paint code
Posted 2012-04-19 6:07 PM (#112563)
Subject: paint code

New user

Posts: 2
can somebody tell me wheres paint code on my 2010 vision
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Posted 2012-04-21 6:36 AM (#112644 - in reply to #112563)
Subject: Re: paint code


Posts: 116
I have gone through this before and the dealer is the only way to get it. Also I found out that the only to get it is to order it through them. What I did was I went to the local body shop and talked to the painter and he was able to match the colors I needed. Dwight.
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Posted 2012-04-21 10:22 AM (#112651 - in reply to #112563)
Subject: Re: paint code

Iron Butt

Posts: 785
Mt. Vernon, WASH.
Take a small removable piece to your local body shop jobber supply store and have the paint computer scanned. The computer will break the paint formula into it's basic components and give the salesman a recipe to mix the paint to which will be on a sticker on the cans lid just like the trim paint can you bought @ HOMER that way the paint is an EXACT match to the paint on your vehicle even if the factory buys paint by the tankercar load, it does vary tonally and shade wise through the batch particularly metallics and candies. Then you can get as much paint as you need (even in spray cans @ my jobber) it may be pricey but it's 99.999% guaranteed to be dead on.
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Posted 2012-04-21 11:29 AM (#112656 - in reply to #112563)
Subject: Re: paint code

Iron Butt

Posts: 935
Rockford, IL

Rerun.... Why are you looking for the paint code? What are you wishing to do? Touch-up a small nick or paint some panels?

There is no "usable" paint code so to speak. Victory is similar to HD and other motorcycle manufacturers in that the paint material sales is proprietary to the dealers. The paint code can't be cross-referenced over any other paint codes like Dupont or similar.

But this doesn't mean that you have to purchase your paint from a Victory dealer though. Many paint jobbers have scanners that can scan a piece of your bike and come up with a paint code that will usually be a perfect match.

However from what I understand the Victory paint is not that bad on price. So unless you have the connections where you are able to get a discount from the paint jobber then its probably a wash on pricing.

But if all you need is some touch-up for a small scratch then your best bet is usually.....fingernail polish. Yes....I'm serious.


Edited by Lotzafun 2012-04-21 11:30 AM
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