Any Passenger Input?
Posted 2007-10-08 4:33 PM (#656)
Subject: Any Passenger Input?


Posts: 80
My wife is interested in hearing what passengers are saying about the Vision. We took the 30 minute test ride, and her biggest consern was the floorboards put her calves back against the saddlebags. Seemed like it would get uncomfortable on a long ride. Thanks.
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Posted 2007-10-08 5:15 PM (#657 - in reply to #656)
Subject: RE: Any Passenger Input?

Iron Butt

Posts: 810
Hi Tramp,

We went on a 4 hour test ride on a Premium Street. Her complaints were vibrations in the floor boards and rubbing of the front of the saddlebags on her calves. We were told there are 1.5" risers for the passenger floorboards which may resolve the calf/saddlebag issue.

She was not able to test the backrest because it wasn't a tour. She also wants the arm rests.

With the standard height windshield all the way up, she did not experience any buffeting where she did with the short blade windshield.

Other than that, everything was good for her.


Edited by TimS 2007-10-08 5:16 PM
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Posted 2007-10-09 7:59 AM (#663 - in reply to #657)
Subject: RE: Any Passenger Input?


Posts: 80

Edited by Tramp 2007-10-09 8:01 AM
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Posted 2007-10-09 1:05 PM (#669 - in reply to #656)
Subject: RE: Any Passenger Input?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 43
Hi Tramp

Went on our first all day ride on Sunday, about 200 miles. Experienced the same thing with my calves against the bags but felt more insecure than uncomfortable. I'm only 5'2" and with the wide spread the seat gives, my feet were not securely on the floor boards. The curve of the floor boards and my narrow hi-heeled boots didn't work well either. Need to change to thick hi-heels so they don't slip off. I'm also used to a back-rest which hasn't arrived yet so I only had the grab bars, which are great but I want a back-rest. I know that will make a world of difference to me.

I've been very fortunate to be a passenger for many years on Harleys including tourers and more recently the Victory Touring Cruiser. The Victory TC was my favorite but that had to go so we could get the Vision which I LOVE. It allows me to sit very high so I can see everything there is to see without peeking around my husband's head and the seat is very comfortable even if we don't stop as often as I'd like and I really like the grab bars being there if you need them. I may need the risers for the floor boards but I'm going to wait until I have my back-rest and the right boots. If I still feel 'strange' we'll raise the boards, but I do want to stress that there was no discomfort during the ride or after. Hope this info helps.

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Posted 2007-10-09 2:40 PM (#673 - in reply to #656)
Subject: Re: Any Passenger Input?


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
My wife and I picked up our new Vision Sat morning and put 350 mi on it over the weekend - Overall , she LOVES IT!! but, does need the risers for the floorboards. She is only 5'3" and was to tight to the bags. So those are ordered. She loves the smooth ride, music and viewing position. Trunk and storage were very acceptable. She was disappointed that the Ipod did not work. Apparently it has something to do with the one we have has a hard drive versus ones that work with the system need to be flash??? Any more info on this would be helpful from anyone.

Overall A+++ from her -
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Posted 2007-10-09 3:05 PM (#675 - in reply to #656)
Subject: RE: Any Passenger Input?


Posts: 80
Thanks for the reports from the passengers' point of views. We have a Yamaha Royal Star Venture right now, and have been taling about making a change. We've also test ridden the Electra Glide, and the gl1800, and I like the Vision. So we'll see.
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Lone Ranger
Posted 2007-10-09 10:26 PM (#698 - in reply to #675)
Subject: RE: Any Passenger Input?


Posts: 447
Cleveland, GA

My wife is about 5'5".  We picked up our Tour last Thursday and I put in the shop for its 500-mile service this morning. 

She says she doesn't have any problems with her calves on the saddlebags, and that she feels some vibration through the passenger floorboards, but when she wears her thick-soled boots she doesn't feel it.

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Posted 2007-10-11 10:35 AM (#739 - in reply to #656)
Subject: RE: Any Passenger Input?

