2011 Vision electrical problem
Posted 2013-02-25 1:55 PM (#131334)
Subject: 2011 Vision electrical problem


Posts: 494
Akron Ohio area

While out for a recent ride my heated grips and cruise control both quit working.

I've never added anything to the electrical system so that can be ruled out.

Everything else seems to be functioning properly.

Anyone have any ideas? 



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Posted 2013-02-25 1:55 PM (#131335 - in reply to #131334)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision electrical problem


Posts: 2300
Georgia, west of Atlanta
Check fuses.......
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Posted 2013-02-25 2:29 PM (#131344 - in reply to #131335)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision electrical problem


Posts: 494
Akron Ohio area

Simply changing out the fuses doesn't correct the problem.
They let you know that there is a problem.

I have a 4,500 mile trip coming up at the end of May and I don't want to be without my cruise control for that long of a distance.  

All I'm asking is if anyone else has had a similar problem and if so, what caused it? 


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Posted 2013-02-25 3:12 PM (#131346 - in reply to #131334)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision electrical problem


Posts: 1340
Gainesville Fl Home of the Gators
Both bundles are tied off on the top tree in about the same location. Sounds like they both may have come unplugged in a full steering lock maneuver. Follow the harness from the cruise switch to the junction
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Posted 2013-02-25 4:50 PM (#131354 - in reply to #131334)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision electrical problem


Posts: 494
Akron Ohio area
<p>Update; 20A "chassis" fuse blown. (Located under front cowl on the riders right hand side fuse block) 20 minutes of trying to find out why it blew, no luck. (Using a Fluke Meter) Heated grips worked for 15 minutes in garage, so now I had to find out if the cruise control worked. Took it for a test ride. Cruise worked for at least 3-4 minutes. Stopped in traffic and noticed smoke billowing up through hole where the front forks go. Lost all front brakes? Smoke stopped, front brakes pumped back up. Front discs not hot to touch. Heated grips and cruise quit functioning (blown fuse again I'm sure) I am baffled as to why I lost my front brake while I was "letting out the smoke"?  I'm thinking this is a cruise control unit problem, not a heated grips/seat problem.</p><p> </p>

Edited by bigfoot 2013-02-25 4:52 PM
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Posted 2013-02-25 5:22 PM (#131356 - in reply to #131334)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision electrical problem


Posts: 1229
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
My heated grip would short out when I twisted the throttle. Small break in the wire right where it enters the grip and flexes everytime you twist the grip. It would cause the 'chassis' fuse to blow and take out my cruise control. Replace your fuse, unplug the grips and see if everything else works. I'm betting you have the same issue I did.
Smoke and brake loss is prob. not related.
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Posted 2013-02-25 5:54 PM (#131359 - in reply to #131334)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision electrical problem


Posts: 1229
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
It is possible for the heated grip wires to smoke before blowing a 20 amp fuse. If they did, it would be where all the wires seperate out from the rubber wire covering under the dash. Not necessarily where the short is.

Edited by Nozzledog 2013-02-25 5:56 PM
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Posted 2013-02-25 6:31 PM (#131362 - in reply to #131334)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision electrical problem


Posts: 4278
smoke comes from power wire grounding out. Fuss should shut the Curtice down. On your right hand throttle grip is heated wire free to turn when you twist the grip?
I would pull the center councel and start looking. Test every thing with a meter just looking and touching will not do much for you.
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Posted 2013-02-25 6:33 PM (#131363 - in reply to #131334)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision electrical problem


Posts: 494
Akron Ohio area
Smoke and the loss of the front brake occurred at the same time.

When I pulled off the road due to the smoke, my front brake handle had no resistance.
After I sat there for a while, the brake handle started to regain resistance, and then I drove home and poured myself 4 fingers of Rye.
The next time it isn't below freezing I'll pull it outside and go over it trying to find where exactly I let the smoke out.
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Posted 2013-02-25 6:35 PM (#131364 - in reply to #131334)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision electrical problem


Posts: 4278
Maybe you have a break line rubbing a wire. Check to see if triple tree is not rubbing a power wire. You will not see any thing till you pull center consul.
Do understand how you could loose front breaks when there is no power to them.
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Posted 2013-02-25 6:44 PM (#131366 - in reply to #131362)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision electrical problem


Posts: 494
Akron Ohio area

I'm an electrician (retired), so I understand the intricacies of "letting the smoke out".  
Sometimes letting things burn through help with troubleshooting.
The total loss of the front brake does concern me.
Rear brake unaffected.



