brackets. They would have never held otherwise. they are out of .0747" thick steel.
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Travelin Man
Posted 2014-05-20 5:06 PM (#156544 - in reply to #156533)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement

Iron Butt

Posts: 721

willtill - 2014-05-20 10:05 AM

Travelin Man - 2014-05-20 10:58 AM

Has anyone figured out what the cutout on the bottom of the deflectors is for? While I still have my original Victory ones the only thing I can think of that cutout being for is for when you have them folded all the way in for the toe of your foot.


You figured correctly

In that case I would eliminate it to gain better protection and better airflow, I have NEVER come close to touching that part of the deflector with my size 13 boots when they are turned in.

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Posted 2014-05-21 4:57 AM (#156554 - in reply to #156544)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
here they are on. I know the fastener in the brackets is ugly. I don't have any pretty chrome ones handy



Attachments deflector3.jpg (44KB - 1 downloads)
Attachments deflector4.jpg (58KB - 0 downloads)
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Posted 2014-05-21 5:05 AM (#156555 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Looks good, they won't blow off. You should put the pictures in your gallery, and in a separate thread. Great job!!
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Posted 2014-05-21 5:06 AM (#156556 - in reply to #156555)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 1308
Sand Rock, AL United States
Thanks Chris! I will do that
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Posted 2014-05-21 7:16 AM (#156565 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 135
Chesterfield, VA
Looks good, but now you need to blackout your top deflector.
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Posted 2014-08-13 9:22 PM (#164222 - in reply to #156565)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
anyone ever try any of these? http://www.piaa.com/store/c/44-Powersport-Bulbs.aspx?Attribs=38
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Posted 2014-08-13 10:00 PM (#164223 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 1229
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
I tried the extreme white anti vibration bulbs and one burnt out after 10k miles.
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Posted 2014-08-14 6:02 AM (#164229 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
thanks for sharing. just wondering the "color" and brightness was it a difference you could see?
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Posted 2014-08-14 8:18 AM (#164234 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 482
Beer Collins, Colorado (there is no fort)
2 years & well over 20,000 miles since I went all HID- It's been a great upgrade & I'm hoping it will be a very long time before I have to go in again.
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Posted 2014-08-14 11:19 AM (#164240 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
When you went HID. Does it disable your high beams?, I'm trying to learn all I can.
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Posted 2014-08-14 3:31 PM (#164248 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 1229
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
The PIAA extreme whites were a little brighter and a little whiter, which was a problem when only one burnt out. I then had to decide if i wanted to put the same type bulb back in (that didn't last), or change both out. I chose to change both out.
HIDs are nicer,whiter, brighter and longer lasting. You can also get ones that reposition their focus for HI/LOW beams... but HIDs are are also illegal and screw your radio signal up. DOT does not allow HIDs in any vehicle not desined for HIDs by the vehicle manufacturer. Even if you buy aftermarket lenses that are designed for your vehicle and HIDs.

Edited by Nozzledog 2014-08-14 3:35 PM
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Posted 2014-08-14 8:03 PM (#164259 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 482
Beer Collins, Colorado (there is no fort)
I have dual 55w hi/low HID 5000K bulbs at 5,000 lumens each (PIAA Extreme White H4 bulbs are around 1,700 lumens on high)I'm not concerned about the legality and seriously doubt there would ever be any issue with it (technically my exhaust is illegal). The lights have a very distinctive horizontal cut off line that can be adjusted just like stock, they draw less current once they fire, run cooler & I don't have drivers flashing me - there's no way I'm goin' back to halogen bulbs.
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Posted 2014-08-15 6:03 AM (#165255 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
speaking of ISSUES with a head light being legal or not... I was going to post this last night but i was still very pissed off about it and didnt want to work myself up even more... here is what happened... last night (7pm) on my way home from work... I was on my Vision with my Low beams on & my HID light on.. well there is this honda accord in front of me about 40-60 feet.. I see him Smack his rear view mirror.. well im behind him for about 1/2 to 1 mile before he got into the far left lane at a stop light.. so he starts screaming at me about me "high beaming him".. but here is the thing.. my High beams were not on... i didnt handle the situation to the best of my ability by telling him to F$%k Off ... =( now i have to question.. what if this guy would have called the cops.. or it got into a road rage case and then its found that I was in the wrong by having headlights that the International Space Station can see from space... ya know what i mean ?? In this case i was 100% legal with my headlights.. i never had a person flip out before over my lights.. I mean i have to look at it as he probably was just a real A#% Hole.. But i do like to try and look at both sides of a story, even when im involved... Im just a little bummed as i want "blue'r" looking headlights.
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Posted 2014-08-15 1:13 PM (#165276 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 1229
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
With legal headlights, I'm sure all the cops would do is check that they are adjusted correctly. With illegal ones, you may have gotten a ticket.
Don't buy the blue'r looking H4 bulbs... all it is, is a blue tint on the bulb that reduces the total visible light and causes more heat retention, thus causing the bulb to burn out sooner.
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Posted 2014-08-15 6:31 PM (#165282 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
thanks for the heads up !! serious.....
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Posted 2014-08-15 6:35 PM (#165283 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 4278
look in your owners book it will tell you how to adjust your light. Make sure you sit on bike when you check it out even girl friend sit on it
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Posted 2014-08-15 6:36 PM (#165284 - in reply to #164240)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 4278