Iron Butt

Posts: 600
Linwood, MI
Tim, my wife is vertically challenged, and she did complain that floorboards were a little far away for her taste. Page 7 of the Victory Accessory cat shows the floorboard risers (p/n 2876260 $99.99) that raise them 1.5". Looking closely at the picture they appear to be nothing more than little chrome cubes with 2 bolt holes. (as an aside.... $100 bucks for those?? C'mon, guys, that's a tad excessive!)

Luckily, I have access to a machine shop at work, so when I get my bike I think I'll have them make me up a couple of different size ones and see what the wifey is most comfortable with.
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Posted 2007-11-23 9:18 PM (#2215 - in reply to #656)
Subject: Re: Any Passenger Input?


Posts: 1324
So Cal
My wife took her first ride on the back Thurs. 5'3" asian woman. Her input. She can sit with her feet not touching the side bags, without the rizers. However she likes how she can rest her lower legs on the side bags laz-e-boy style. Back seat is very comfortable for her. Doesnt miss the armrests on the e-glide (limits her movement). Likes the big grips on the side. Loves the seat heater. Tons of storage space. We took to my sisters place (40mi. each way) 2 bottles of wine, 2 bags of dinner rolls, 2 leather jackets, gloves, her purse and 4 shrimp platters and still had room for more. Takes a little more planning than the e-glide but holds just as much.
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Posted 2007-11-23 10:57 PM (#2219 - in reply to #656)
Subject: Re: Any Passenger Input?


Posts: 296
Central Florida
My wife has no problems with seating position, leg position or anything else. She is 5'7" and all she needs are armrests with a cupholder for a 44 oz diet coke. Dont forget to boost up PSI in rear shock when riding two up. I leave mine at 50 psi all the time which is too high for my wife and I with full luggage load. I prefer the firmer ride.
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Posted 2008-01-07 9:52 PM (#3884 - in reply to #656)
Subject: Re: Any Passenger Input?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 12
I'm the "s" in snowrider"s" / we went about 200 last Sunday. I'm 5 7 1/2". I can tell you the seat is the most comfortable passenger seat I have ever been on. Even more comfortable than the HD electraglide we had several years ago. (and that was comfortable ). And with the heat in it, it doesn't get better. The passenger handgrips are in the right position, but I found I didnt' even need them. I was able to stay straight up even in a quick stop. The opposite of our ST 1300, that knocks my helmet into the back of his helmet everytime he stops short. If we didnt wear helmets, I would have a concussion by now for sure on the st. The reach on the floorboards on the Vision are just right for my height. I tend to move my feet around alot, and there is plenty room to change position of your feet. My calves dont hit the saddlebags unless I move my feet back. The best part of being a passenger on the vision is the lack of wind buffeting. It's a sheer pleasure to ride at highway speeds and not get knocked around by the wind. I think I could fall asleep!!
That being said, not only am I a passenger, but a driver as well. Being a passenger will never be as comfortable as being a driver, but on the Vision it's a close second. signed "S"/
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Posted 2008-01-07 11:11 PM (#3885 - in reply to #656)
Subject: Re: Any Passenger Input?


Posts: 296
Central Florida
Update on riding postion. after 250 mile ride, my wife complained of lack of room for legs to stretch. she is 5'7" with long legs. she folded foot rests and put her feet on tipover bars. I might try extra footrests that attach to tipovers for more stretching room.
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Posted 2008-01-08 7:29 AM (#3887 - in reply to #656)
Subject: Re: Any Passenger Input?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 12
"S" again -
It's interesting that someone approx. my height would not have enough leg room. I guess it's what you compare it to. Several years ago we rented a HD Duece and drove 3 hours to a rally, walked around all day, and rode 3 hours back to the hotel. Trust me when I tell you, I was in tears by the time we got back. My knees were so locked up, I could barely walk. On a touring bike, or any bike with floor boards, it's good to move your feet in different positions so your knees dont lock up. I know I'll never ride the passenger position with footpegs again. And I'll never ride on the back of the ST 1300 again. The ST is great for the driver though. I can drive it for several hours at a time and be completely comfortable. Its the passengers who have it a little rough on long rides. But wer'e bikers, we can handle it!! "S"
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Posted 2008-01-08 11:03 AM (#3891 - in reply to #656)
Subject: RE: Any Passenger Input?


