New guy...problems already
Posted 2012-02-01 10:50 PM (#106636)
Subject: New guy...problems already


Posts: 79
Hey all,

My Vision showed up today!

A couple issues to deal with right off the bat.

It seems to LEAN awful far on the sidestand. It has 800 miles and seems to be in great shape but this scares the crap out of me! It's not loose in any way that I can see. Anyone else had this problem?

The second is the side logos are out and the horn doesn't work. I'm going to assume they are on the same circuit? Will have to see what is going on there.

Took my girl out for a 50 mile ride today...sadly we had other stuff we had to do that couldn't be done by motorcycle. I wont complain since it was 60 degrees outside today and it's winter in Nebraska!!

Any advice on the sidestand would be appreciated.



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Posted 2012-02-01 11:23 PM (#106637 - in reply to #106636)
Subject: RE: New guy...problems already


Posts: 1229
Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Your lean angle doesn't look off from the normal range (I posted a few pics to compare), but don't worry about the kickstand taking the weight, it is very hefty. Myself and many others get on the bike by first stepping onto the rear passenger floorboard, then hefting our large a$$es over onto the seat.

Also, If you ever decide to lower the bike a little, the kickstand won't have to be replaced. I'm sure the dealer can fix the horn/light problem with ease, just sorry to hear you had problems right out of the gate. It's such a wonderful bike.

Edited by Nozzledog 2012-02-01 11:34 PM




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Posted 2012-02-01 11:54 PM (#106639 - in reply to #106636)
Subject: Re: New guy...problems already


Posts: 79
Don't remember but in that pic it might be setting on a 2x4. I will check mine compared to the dealer next time I go by. Thanks for the reply and the pics.
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Posted 2012-02-02 12:20 AM (#106640 - in reply to #106636)
Subject: Re: New guy...problems already


Posts: 494
Akron Ohio area
If you can "right" it without too much effort, then it's OK.
I have found that it isn't a good idea to park anywhere where the ground on the left is lower than the ground on the right side of the bike.
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Posted 2012-02-02 7:17 AM (#106646 - in reply to #106636)
Subject: Re: New guy...problems already


Posts: 307
Columbia, SC
Lights and horn ARE on the same circuit. So is the charger that is in the little glovebox. Check the fuses.

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Posted 2012-02-02 10:52 AM (#106660 - in reply to #106636)
Subject: Re: New guy...problems already


Posts: 79
Well the sidestand has to be bent...not way around that. When it's in the up position it seems to stick out awful far. So I need to get a replacement. The good news is the fuse took care of the side lights and the horn. Will keep an eye on that to see if it repeats.

Anyone know where to get a good deal on a sidestand?

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Posted 2012-02-02 11:05 AM (#106661 - in reply to #106636)
Subject: Re: New guy...problems already

Iron Butt

Posts: 763
Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis)
Any idea how the stand got bent? It would be for the rest of to know what NOT to do.
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Posted 2012-02-02 11:34 AM (#106663 - in reply to #106636)
Subject: Re: New guy...problems already


Posts: 1350
No plates on the bike, does that mean it's brandie new and the dealer should replace your kickstand under warranty?
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Posted 2012-02-02 12:05 PM (#106666 - in reply to #106636)
Subject: Re: New guy...problems already


Posts: 79
I just bought it, have no idea how it happened. I had it transported by a motorcycle carrier and it was tied down properly. It is a 2011 with 750 miles on it and is under warranty but I haven't contacted the dealer yet. I assumed it will be my fault somehow and not covered.
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Posted 2012-02-02 12:14 PM (#106669 - in reply to #106636)
Subject: Re: New guy...problems already


Posts: 154
Cabot Arkansas
I would suspect that the motorcycle transporter carrier hauled the bike with the kickstand down .
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Posted 2012-02-02 12:15 PM (#106670 - in reply to #106636)
Subject: Re: New guy...problems already


Posts: 51
lakes region, NH
Mine looks exactly the same and it tips quite a bit to the left. I keep a 2x8 flat on my garage floor to park it on. Also you will want to straighten the bike up before starting if you are low on gas. Good Luck-Great Bike
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Posted 2012-02-02 12:53 PM (#106675 - in reply to #106636)
Subject: Re: New guy...problems already


Posts: 79
I seen pictures of the bike loaded and witnessed it being unloaded. They did not transport with the stand down. The previous own said he asked the dealer about it and they offered to replace the stand. No idea why he didn't do it.

It leans so far I am afraid to stand on it while it's on the sidestand.

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Posted 2012-02-02 1:55 PM (#106682 - in reply to #106636)
Subject: RE: New guy...problems already


Posts: 57
Kansas City, MO
I've got the same year/model/color. I think your lean angle is fine.
Compared to other bikes I've owned, I felt the lean angle on the bike was a bit steep too at first. But your lean angle looks fine in the pics. I'm impressed if the side stand is bent. It's heftier than most I've seen.

Either way...
Congrats on the new ride!

Edited by KCVic 2012-02-02 2:03 PM
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Posted 2012-02-02 3:12 PM (#106685 - in reply to #106636)
Subject: Re: New guy...problems already


Posts: 79
Again that pic was with a 2x4 under the stand. This pic is without. Not sure you can see it but the top has a bend in it. Not sure if it should be there or not.

