Is it A Vision or a Vegas?
Jedi Jeff
Posted 2011-11-29 3:27 PM (#102372)
Subject: Is it A Vision or a Vegas?

Fountain Inn, SC United States
You decide!

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Posted 2011-11-29 4:25 PM (#102373 - in reply to #102372)
Subject: Re: Is it A Vision or a Vegas?


Posts: 523
seattle, wa
I just got the latest Victory Rider magazine with that bike in it. It is based on a Vegas frame, why not just start with a Vision? I am impressed that the body work is hand formed steel.
Says they get over 300HP, hmmmmm....I question that.

I still don't get why they used a Vegas, I'm sure someone here will enlighten me.
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Posted 2011-11-29 4:29 PM (#102374 - in reply to #102372)
Subject: Re: Is it A Vision or a Vegas?


Posts: 94
milwaukee wisconsin
what so inovative about taking the body work from a vision and putting it on a vegas frame and 300hp out of a stock engine never !!
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Posted 2011-11-29 4:57 PM (#102377 - in reply to #102374)
Subject: Re: Is it A Vision or a Vegas?


Posts: 366
Albuquerque, NM
I love the look of the single seat. I wouldn't be surprised if HMD came up with single seat kit somewhere down the road. Wishful thinking...
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Posted 2011-11-29 5:36 PM (#102382 - in reply to #102372)
Subject: Re: Is it A Vision or a Vegas?

Iron Butt

Posts: 965
New York State
Very nice Vegas.
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Posted 2011-11-29 6:01 PM (#102383 - in reply to #102372)
Subject: Re: Is it A Vision or a Vegas?


Posts: 2300
Georgia, west of Atlanta
Can we see the dyno sheet ????????
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Posted 2011-11-29 7:02 PM (#102390 - in reply to #102372)
Subject: Re: Is it A Vision or a Vegas?


Posts: 96
Princeton, IL
I agree with the single seat. I say we task HMD with coming up with one!
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Posted 2011-11-29 7:16 PM (#102391 - in reply to #102372)
Subject: Re: Is it A Vision or a Vegas?


Posts: 8144
New Bohemia, VA
I would love to convert my Vision to a solo seater with a mini trunk and rack where the pillion use to be. I think it's cool they took a vegas and made it look like a vision.
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Posted 2011-11-29 9:16 PM (#102406 - in reply to #102372)
Subject: Re: Is it A Vision or a Vegas?


Posts: 244
Tucson , AZ
Bad ass bike... my compliments to the builder. I have a design believe it or not for a single seat. I would need to see a list of people interested in this in order to execute. alot of R & D. But bad ass bike...
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Posted 2011-11-29 9:17 PM (#102407 - in reply to #102372)
Subject: Re: Is it A Vision or a Vegas?


Posts: 244
Tucson , AZ
And .... it a VEGISION.... LOL
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Posted 2011-11-30 12:22 AM (#102416 - in reply to #102373)
Subject: Re: Is it A Vision or a Vegas?


Posts: 181
Henlow, Bedfordshire, England
rwilly - 2011-11-28 10:25 PM

I still don't get why they used a Vegas, I'm sure someone here will enlighten me.

Looking at it, perhaps it is a better starting point. If you bought a Vision you would end up chucking a lot of it then adding more?
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Posted 2011-11-30 8:42 AM (#102429 - in reply to #102373)
Subject: Re: Is it A Vision or a Vegas?

Iron Butt

Posts: 965
New York State
rwilly - 2011-11-29 4:25 PM

I just got the latest Victory Rider magazine with that bike in it. It is based on a Vegas frame, why not just start with a Vision? I am impressed that the body work is hand formed steel.
Says they get over 300HP, hmmmmm....I question that.

I still don't get why they used a Vegas, I'm sure someone here will enlighten me.

Mods made to a Vegas

Stay on the Vegas

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Posted 2011-11-30 8:57 AM (#102430 - in reply to #102416)
Subject: Re: Is it A Vision or a Vegas?

Iron Butt

Posts: 612
180 miles per hour? Yeah, right..... maybe on a paper. I doubt that they've actually run this thing over 120mph on the street.