Posts: 320
Savannah, GA -Year round riding!! Yay!
We did our first real open road trip this past weekend, Savannah, GA to Macon, GA and back in one day (about 350 miles total). I have the ViVi Tour Premium, my husband has an '06 Gold Wing, comfort and sound with a Corbin seat. Our 10 year old son (who is 5'4", 140 lbs), switched back and forth during the ride, from bike to bike. He said the Vision was WAY more comfortable than the Wing. More room in the seat, he could see better, not as much wind. The only thing he (and I) complained about was no armrests (we both fall asleep back seat and hook our arms around the rests for stability). When he started falling asleep ont he way home, I made him move over to Dad's bike. "No, Mom! Your bike is way more comfortable!! C'mon, Mom!!!" (I tend to agree with him. I only get on Dad's bike if I have to....)
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Posted 2008-01-08 2:00 PM (#3894 - in reply to #656)
Subject: Re: Any Passenger Input?


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
Georgia Girl, I don't think we could have gotten a better opinion and proof of the pillion comfort on the Vision. I think you need to email Vision marketing on that one and let them put it on "what riders are saying" if they have one. My wife has ridden short rides but she has commented that it is more comfortable than my old '84 Wing, but I expected that. But the GL1800 comparison on the same trip is the proof of the pudding...
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Posted 2008-01-08 8:51 PM (#3913 - in reply to #656)
Subject: Re: Any Passenger Input?

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
My teenage daughter is my "pack". She's about 5'8 (her mom is 5'10) and she has no complaints. At first she was skeptical since we had the e-glide for so long. She was indifferent when we got home from our first 150 mile trip. She said, "it's Ok"..It's so hard to get a bead on whats in their head at that age. So, we took a quick jaunt last week, to pick up some groceries...(yeah, I got groceries on my bike). Once we returned home, she hurried up and put the groceries away herself, without anyone asking...and wanted to go back out on for a longer ride. Come on dad, lets go, please. Since I had grill duties, and beer waiting, I promissed a long ride next week end. That my friends, is the pudding. Not only does she love the ride, it makes her do her chores! COME ON? Does it get any better than that? Momma is chomping at the bit to ride, but she is a fair weather rider. She wasn't happy with the eglides wind buffeting, and at 5"10 that is an issue on most bikes for her. She will be pleased when the temp goes over 70 next month and I may have a new addition to the BUCKEYE "packs".
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Posted 2008-01-08 9:16 PM (#3914 - in reply to #656)
Subject: Re: Any Passenger Input?


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
Don't tell me you figured out how to use that thing twice? Sounds like the new ride but a new smile on Momma's face. Another BUCKN8KD arriving BUCN8KD. OHHH NOO!
Congrats on getting the chores done. Now if I could figure out how to get mine to do his. He thinks riding on the B seat is somehow below him and embarrassing. Go figure. I would have gone anywhere on a bike.
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Posted 2008-01-08 9:19 PM (#3915 - in reply to #656)
Subject: RE: Any Passenger Input?

New user

Posts: 3
Magnolia, TX
My wife loves it, we did 125 mile trip last weekend just running errands. I had to twist her arm to ride my Kingpin, she would get iron butt disease after 10 miles.

No issues with the saddlebags either. She is a bit dainty (5' 100 lbs.) and can hide behind me for protection. She likes being able lean back on the backrest.
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Posted 2008-01-08 10:07 PM (#3920 - in reply to #3915)
Subject: RE: Any Passenger Input?


Posts: 1484
I too had a Kingpin prior to the Vision, according to my wife there is so much difference. She too would be complaining after about an hour on the back seat. I had an opportunity to ride a Kingpin again last weekend. The Kingpin was an excellent bike, now it is only the Vision for me.
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Posted 2008-01-08 10:11 PM (#3922 - in reply to #656)
Subject: Re: Any Passenger Input?