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Posted 2013-02-26 12:03 AM (#131381 - in reply to #131334)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision electrical problem


Posts: 1229
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
I have had other heated equipment short out, causing the wires feeding it to smoke and get too hot to touch without ever even blowing a fuse. The wires that carry electricity to the grips are so small and long, they act just like a heating element if the short is at the grip. If you watch, you will see that the wires get bent considerably when you go full throttle. Enough to cause a short after many twists, and one that won't be evident or constant. I don't know how much heat would have to be generated, but that grip wire runs in direct contact with your front brake line and it could maybe even get hot enough to effect braking.
I have since installed a 1/4 turn throttle ring (homemade from 1.25" pvc pipe) to minimize the distance the grip wire has to flex ( and it really wakes the bike up) .
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Posted 2013-02-26 9:22 AM (#131395 - in reply to #131381)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision electrical problem


Posts: 494
Akron Ohio area
I think you're correct in your hypothesis that the super heated wire running right next to the brake lines caused the brake fluid to overheat, bubble/boil, inducing air pockets in the line that caused loss of braking.  

That's the only thing that makes sense to me.  I'm going to have to nail down whether the heated grips or cruise control is blowing the fuse.  

I'm leaning towards the grips right now.  



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Posted 2013-03-06 9:23 PM (#131808 - in reply to #131334)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision electrical problem


Posts: 494
Akron Ohio area
Drove Scream to the dealership today to see if my 3 year warranty is worth the paper it's printed on.
My mechanic took a quick look and said I would need a complete new wiring harness.
Here's hoping I'm back on the road soon.
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Posted 2013-03-07 10:45 AM (#131821 - in reply to #131334)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision electrical problem

Iron Butt

Posts: 1117
Northeast Ohio
Biggie, keep us posted on the outcome. Did the dealership tell you how long it would take to get fixed?
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Posted 2013-03-07 3:08 PM (#131835 - in reply to #131334)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision electrical problem


Posts: 494
Akron Ohio area
My dealer really likes me and always takes great care of me and my motorcycles.
Usually I'm in and out within a few hours.
Parts will have to be ordered as i'm fairly certain that he doesn't stock a spare wiring harness for a 2011 Vision tour.
I'm going to call on Monday just to talk to the mechanic and see how things are going.
The weather of course is improving here in Ohio which really ticks me off.
I'm not getting any younger.
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Posted 2013-03-07 6:53 PM (#131842 - in reply to #131334)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision electrical problem


Posts: 4278
You'll be on the road by July.
Victory sucks when it comes to getting not normal parts.
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Posted 2013-03-09 10:23 PM (#131931 - in reply to #131842)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision electrical problem


Posts: 494
Akron Ohio area
I have a 5,000 mile round trip to Phoenix planned for the end of May.


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Posted 2013-03-11 12:13 PM (#131988 - in reply to #131334)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision electrical problem


Posts: 73
Nor Cali
You've already got the harness ordered and it appears there's your problem. Now I'm not a wrench as Mr.X and my dealer will attest to, but out of curiosity, the front brake problem you were having...are the Vision's ABS electrical? My 8 Ball is linked, no ABS, but the Tour's are ABS.
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Posted 2013-03-18 6:04 PM (#132272 - in reply to #131334)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision electrical problem


Posts: 494
Akron Ohio area
Heated grip short started the whole mess.
The original short was under dash in the area where the two heated grips plug into the connectors on top of the "tree".
It ended up cooking the wiring harness and damaging the cruise control along with the heated seat.
The front brake line was also cooked.

The extended warranty won't cover the heated seat replacement or the brake line. (It might have been covered by the original 1 year warranty.
Even though the problem was electrical and not a ripped seat, the extended warranty doesn't cover seats for any reason.
The brake line won't be replaced under warranty due to they don't cover anything made of rubber.

All parts have been ordered and according to Victory they are all in stock.
The weather here will be crappy for the next 7 days.
Hopefully I'll have Scream back soon after.
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Posted 2013-03-18 6:14 PM (#132275 - in reply to #131334)
Subject: Re: 2011 Vision electrical problem


Posts: 4278
check ebay hole bunch of parts even wiring harness
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