Man, I suck at this carbon fiber vinyl stuff
Posted 2013-03-31 2:37 PM (#133967)
Subject: Man, I suck at this carbon fiber vinyl stuff


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
So a wrestled today with the Simcarbon carbon fiber vinyl and my console cover. Used a hairdryer to help stretch it; I just could not get the lower portion of the console wrinkle free in some areas; especially around the mess of holes for the radio's buttons.

I understand the concept on how to do it. Maybe I had too much excess and didn't pre-trim it off.

I still have enough left for a second attempt; but not today. I just got done ripping it all off and wadding it into the trashcan.

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Posted 2013-03-31 3:21 PM (#133970 - in reply to #133967)
Subject: Re: Man, I suck at this carbon fiber vinyl stuff


Posts: 1290
Ruskin, Fl
I was thinking about doing that. How much and where do you get it?
Maybe you need more heat? A heat gun is about 25 bucks at Home Depot.
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Posted 2013-03-31 3:39 PM (#133972 - in reply to #133967)
Subject: Re: Man, I suck at this carbon fiber vinyl stuff


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
No, a hair dryer works fine. You don't need a heat gun.

One issue I had was trying to hold the hair dryer, console and apply the SimCarbon all at the same time. Need more hands I think.

Been reading up on other threads, one Vision rider mentioned screwing down the console on a 2x6" and then putting it in a vise (or something to make it stationary.)

I think (although I thought I wasn't) I may have rushed the job as well.

I bought about a 12" x 60" piece of the black gloss carbon fiber from here, and paid about $22.00 for it with shipping:
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Posted 2013-03-31 3:44 PM (#133973 - in reply to #133967)
Subject: Re: Man, I suck at this carbon fiber vinyl stuff


Posts: 1290
Ruskin, Fl
Cool, thanks. My wife's hair dryer throw out som serious heat. Was just thinking out loud. After I sent the post I remembered burning my fingers and deforming my speaker enclosures doing my upgrade. Heat gun prob not a good idea.
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Posted 2013-03-31 4:18 PM (#133974 - in reply to #133967)
Subject: Re: Man, I suck at this carbon fiber vinyl stuff


Posts: 79
A hairdryer worked fine for me but no way I could do it without extra hands. The material is way different as well. Spend a couple dollars more and buy the 3m DI-NOC you can peel it off and restick it. It has air channels to help get the air out. I had great service from MetroRestyling.

Have fun!
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Posted 2013-03-31 5:19 PM (#133977 - in reply to #133967)
Subject: Re: Man, I suck at this carbon fiber vinyl stuff


Posts: 1365
Central Maryland
The Simcarbon stuff is possible to peel back off; as you're trying to apply it. The problem that I was having (one of them) was that although I was able to get the SimCarbon to lay nicely and smoothly from the forward area of the console; trying to get it to apply smoothly over the multiple holes for the radio button cutouts at the end; was somewhat difficult. It was hard to get the material to evenly lay down over those holes; which interfered with the surfaces that the material actually needed to adhere to; around the holes.

I was not happy with the finished product; I am very anal and discerning about my work and this was just not satisfactory.

Will give it another shot tomorrow or the next day. Wifey will be back and that may be the set of hands that will make this a success.

Edited by willtill 2013-03-31 5:21 PM
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Posted 2013-03-31 5:19 PM (#133978 - in reply to #133967)
Subject: Re: Man, I suck at this carbon fiber vinyl stuff


Posts: 255
New Brunswick , Canada
Did this , done that. I screwed down the panel on a peice of wood and used a heatGun and had no problem.
But if i would of used a hairdryer , for sure an extra pair of hands would of been needed . Heatgun did ok but
use the low heat setting . worked for me..
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Posted 2013-03-31 6:02 PM (#133984 - in reply to #133967)
Subject: Re: Man, I suck at this carbon fiber vinyl stuff


Posts: 499
Chattanooga, TN
I used the 3M Dinoc stuff and it was really easy with a heat gun. I first placed it over the console, sticking and unsticking until it was perfectly flush without wrinkles. Then I used the heat gun on low setting to heat it, shrink it and curve it around the piece. I then used a scalpel to cut the radio button holes in a way that I could then heat the edges and curl them underneath to the back of the console cover. Regarding the instrument bezels, that took me several days. Good luck with that!
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Posted 2013-03-31 6:33 PM (#133988 - in reply to #133967)
Subject: Re: Man, I suck at this carbon fiber vinyl stuff


Posts: 4278
One thing is you half to put cuts in the CF because of the curves. When it starts to buckle up put a small cut in the CF
when you go to roll it around the bottom edges put a lot of cuts in the CF. Cover all the switch holes as if they were not there. When done go back and cut them out.
A credit card with smooth edges works good for smoothing.
Yes extra hand for dryer will be a big plus.


Attachments IMG_0446.JPG (73KB - 2 downloads)
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Posted 2013-03-31 9:42 PM (#134003 - in reply to #133967)
Subject: Re: Man, I suck at this carbon fiber vinyl stuff


Posts: 209
I had wifey help on mine.[ wish i had used 2x6 idea] didnt' know til after . didnt really need heat until the sharper bends.cut sheet down to 2' overhang all around. take your time, work from center going out.have helper hold up excess as you apply fiber. press out bubbles as you go. USE AT ROOM TEMP. cut x diagonally in openings and fold back. good luck..whats the worst that could happen?
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Posted 2013-04-01 7:25 AM (#134020 - in reply to #133967)
Subject: Re: Man, I suck at this carbon fiber vinyl stuff


Posts: 59
Austin Texas Yaaaalll
I did it with a friend and we took our time. Cut reliefs in CF on the back side and around switch holes. It was slow but the end product looked great.
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Posted 2013-05-14 1:19 PM (#138903 - in reply to #133967)
Subject: Re: Man, I suck at this carbon fiber vinyl stuff


Posts: 82
Fargo, ND
Start by sticking the Carbon Fiber to the centerline of the console. Work it from the middle to the outside. Use an x-acto blade and cut an X across the openings of the electrical switches, fold the flaps onto the back of the console. Press the switches back into the console and they will never come loose. Be patient and cut carefully! Everyone has seen how a pool table felt is curved around corners by putting small cuts in the overlap. The tighter the curve... the more the cuts. This process is exactly the same. I have covered the front V under the windshield, the dash behind the windshield, both wind deflectors under the handlebars, the timing and case covers, the covers below the seat, and the center console. It has been 3 years and nothing is coming loose or shrinking.

Edited by stretch1956 2013-05-14 1:21 PM
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