Posts: 1324
So Cal
My wife and I took a 150 mi. trip along the coast the last sunday we had sunshine. Kept pumping her for info about the back seat. Not much input from her one way or the other.Just being out in the sun does it for her. She always uses ear plugs when we ride and she could still hear the radio. Doesnt miss the armrests on the eglide. A little more mobility back there without them. Seat heater is her favorite feature. Did notice some scratches at the front of the side bags where her calves rest. I was thinking about making some little chrome triangles to stick on as scuff protectors at the front corners of the side bags. She does have more room and less wind on the Vision.
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Posted 2008-01-08 10:35 PM (#3928 - in reply to #656)
Subject: Re: Any Passenger Input?

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California rode this weekend? Holly Hanna's! It's been nasty up here. I went almost 3 days without riding. Big Bear is still getting snow, and the weather was working its way over the mountains when I left for work. Still road the bike. Just turn heaters on high for home at 2330.
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Posted 2008-01-08 11:38 PM (#3935 - in reply to #656)
Subject: Re: Any Passenger Input?


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Na. Sunday before new years. Last sunshine we had here. Came down hard the last three days. Good thing it rained friday. Wife talked me into taking the car to work. Told everybody at work friday, if it dont rain, shes in trouble. Mother nature saved her ass. Women always stick together.
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Posted 2008-01-09 12:01 AM (#3939 - in reply to #656)
Subject: Re: Any Passenger Input?

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
i thought you were finally getting some well needed rain. its funny, they complain about a drought, but now that your getting rain, they complain about landslides....I will tell you, that L.A. traffic is the worst ever! I can never figure out what the cause is, but I have seen people stop in the fast lane, because they are at their exit and want to get over. PATHETIC! The 101 is the worst!
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Posted 2008-01-09 1:46 AM (#3943 - in reply to #656)
Subject: Re: Any Passenger Input?


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Yeah we do need it. But DWP will still raise our rates. Cant figure it, if we conserve they raise rates because they arent making enough. If we dont, they raise rates because were using too much. Lose, lose situation.

And the drivers here? Dont get me started. Lets just say that signs printed in english are hard to understand for most drivers in LA. Comming of a camel or a cart pulled by a 4 legged animal is a tough transition. I quit counting the number of times Ive seen someone follow the person in front of them halfway off the freeway only to realize they didnt want to get off and swerved to get back on.

Thats why I ride. Its easier to get away from the idiots. Theres also less distractions and Im able to focus on their stupidity and avoid it.

Go to Arizona and you can get in and out of the carpool lane when you want. That would never work in LA.

When your in other states you can tell which cars have CA plates theyre the ones in the center lane doing 50.
Who got me started?
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Posted 2008-01-10 1:37 AM (#3995 - in reply to #656)
Subject: Re: Any Passenger Input?

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
HA! Center lane 50? Try fast lane. Is it a requirement for people (mainly women under 50) to talk on the phone and ignore the world while driving? Also, does California have an option for turn signals? I don't think anyone has them in LA. Immigrant drivers....enough said. I think they are trying to avoid getting pulled over so they don't get deported. It's in the manual...I think. As for the Carpool lane, I jump in and out of that like its cool. However, the car full of illegals will come out of the car pool, and slam on the breaks in the fast lane so they don't miss their exit 10 feet from them. Who got you started? Pollo and DesertJim probably have it bad also. I been in Tennessee and I think your required to drive with you knee while you down a cold one on the roads. Arizona has the snowbirds in the 80 ft RV in the fast lane with some old coot about to have a stroke looking over the top of the steering wheel.
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Posted 2008-01-10 8:16 AM (#4002 - in reply to #656)
Subject: Re: Any Passenger Input?


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
I have seen that I-10 Freeway of 12 lanes of parking. Don't ever want to see it again. When I lived in Socal in the early Nineties the traffic was almost NASCAR like. Bumper to bumper at 75. I topped a hill and below I see clear lanes ahead of a CHP. He was like the Pacecar at 65mph. Four lanes and no one passed him. Funniest thing I have seen. Seems like Texas and Tennessee have the same requirement for driving in the country areas. Go to convenience store get Adult cold one in paper bag, set it in your lap still with paper bag around it, pop the top and crank up and drive away. I always wonder what the heck those people are thinking? Can't be much. You gotta love the 80ft RV's with the fenders all tore up. Wonder why?
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Posted 2008-01-10 8:15 PM (#4020 - in reply to #656)
Subject: Re: Any Passenger Input?

