kuryakyn 4710 problems on 2012
Posted 2013-03-01 3:55 PM (#131586)
Subject: kuryakyn 4710 problems on 2012


Posts: 212
Tavares, Fl
I just installed the 4710 controller on the trunk lights along with trailer wiring....Everything works except when I turn the bike on ACC the flashers come on. Everything else works fine. I havent had a chance to check the cruise control yet. Anyone else run into this problem... I chatted with Kuryakyn tech support and they don't recommend the 4710 controller on a Victory saying Victory lowers the voltage to the light bulbs to 9.5 volts....
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Posted 2013-03-01 4:43 PM (#131590 - in reply to #131586)
Subject: Re: kuryakyn 4710 problems on 2012


Posts: 1290
Ruskin, Fl
My last Vision had another brand controller. It had a bad connection to the unit and would do all kinds of weird stuff when the unit lost power. Maybe your positive battery to the 4710 is not hot in ACC, only RUN. Just a thought.
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Posted 2013-03-01 4:53 PM (#131591 - in reply to #131586)
Subject: Re: kuryakyn 4710 problems on 2012

Iron Butt

Posts: 804
Perry Hall, MD
I've been using the 4710 for 2years to control the five LED strips mounted on my trunk and have not experienced any trouble. When I decided to put the trunk lights on I already had trailer lights hooked up using an isolator wiring harness. The 4710 is spliced into the trailer wires. I am assuming that this would eliminate the voltage reduction concern that Kuryakyn spoke of since the power is being supplied directly from the isolator. Sorry I can't help with suggestion on where to start trouble shooting.
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Posted 2013-03-03 7:56 PM (#131674 - in reply to #131586)
Subject: Re: kuryakyn 4710 problems on 2012

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 9
Springfield, IL
I've recently started connecting the controller and I have that same problem in ACC mode. I haven't completed the install yet because when I test it, the right turn works fine but left turn and brake lights go haywire. My only avenue is to go back and make sure I tapped into the correct input wires to the 4710 controller.
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Posted 2013-03-04 9:23 AM (#131690 - in reply to #131674)
Subject: Re: kuryakyn 4710 problems on 2012


Posts: 196

Mine does weird stuff when on ACC, also.

Works perfectly when key is ON, but something about the ACC make them go nuts.

Turn to ON and let 'er eat!

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