DIY Fuel Pump replacement
Posted 2014-01-27 6:37 AM (#150796)
Subject: DIY Fuel Pump replacement


Posts: 132
Durango, Colorado

Ordered a new one for my 08 vision. Has anyone attempted DIY replacement? Special tools needed to disconnect fuel quick connects? Any input, tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'll be performing the work next week in my garage, awesome set of tools! I hope all goes well.


Edited by paulhu 2014-01-27 6:39 AM
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Posted 2014-01-28 4:25 AM (#150815 - in reply to #150796)
Subject: Re: DIY Fuel Pump replacement


Posts: 1350
Sorry can't help on the Vision. My pump was replaced under warranty. Good luck.
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Posted 2014-01-28 7:12 AM (#150817 - in reply to #150796)
Subject: Re: DIY Fuel Pump replacement


Posts: 482
Beer Collins, Colorado (there is no fort)
I looked at the service manual and it doesn't look to bad-remove right side front fairing and speaker box looks to be the worst of it. If it's like the other Victory fuel pumps I've replaced the new pump doesn't come with the new O-ring gasket you need-make sure you have it before you start. Do you have a service manual?
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Posted 2014-01-28 9:54 AM (#150823 - in reply to #150817)
Subject: Re: DIY Fuel Pump replacement


Posts: 132
Durango, Colorado

No service manual, I have already removed the upper cowl, right turn signal, and speaker box. Access to fuel pump looks good I was mainly concerned about the fuel quick connects. Do I need a special tool or technique to disconnect them? I don't want to eff them up. Is the o-ring gasket for the tank seal or other? can I use the old one? Thanks for the reply Byte, paulhu

Edited by paulhu 2014-01-28 9:57 AM
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Posted 2014-01-28 11:31 AM (#150825 - in reply to #150823)
Subject: Re: DIY Fuel Pump replacement


Posts: 366
Albuquerque, NM
New Gasket?: Unless you know what a new tank seal looks like to compare it with your old one, do you really want to take a chance of it leaking (down onto a hot engine) and have to tear it apart again to put a new one? Cost of a new gasket buys piece of mind.....
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Posted 2014-01-28 6:21 PM (#150839 - in reply to #150796)
Subject: Re: DIY Fuel Pump replacement


Posts: 4278
quick disconnect should be done with fingers I guess. Gee hate to put bike back together and have a leak.
Call Rylan at the Vic shop for fast service for O ring
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Posted 2014-01-29 6:42 AM (#150846 - in reply to #150839)
Subject: Re: DIY Fuel Pump replacement


Posts: 132
Durango, Colorado

Thanks, Johnny. Dealer I ordered the pump from said he would send the o-ring w/pump. I'll ask my local Napa if they have a tool for the fuel connections.


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Posted 2014-01-29 7:48 AM (#150848 - in reply to #150846)
Subject: Re: DIY Fuel Pump replacement


Posts: 482
Beer Collins, Colorado (there is no fort)
Here's some pages from the manual-hope it helps.

Edited by ByteN2it 2014-01-29 7:50 AM

(fuel pump 5.11.jpg)

(fuel pump 5.12.jpg)

(fuel pump 5.13.jpg)

Attachments fuel pump 5.11.jpg (57KB - 5 downloads)
Attachments fuel pump 5.12.jpg (50KB - 2 downloads)
Attachments fuel pump 5.13.jpg (85KB - 1 downloads)
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Posted 2014-01-29 9:11 AM (#150851 - in reply to #150848)
Subject: Re: DIY Fuel Pump replacement


Posts: 132
Durango, Colorado

Ahh yes! very helpful. Gracias Byte!

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