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
LOL! I hope Cj doesn't have a stroke reading this. One of the reasons I live out in the middle of now where is traffic.
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Posted 2008-01-10 8:37 PM (#4022 - in reply to #656)
Subject: Re: Any Passenger Input?

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
By the way, Mrs Buckeye and I went on a little putt today. Of course I had to probe for comments. She said the seat warmer was nice, she could lean back and was way more comfy than the HD. Since she is 5'10, the wind did hit her head, but she wears a full face and is no factor. I hope she will ride more often now! We shall see. I'm still going riding this weekend to take pictures.
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Posted 2008-01-10 9:48 PM (#4026 - in reply to #656)
Subject: Re: Any Passenger Input?


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Hard to believe I learned to drive out here 35 years ago. It was diffrent then. Even my daughter, when she was learning 4 years ago. I told her to practice parallel parking, she said thats not part of the test any more. Explains a lot. People are so self absorbed in their own stupid little lives they dont give a crap about the people around them. I see a lot of people walk out their fron door, get in their car and put the cell phone to their ear. Why not just stay in the house and make the call? No they gotta show the world how important they are. Hey, if 5 car lenghts between cars is good, 20 must be better right? Theyll do 25 in a 35 zone but when the light turns yellow they run the light. They cant keep their foot on the brake when the lights red but when it turns green theyre like a deer in the headlights. Back east 25 mph is one of those mythical creature you hear about but never see. Here 25 mph is a land speed record for most. Driving slow doesnt make them good drivers, it just makes them a pain in the ass. And speaking of slow, I hate when people say illeagals work hard for their money. No, they work SLOW which makes it LOOK like they work harder.
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Posted 2008-01-11 8:23 PM (#4067 - in reply to #656)
Subject: Re: Any Passenger Input?

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
LOL! Hows the high blood preasure? Here's one for you,,,on the way to work, a dodge charger pulls up next to me going 70 in a 65. We are entering a 45 zone, I slowly ease off and go down to 50. The idiot stays at 70, must have realised he was going to fast, and slams on the breaks. Still in my lane, I'm almost to his rear bumper, he looks over his shoulder at me, waits till I'm at his right rear passenger door, then cuts me off. I waived to him politely with a single digit and a horn blast. After evasive maneuvers, I find myself in the fast lane. I pass dork boy, and notice he's indicating a right turn. I stare into his window as I pass, but he looks the other way. I wanted to let him know how much I enjoyed his style of driving. About 5 miles down the road, I'm back to 70mph and guess who passes me going at least 90? He was going so fast he didn't notice the 2 HIGHWAY patrol cars going the other way. But once he did, he slammed on the breaks again. He looked over his shoulder and swerved into my lane again. As I passed him in the fast lane again, I kindly waved Hello with a single digit, he looked the other way again...however my delight was to see 2 Patrol cars flashing lights pulling this idiot over. I honestly thought about turning around and riding up to the traffic stop, and then great him while the cops had him, and shove my middle finger into his eye. But I was running late and came to work with out incident. Top that one! Pollochickenlips...your not allowed to top it, your bikes in pieces..
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Posted 2008-01-11 8:34 PM (#4071 - in reply to #656)
Subject: Re: Any Passenger Input?


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Told my daughter when she was learning to drive, she can go as fast as she wants, just dont be the fastest out there. Theres the proof.
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Posted 2008-01-11 8:35 PM (#4072 - in reply to #656)
Subject: Re: Any Passenger Input?

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
can you believe people still try and out run the cops? Dee Dee DEE!
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Posted 2008-01-11 8:38 PM (#4073 - in reply to #656)
Subject: Re: Any Passenger Input?


Posts: 1324
So Cal
At least he USES his turn signals. Not correctly but.... Guys like that always seem to end up stepping in it. You think they would learn?

I beginning to think they dont put them on cars sold in LA.

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Posted 2008-01-11 8:54 PM (#4076 - in reply to #656)
Subject: Re: Any Passenger Input?

