Posts: 3204 Memphis | T'was the night before Christmas, Santa was freakin. The sleigh broke a runner, the reindeer were leakin.
He called in a panic, I picked up first ring. "I don't have a back-up! My butt's in a sling!"
"Calm down," I replied "get a hold of yourself. You're not sounding much like a jolly old elf."
"My Vision is fueled, let me make a few calls. Meanwhile, why don't you Go deck a few halls."
Yo Tarpits! Yo Breaker! R-Teacher and Jedi! Saddle up for the night! We're riding the red-eye!
DonTracey! K-Guardsman! Excelboy! Varyder! Load up on eggnog, We've no time for cider!
On Nessie! On Blister! Come on cjnoho! We do this tonight Or there'll be no more HOHO!
Word spread like wildfire, The Visions all launched. The sight quite familiar (Most riders were paunched.)
We all headed north, The night was a doozy. Why, Miles even showed, All decked out on his Guzzi.
Lloydz cams lead the charge As we flew to the Pole KevinX got held back Helping out some poor soul.
We arrived at the workshop, "Our Heros!" they'd call. They loaded us up And we fanned out for all.
Tonight the world sleeps but'll awake to a sight. Vision-Riders to all And to all a good night!