PIAA Lights
Posted 2012-05-04 7:57 AM (#113505)
Subject: PIAA Lights

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 12
Hi guys. I just finished up on this mod and would like your input on it. I wanted a set of PIAA lights but did not like the mount/location of the Victory kit. I made some mounts to position mine in place of the vent wings on the bottom of the fairing. They bolt in place with no cutting or mods to the bike. They work well and I think they look good. Please let me know what you think. Roy.
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Posted 2012-05-04 8:06 AM (#113507 - in reply to #113505)
Subject: RE: PIAA Lights

Iron Butt

Posts: 1109
Ok, pics?
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Posted 2012-05-04 8:07 AM (#113508 - in reply to #113505)
Subject: Re: PIAA Lights

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 12
OK. I'm working on it. I hate computers!
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Posted 2012-05-04 8:08 AM (#113509 - in reply to #113508)
Subject: Re: PIAA Lights

Iron Butt

Posts: 1109
Thanks, I'm curious,I don't care for the factory mounts either.
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Posted 2012-05-04 8:18 AM (#113510 - in reply to #113505)
Subject: Re: PIAA Lights

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 12
I can't post the pics because I hate computers. Send me your E-mail and I will send them to you. Roy.
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Posted 2012-05-04 9:16 AM (#113512 - in reply to #113510)
Subject: Re: PIAA Lights

Iron Butt

Posts: 1109
I like the location,they look like weapons lol.
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Posted 2012-05-04 9:48 AM (#113514 - in reply to #113505)
Subject: RE: PIAA Lights

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 15
Colorado Springs, CO
Keep trying with the pics... would love to see them. I would like to mount a couple more lights up front. Too many critters in the mountains.
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Posted 2012-05-04 1:33 PM (#113520 - in reply to #113514)
Subject: Re: PIAA Lights

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 12
OK guys, lets try this again. The pic files are too big to post. If you E-mail me at trashhlr@yahoo.com I will send them to you. Thanks, Roy.

Edited by trashhlr 2012-05-04 1:40 PM
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Posted 2012-05-04 7:58 PM (#113540 - in reply to #113505)
Subject: Re: PIAA Lights


Posts: 116
Can someone else post the pictures?
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Posted 2012-05-04 9:45 PM (#113548 - in reply to #113520)
Subject: Re: PIAA Lights

Central Wisconsin

trashhlr - 2012-05-04 1:33 PM OK guys, lets try this again. The pic files are too big to post. If you E-mail me at trashhlr@yahoo.com I will send them to you. Thanks, Roy.

I posted these pics for Roy.

Roy your lights look good. What brand PIAA are they and how did you wire them up?  







Edited by Thomas 2012-05-04 9:46 PM
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Posted 2012-05-05 5:44 AM (#113558 - in reply to #113505)
Subject: Re: PIAA Lights

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 12
The brand name of these lights is PIAA and I think the model number is 005 but I will try to confirm that. As for the wiring, they are installed as per the instructions with the lights. I made the mounts in my machine shop and they install easily. Let me know if you have any more questions. Roy.
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Posted 2012-05-05 7:36 AM (#113561 - in reply to #113558)
Subject: Re: PIAA Lights

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 12
Big thanks to Thomas for posting my pics. I do much better with machine tools than computers. Roy.
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Posted 2012-05-05 6:07 PM (#113586 - in reply to #113505)
Subject: RE: PIAA Lights


Posts: 1632
Jasper, MO
Looks good. I've been toying with the idea of mounting some on the front tip-overs, but I like your solution too. Can you tell yet if they add much to forward or shoulder lighting? I'm thinking your choice of location would be helpful in the event a regular headlight burns out too.

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Posted 2012-05-05 6:22 PM (#113588 - in reply to #113586)
Subject: RE: PIAA Lights

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 12
Because the lights mount to the vent wing bosses you can pivot them to any angle that you want to. Because I live in the Maine woods I set them to the side so I can see the moose at night. After I had them positioned were I wanted them, I pinned them in place.
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Posted 2012-05-06 12:49 PM (#113639 - in reply to #113505)
Subject: Re: PIAA Lights


Posts: 189
Baltimore, Md
Looks good, but I still prefer the lower fork installation that Vic uses. To me, the lights higher up seem to just blend in with the headlight/turnsignals and what I really want is extra visibility. When I approach a vehicle from behind, I always notice the distinct triangle light effect that my PIAA's create down lower vs. the higher HID/Headlamp and blinkers. I did upgrade the bulbs to the 55W from the original and I'm sure that helps some as well. Yours look fine and well integrated, but I just like the separate look better for visibility. I also did the trunk lid 99 Stingerz LED and the Kury mod on flashing the brakes, as well as the pin mod to change the turn/brake lights. Frank Sinatra may "want to be me", but I "want to be seen".
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