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
I hear turn indicators are "optional" in Cali. Have you taken HWY 1 down the coast yet? I went from Camp Pendleton to the Hearst Castle using that route. Took some time, but beautiful scenery. Oh, it was in the family minivan...I was coerced into it. It was a family long weekend, honest! I hope to get down to Cooks Corner soon. Most of the guys up here don't ride very far. They have those unreliable HD's. It is funny, they went on the Yuma Prison run last year and had a trailer which always had a bike on it. Yes, HD's. I didn't go on the ride, because of that reason. I had no trust in my scooter. I could do a cross country again on this bike! I wish I could make money doing those trips. Out of 3 of my cross countries, 2 times broke down. I don't think thats an issue now. Anyone know how to pull a good paying job riding a Vision cross country?
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Posted 2008-01-11 9:09 PM (#4077 - in reply to #656)
Subject: Re: Any Passenger Input?


Posts: 1324
So Cal
Sunday before Christmas, picked up PCH in Venice and rode to Long Beach. Great route along the coast and through beach towns.
Have you been to Long Beach lately? That town has really cleaned up its act. Its beautiful there.
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Posted 2008-01-11 9:23 PM (#4080 - in reply to #4076)
Subject: Re: Any Passenger Input?


Posts: 496
Scottsdale AZ
BUCKEYE - 2008-01-11 6:54 PM

I hear turn indicators are "optional" in Cali. Have you taken HWY 1 down the coast yet? I went from Camp Pendleton to the Hearst Castle using that route. Took some time, but beautiful scenery. Oh, it was in the family minivan...I was coerced into it. It was a family long weekend, honest! I hope to get down to Cooks Corner soon. Most of the guys up here don't ride very far. They have those unreliable HD's. It is funny, they went on the Yuma Prison run last year and had a trailer which always had a bike on it. Yes, HD's. I didn't go on the ride, because of that reason. I had no trust in my scooter. I could do a cross country again on this bike! I wish I could make money doing those trips. Out of 3 of my cross countries, 2 times broke down. I don't think thats an issue now. Anyone know how to pull a good paying job riding a Vision cross country?

Maybe you could wear your hockey helmet, get a little toy monkey on a string and stop in small towns. Charge .25 cents do a little show, have a brewsky in one hand the monkey in the other play a harmonica and wear a superman suit. Now that would be worth a quarter. For a second costume, you could wear your Ohio State sweater and tie, with a flashing LED across the helmet that says"wait till next year". Poopin the snowdrift and I would also visit you in Mexican Hat AZ where they have a cookoo university for older 29 Palms gentlemen.
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Posted 2008-01-12 12:42 AM (#4085 - in reply to #656)
Subject: Re: Any Passenger Input?

Iron Butt

Posts: 904
29 Palms California
Cj, I use to day trip on the hog up to long beach. About once a month. Lunch on the pier...little pub down a side street, yes it's really nice. I only know it clean. I've never seen it when it was in a bad state. Our normal weekends went from Camp Pendleton out to Cooks, over to the coast at Laguna Beach and back down the 1 to San Onofre. There is many areas in Southern Cali that are great destination rides. My favorite is east toward Palomar Mountain to a little bar in the middle of no where called "the hide away". About 120 miles one way....beautiful route 78.
As for money making, I can't get the monkey to quit drinking my beer, so I tossed him off going 70mph on Hwy 5. In town, I wear a black thong with assless chaps, a Buckeye neck tie and the hockey helmet. I pack the mini chopper and ride up and down the stip biting peoples legs.
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Posted 2008-01-12 10:17 AM (#4089 - in reply to #656)
Subject: Re: Any Passenger Input?


Posts: 2027
Brighton, TN
I got a quarter, me like to see this. CamelLovingJim, called BUckNakd "OLDER". MUUUUAAAHHH!! YellaSnoJim, I too would accompany you to Mexican Hat AZ to appropriately send off the OLDER BuckNakd. You think, when we get him back would he be a Younger Buckn8kd Buckeye. Or would their be a video of Bukn8kds Buckeyes Gone wild. HEHEHEHE.
I also got a dollar for that black thong with chaps. Taking that mini Chopper Vespa to any chapter meetings yet. Putting that in the back of a truck and riding it around at some local or national hangout would be funny.
FYI, please get your rabies shot before the commencement of biting. Health reasons.
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