I always scroll there craigslist motorcycle section. So a good month ago I type in victory after getting tired of the harley stuff. I see a add for victory chrome and Gatlin tip. The add is five days old I just guessed the Gatling tips would be gone. So doing the same routine the other day add is still up. So I hope on the bike go out there and the guy tells me there left over parts from there sister store closed a year ago. So I tell him the add says Gatlin tips do you still have them. He goes threw thirty box's and finally finds them. He asked how old is the add and I told him a month old. Well he says hows $150 and me with a dry mouth get I'll take them. My hand is shacking getting the Money out of my pocket. Yup the biggest Smile all the way home.
Edited by johnnyvision 2012-07-20 5:51 PM