Arkainzeye - 2014-08-14 11:19 AM When you went HID. Does it disable your high beams?, I'm trying to learn all I can.

you have HID light now you know that one in the middle. Yes it works with all beams

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Posted 2014-08-16 6:06 AM (#165298 - in reply to #165284)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
I know the OEM HID light works with all beams.. but the question was in regards to the person to REPLACED his standard bulbs and went ALL HIDs .. (3 total) .
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Posted 2014-08-16 6:48 AM (#165302 - in reply to #165284)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA

johnnyvision - 2014-08-15 7:36 PM

Arkainzeye - 2014-08-14 11:19 AM When you went HID. Does it disable your high beams?, I'm trying to learn all I can.

you have HID light now you know that one in the middle. Yes it works with all beams

Even the tractor-beam...

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Posted 2014-08-16 8:04 PM (#165318 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
still NO one gets what i am asking... LOL (not being a smart ass)... its has to be me. so i will try and be more clear..

OK I do have oem HID .. it is 100% completely Not effects by Any of the bulbs above it.. low or high beams... what i am trying to ask is..( and i have been told in the past i dont always complete my thoughts) . if someone replaced their H4 NON-HID bulbs -- WITH -- HID bulbs, do you love the ability to have BOTH high and low beams? are you forced to have one or another?
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Posted 2014-08-16 8:36 PM (#165319 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Never heard of such a thing. Anyone, anyone....
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Posted 2014-08-16 9:04 PM (#165320 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 1229
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
I got you, and answered. You can get HIDs that refocus for HI/LOW. I went on to say they are illegal, if that kinda thing matters to you.
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Posted 2014-08-17 6:29 AM (#165324 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
thanks!! i wasnt sure if they made a dual filament (or what ever a HID bulb uses) for a HID light.. i didnt know if they were only ON.. or only OFF. No high and low beams combined...
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okie vision
Posted 2014-08-17 8:43 AM (#165327 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement

Iron Butt

Posts: 752
Broken Arrow, OK
I've ordered the 35watt, 5000K hi/lo from DDM tuning. Yes, they'll do both hi and lo beam.
Each kit comes with the bulb of course as well as the harness, ballast and relay that changes the position of the HID bulb when switching between hi and low beam.

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Posted 2014-08-17 10:45 AM (#165331 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
Wow thanks!!!!!
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Posted 2014-08-17 7:50 PM (#165348 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
thanks Okie vision . i found this as well.. showing the bulbs http://www.vvme.com/difference-between-single-beam-hi-low-and-bi-xe...
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okie vision
Posted 2014-08-17 8:14 PM (#165349 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement

Iron Butt

Posts: 752
Broken Arrow, OK
Nice. I'll get some pics when my lights get here. Since the weather's looking like triple digits for awhile I'm not sure when the install will happen.
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Posted 2014-08-17 8:17 PM (#165350 - in reply to #156162)
Subject: Re: headlight bulb replacement


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
okie we need LASER HEAD LIGHTS... lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQMFRTYA_Pc
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