marker lights out
Posted 2013-09-08 12:30 PM (#144206)
Subject: marker lights out


Posts: 212
Tavares, Fl
I was riding today and my emergency flashers started flashing. I got off the highway and found I have no marker lights front or rear. Sounds like a fuse but I checked the fuse box and everything is ok. Is there a separate fuse for the marker lights I'm not finding????? Roger
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Posted 2013-09-08 1:18 PM (#144207 - in reply to #144206)
Subject: Re: marker lights out


Posts: 212
Tavares, Fl
I found it. I was 2 and a half hours into a 1000 mile ride when the flashers came on and I found the tail lights and brake lights out. I pulled the fuse, twice, looked at it and it looked perfectly ok. I even took the spare fuse out and put it there and the lights were still out. I rode all the way back home, got my tester out and ran the wiring all the way back to the fuse. Replaced it and now have lights. You cannot look at the fuse and tell its out. That's the last time I leave home without an electrical tester......

Edited by rlreed 2013-09-08 1:19 PM
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