Valve Noise?
Posted 2012-04-18 10:55 AM (#112480)
Subject: Valve Noise?


Posts: 79
I know the valves have hydraulic adjusters but my 2012 Vision seems to have valve noise. It is a light tapping noise that is remenisent of too much clearance. I have about 1300 miles on it and I started to notice it around 400 or so. At the 500 mile check up the dealer reported nothing out of the ordinary. I changed the oil again at 1000 miles (winter storage) so it is still fresh.

It hasn't changed much so I am not too worried but considering taking it back to them to check it again. I can hear it at highway speed without the radio on or when riding around town even with the radio on (volume at 9 to 11). It does it hot or cold without any real noticable change between the two. It is engine speed related.

I have yet to try and pin point it with a stethoscope which is my next step before taking it in.

Anyone else have this? Is it normal?

The bike runs /starts fine. Just would like to not have the ticking. Just looking for input.

Thanks and ride safe!
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Posted 2012-04-18 4:22 PM (#112488 - in reply to #112480)
Subject: RE: Valve Noise?


Posts: 196
Amsoil will cure this!
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opas ride
Posted 2012-04-18 4:29 PM (#112489 - in reply to #112480)
Subject: Re: Valve Noise?


Posts: 500
Normal on Vic motors..You will be just fine and do not worry..I thought my 2008 Kingpin was going to come apart for the first few thousand miles...No issues at all...Current Vision going on 4000 no isssues...Some have ridden 50-100 thousand miles and no issues...Some like Amsoil some do not..I have used the manufacturers recommended oil in all my bikes for over 40 years and never had a problem with clutch or motor........BTW I live in Michigan...Maybe we could hook-up one day for a ride???

Edited by opas ride 2012-04-18 4:33 PM
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Posted 2012-04-18 5:34 PM (#112495 - in reply to #112480)
Subject: Re: Valve Noise?


Posts: 4278
where do you come up with hydraulic valves adjusters? The only adjusters hysraulic is for the cam chain shoes.
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opas ride
Posted 2012-04-18 5:54 PM (#112497 - in reply to #112480)
Subject: Re: Valve Noise?


Posts: 500
Hey John, give the new guy a break....He probably is reading from the web-site spec sheet on the 2012 Vision which states....."Self adjusting cam chains with hydraulic lifters" which means a lot of different things to some not familiar with the bikes motor....JMHO...
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Posted 2012-04-18 9:20 PM (#112507 - in reply to #112495)
Subject: Re: Valve Noise?


Posts: 1340
Gainesville Fl Home of the Gators
john frey - 2012-04-18 6:34 PM

where do you come up with hydraulic valves adjusters? The only adjusters hysraulic is for the cam chain shoes.

WEEEELLLLLLL Thing is Vic uses Hydrulic Lash Adjusters(HLA) mounted in the rockers. They most defiantly have hydraulic valve adjustment. How did you think they were adjusted?
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Posted 2012-04-19 12:53 AM (#112517 - in reply to #112480)
Subject: Re: Valve Noise?


Posts: 208
Edmonton Alberta, Canada
Is this valve noise or fuel injector noise, I to have always had and noise emitting from the handle bars, however I believe this is injector noise as it does not change when at full thottle, where there would start to float, just a consistant tap relative to RPM.
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Posted 2012-04-19 5:30 AM (#112526 - in reply to #112480)
Subject: Re: Valve Noise?


Posts: 1340
Gainesville Fl Home of the Gators
Though they are self adjusting. Vic valves are a bit noisey. Injector tick is pretty much drowned out by the engine.
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Posted 2012-04-19 10:50 PM (#112577 - in reply to #112480)
Subject: Re: Valve Noise?


Posts: 79
Correct on what i was basing my comment on kevinx and thanks to you and all for your input. I won't stress over it. Opas ride, I am in SE Mi near Livonia.
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Posted 2012-04-20 7:57 AM (#112594 - in reply to #112480)
Subject: Re: Valve Noise?


Posts: 133
New Castle Delaware
I had lifter noise at startup since september of last year that progressively got worse. I also had another unidentifable noise coming from the front cylinder right side. Took it up to Lloyd the last week in Feb. and he started it up and said the first noise was definately a lifter. When that quieted down he confirmed another noise. Well around the third week in March Lloyd emailed me and said he replaced the lifter but it still had the other noise and asked for permission to pull the front cylinder. About 2 weeks after emailing him he said he had two Visions up on the racks torn apart and as soon as he gets one done mine will go up. I have emailed him once a week since then and have still not gotten a reply. To be fair I did tell him when I dropped the bike off to take his time but it was 34 degrees that day and they had snow on the ground in Pinebush NY.
I am going to try and call him today and see if I can get any info. Going through withdrawal its been so long since I've been on my baby.
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