CB Kit & Cell Phone
Posted 2013-05-11 6:50 PM (#138752)
Subject: CB Kit & Cell Phone

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 33
Hello all,
I have a 2012 VVT with factory Garmin 660 GPS. I currently have Sena Bluetooth Headsets and I have my cellphone paired to my GPS and GPS paired to my headset so I can make and receive phone calls as well as hear gps promps. I am considering buying the Victory CB kit and using the wired headsets. My question is will I still be able to make and receive phone calls with the wired headsets? The GPS is Hardwired to the Bike using the gps integration kit. does anyone else have this setup and can you still make and receive phone calls. Thanks
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Posted 2013-05-11 8:54 PM (#138761 - in reply to #138752)
Subject: Re: CB Kit & Cell Phone

Iron Butt

Posts: 1117
Northeast Ohio
I have a similar setup, but not exact. I am hardwired, no bluetooth, and have a Garmin 665 instead of your 660. I paired my iPhone to the GPS and can hear the person, but they can't hear me (they hear wind which makes me believe the phone is using the GPS on-board mic. That being said, it may work for you because I had to swap some parts on the GPS mount to make the XM work on my 665 as the Victory mount / cradle is for a 660.

****Disclaimer - your results may vary with what I am about to suggest****
Victory OEMs a Bluetooth dongle that integrates the factory audio system and components to your bluetooth headsets in your helmet. The reason for the disclaimer is that there have been numerous reported problems with this bluetooth dongle. You could need to be on the latest version of the radio software (your dealer has to flash the radio and ALL connected Victory audio components), you should probably make sure your helmet headsets are on the latest firmware too. It's really hit-or-miss with this device. I am hoping it gets better, but I gave up following it months ago.

Here is a link if you are interested: http://www.purepolaris.com/en-us/Victory/Pages/Detail.aspx?ItemID=2...
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Posted 2013-05-11 10:31 PM (#138768 - in reply to #138761)
Subject: Re: CB Kit & Cell Phone

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 33
I have the dongle and it does not work well. I am planning on getting the factory CB and I will have to use the wired headset because I don't think the CB will work with the bluetooth headset even with the dongle, but I may be wrong.
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Posted 2013-05-12 11:56 AM (#138790 - in reply to #138752)
Subject: Re: CB Kit & Cell Phone


Posts: 354
20 miles west of Chicago.
You may want to check this out:
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LA Victory Rider
Posted 2013-05-13 12:02 PM (#138838 - in reply to #138752)
Subject: Re: CB Kit & Cell Phone


Posts: 241
Monrovia, Ca
I have a Garmin 660 hardwired on a 09 Vision. Also have factory CB, XM and a I phone 5. Like others, I can hear the call great, they just cannot understand what I ham saying. Very frustrating.

JM and Victory CB headsets are non powered. They don't have the ability to push talk back through them.

I am working with and trying out a set up from a company called Edests. He says that his mics are powered. My bike is getting some upgrades, so have not been able to test his system out.

He also insists that it is a Gamin 600 series problem and that they work great on 550's.

It is his opinion, that Garmin has screwed the pooch on the firmware of the 600's and denies any issues or want to make a fix.

FYI, HD has the same issues.

Edited by LA Victory Rider 2013-05-13 12:08 PM
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Posted 2013-05-13 8:20 PM (#138863 - in reply to #138838)
Subject: Re: CB Kit & Cell Phone

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 33
thanks for the info. is your gps hardwired using the victory harness or the harness that came with the gps?
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LA Victory Rider
Posted 2013-05-14 11:16 AM (#138895 - in reply to #138752)
Subject: Re: CB Kit & Cell Phone


Posts: 241
Monrovia, Ca
Using the Garmin Harness, hard wired into the Vic loom
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Posted 2013-05-14 10:08 PM (#138961 - in reply to #138895)
Subject: Re: CB Kit & Cell Phone

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 33
I purchased the victory branded garmin 660 and I purchased the victory harness that is plug N play. the gps came with a garmin harness that did not have the connectors for victory also the garmin has a connector labeled mic. I think this connector is wired into the victory harness that I purchased so I think the gps should have a mic input into my factory system. So I hope if I get the Factory CB I'll be able to use my cell phone using the wired headset.
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