Edited by hulign 2012-02-02 3:16 PM

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Posted 2012-02-02 4:00 PM (#106688 - in reply to #106636)
Subject: Re: New guy...problems already

Iron Butt

Posts: 763
Anderson, IN (48mi NE of downtown Indianapolis)
Wow, that is a lot of lean. Way more than mine. Not sure about the bend in your stand. My 08 has a different stand. When I sit on the new models in the showroom I don't notice any different lean angle than mine.
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Posted 2012-02-02 4:19 PM (#106692 - in reply to #106636)
Subject: Re: New guy...problems already


Posts: 102
Parkersburg WV
Hi, I just bought a 2011 kick stand for my 2009. Nothing wrong with it but the 2011's stick out a bit more so its easier to get your foot on. After I receive it and decide to change it I would sell the one off my 2009 for $40 plus shipping.

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Posted 2012-02-02 4:34 PM (#106694 - in reply to #106692)
Subject: Re: New guy...problems already


Posts: 79
Hey Bob,

Don't suppose you would be willing to take a couple pics of that would you? I would be interested if it will solve my problem.

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Posted 2012-02-02 4:39 PM (#106695 - in reply to #106636)
Subject: Re: New guy...problems already


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
how much air is in the rear shock? I don't think you have a problem, but it's your bike so do what you can to make it the way you want it.
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opas ride
Posted 2012-02-02 4:40 PM (#106696 - in reply to #106636)
Subject: Re: New guy...problems already


Posts: 500
Looks normal to me. I have the same bike and far as I can tell from your pictures it looks okay...Stand is a little different, I think, on 2011 models to make it easier to get your foot on as said above...If you don't think it is correct, I am sure Victory will replace it under warranty.....BTW I love my Vision and hope you will enjoy yours......After looking again at your second picture it may indeed be bent...I also noticed that it does not have stock pipes on it...Any idea what kind??Just curious....Thanks

Edited by opas ride 2012-02-02 4:49 PM
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Posted 2012-02-02 6:48 PM (#106710 - in reply to #106636)
Subject: Re: New guy...problems already

Iron Butt

Posts: 849
, FL United States
I think that it is leaning too far over JMHO. Dealer should fix that for you under warranty.
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Posted 2012-02-02 7:11 PM (#106714 - in reply to #106636)
Subject: Re: New guy...problems already


Posts: 102
Parkersburg WV
I just took a couple of pics. If cant get them to load here, I can send them to your e-mail. 1st pic is of the stand. You can see its not as long after the foot pad. 2nd pic is if you look in front of the Vision I have a Vegas sitting there and you can see they are the same lean angle. If yours is indeed bent I doubt warranty will pay for it due that it did not bend from a manufacture defect.


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Posted 2012-02-02 7:54 PM (#106724 - in reply to #106696)
Subject: Re: New guy...problems already


Posts: 79
The pipes are victory L1S2 as far as I have been told

Other than this little issue I think it will be an amazing bike!
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Posted 2012-02-02 7:58 PM (#106725 - in reply to #106714)
Subject: Re: New guy...problems already


Posts: 79
Bob I sent you a DM with my email
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Posted 2012-02-02 8:06 PM (#106727 - in reply to #106710)
Subject: Re: New guy...problems already


Posts: 73
Nor Cali

CoolHandLuke - 2012-02-02 4:48 PM I think that it is leaning too far over JMHO. Dealer should fix that for you under warranty.

 Oh yeah, Big Time.

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Posted 2012-02-02 8:17 PM (#106728 - in reply to #106636)
Subject: Re: New guy...problems already


Posts: 79
I love the idea of the dealer fixing it but honestly I am not sure that the previous owner didnt screw it up.
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Posted 2012-02-02 10:14 PM (#106736 - in reply to #106728)
Subject: Re: New guy...problems already


Posts: 73
Nor Cali

hulign - 2012-02-02 6:17 PM I love the idea of the dealer fixing it but honestly I am not sure that the previous owner didnt screw it up.

That's the bought it from a dealer, and a dealer has no business selling defective merchandise. That side stand sure as hell looks defective or damaged. The dealer should have replaced it before he sold it.

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Posted 2012-02-02 10:46 PM (#106740 - in reply to #106636)
Subject: Re: New guy...problems already


Posts: 1229
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Don't replace the kickstand, lower the rear! HMD makes a great lowering kit. Maybe it had one on before and it got taken off before they sold it.
It does look like it leans a little beyond normal. I guess you should compare it to others at the next Victory ride. If you bought it used, even from a dealer, I doubt they will replace it. It would be consindered a mod made the previous owner. If you convince them it is a safety issue, they may replace it at cost.
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Posted 2012-02-03 10:04 AM (#106764 - in reply to #106636)
Subject: Re: New guy...problems already


Posts: 79
Redd it was purchased from a private owner, Nozzledog that thought had crossed my mind! For now I will have the dealership take a look at it. Azllerbob sent me a pic and compared to the pic this one has a bend in it no doubt at all.

Thanks all for the advice!

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Posted 2012-02-03 10:52 PM (#106828 - in reply to #106636)
Subject: Re: New guy...problems already


Posts: 79
Just for an update, took the stand off today and looked at it closer. There is damage on the underside of it but have no clue how it could be damaged when there isn't a scratch on anything else. So I put it it the press and now it's nice and straight. The bike sits how it should sit. Next task is to replace the rubber pad. Will keep an eye on it to see if it bends again. Still bewildered about how it got bent that way.

Thanks again all

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