Methods to fix cracking front fender
Street Eagle
Posted 2013-09-05 8:04 AM (#144116)
Subject: Methods to fix cracking front fender

Iron Butt

Posts: 691
Manchester, CT
Fellow riders

Lets use this thread to share how you went about fixing your Vision's cracking front fenders. There is already some recommendations on the forum but they are spread out across various sections.

Please include description, instructions and if possible, before and after pictures.
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dan camarco
Posted 2013-09-05 9:02 AM (#144119 - in reply to #144116)
Subject: Re: Methods to fix cracking front fender


Posts: 206
Lumber Bridge, NC United States
I took off the fender and got some thin gage aluminum JB welded all the cracked areas back together let it cure, then cut the aluminum to profile the inside of the fender into the back end of the fender(connecting the two halves together). I mixed the rest of the JB weld spread it on the inside of the profiled aluminum pieces (one side at a time) clamped the aluminum pieces to the fender let it cure overnight. next day drilled out the original holes and two more 3/8 holes in the back part behind the fork. put it back on the bike looks like it was never cracked or worked on. this was two years ago still holding good. so this method is basically the aluminum inside is holding the plastic fender and still bolted to the bike. (use blue painters tape on the areas you don't want the JB weld to get on) I don't have any before pics, when I get time I will take some after pics if people want to see.
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Posted 2013-09-05 10:57 AM (#144121 - in reply to #144116)
Subject: RE: Methods to fix cracking front fender

Central Wisconsin


 Melted a high-density polypropylene washer inside the black fender half.


Drilled and installed quality nylon bolts and nuts. You could use stainless hardware or riveting should work too.

You can't even see the bolts when looking at the front of the bike. 

Edited by Thomas 2013-09-05 11:08 AM
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Posted 2013-09-05 12:40 PM (#144126 - in reply to #144116)
Subject: Re: Methods to fix cracking front fender

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
I replaced it with a XC fender. I'll see what WD has in store.
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Posted 2013-09-05 7:10 PM (#144136 - in reply to #144116)
Subject: Re: Methods to fix cracking front fender


Posts: 4278
I went to auto store ask the guy a plastic epoxy. Then went to hardware store and bought over size washer. Glued and add the washers and all has been good for ten thousand miles.

What causes the break is lack of washers and bolts never being tight
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Posted 2013-09-05 8:48 PM (#144141 - in reply to #144136)
Subject: Re: Methods to fix cracking front fender


Posts: 308
Vineland, NJ United States
how do you remove the "rivets" and what do you replace them with?
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Posted 2013-09-06 6:54 PM (#144162 - in reply to #144116)
Subject: Re: Methods to fix cracking front fender

Iron Butt

Posts: 1066
Peru, IN
They're plastic, 2 piece push pins. You pull up and remove the center part then you can pull the outer section out.
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Street Eagle
Posted 2013-09-06 9:44 PM (#144167 - in reply to #144116)
Subject: Re: Methods to fix cracking front fender

Iron Butt

Posts: 691
Manchester, CT
Hey Monkeyman...I haven't looked but you are saying that Victory used "darts" to secure the fender????
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