Cee Bailey Windshield
Posted 2008-07-27 7:30 PM (#14528)
Subject: Cee Bailey Windshield


Posts: 354
20 miles west of Chicago.
I just got back from the TCOG meet in Nashville. A couple of days before I left the Cee Bailey +2 inch wndshield I ordered the first day it was on the website arrived, but I found that they had made a mistake and sent one the same 18" height as the stock windshield. I e-mailed them about the error right before I left, and just read their reply today after arriving back home from the meet. They told me to keep the stock height windshield as their gift. and that they were shipping out one of the correct height ASAP, with an apology for the mistake. Don't really need an extra, but it does save me the trouble and cost of boxing it up and shipping it back. Pretty good way to do business in my opinion. In fact, from what I've seen of the way some outfits have been doing business lately, it's downright great!
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