Edited by Turk 2011-11-30 8:59 AM
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Posted 2011-12-02 5:07 PM (#102604 - in reply to #102372)
Subject: Re: Is it A Vision or a Vegas?


Posts: 232
I'd say it looks good and is fast don't know about the 300hp tho. Seem like like more than possible fo a stock motor. I would love to ride it to see the 180mph.
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Posted 2011-12-02 5:07 PM (#102605 - in reply to #102372)
Subject: Re: Is it A Vision or a Vegas?


Posts: 232
I'd say it looks good and is fast don't know about the 300hp tho. Seem like like more than possible fo a stock motor. I would love to ride it to see the 180mph.
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Posted 2011-12-02 5:17 PM (#102606 - in reply to #102372)
Subject: Re: Is it A Vision or a Vegas?


Posts: 390
Don't think it would do 180mph even if you rode it out of a C130 at 10,000 ft.....IMHO
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Posted 2011-12-03 4:44 PM (#102662 - in reply to #102374)
Subject: Re: Is it A Vision or a Vegas?


Posts: 71
Willmar, MN
If you read the article, they are injecting methane and nitrous...kind of like turbo boost on steroids. It could hit the 300 at peak but I think that it would fall off as quick as it came on. It could be a real bitch to handle when you hit the buttons.
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Posted 2011-12-03 8:42 PM (#102671 - in reply to #102372)
Subject: Re: Is it A Vision or a Vegas?


Posts: 166
Bullhead City, AZ
I have been around this bike since it still looked like a Vegus with extra body work. The engine is not stock, it has a turbo, nitrous, and methane. The exhaust pipes are the fuel tanks to get a lower center of gravity to increase stability at high speed. I have no idea how fast it will go but my stock VV shuts the motor down at 120. I don't know if it will ever be tried but the owner talked about taking it to Bonneville. It is a long way between 120 and 180 but this bike has almost 3x the HP. I wonder what kind of oil it uses ???????
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Posted 2011-12-05 12:55 PM (#102780 - in reply to #102372)
Subject: Re: Is it A Vision or a Vegas?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 41
Oviedo, FL
If any of you are interested in a solo style seat like the one fabricated for this bike shoot Mike at HMD an email. He needs 8 interested individuals to get the R&D started.
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Blue Sky Guy
Posted 2011-12-06 1:00 PM (#102861 - in reply to #102372)
Subject: Re: Is it A Vision or a Vegas?


Posts: 329
scotts valley, California
I would love to have a hi-back solo seat for my Vision. Is there a cost estimate out there yet?
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Posted 2011-12-06 6:00 PM (#102879 - in reply to #102372)
Subject: Re: Is it A Vision or a Vegas?

Iron Butt

Posts: 880
Orlando, FL
It's a Vegas-Vision. And remember, what happens in Vegas, stays in your Vision.
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Big Vic
Posted 2011-12-06 8:47 PM (#102889 - in reply to #102372)
Subject: Re: Is it A Vision or a Vegas?

Iron Butt

Posts: 619
Southeast Iowa
I is indeed a Vegas with Vision skins. I saw this bike on the rack a while back when I visited the dealership that did the mods. I will have to pour through my LasVegas photos to see if I have a picture when it was in it's early stages.
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Big Vic
Posted 2011-12-06 9:00 PM (#102890 - in reply to #102372)
Subject: RE: Is it A Vision or a Vegas?

Iron Butt

Posts: 619
Southeast Iowa
Here are the pics I took in LasVegas of this bike in 2010. It must have been on that rack a while.



Attachments 008.JPG (36KB - 1 downloads)
Attachments 007.JPG (58KB - 2 downloads)
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Evil Genius
Posted 2011-12-09 9:25 PM (#103104 - in reply to #102372)
Subject: Re: Is it A Vision or a Vegas?

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 20
Last week I saw it on the floor at the Arlen Ness/A-Team dealership in Vegas and on sale for $125K.
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Posted 2012-01-01 3:35 PM (#104536 - in reply to #102372)
Subject: Re: Is it A Vision or a Vegas?


Posts: 3773
Pittsburgh, PA
that looks as much like a vegas as my vision looks like a elctra glide. hell just about all the panels are from a vision. look at where they light name badge is as well.. even the panel under the seat is the exact same as my vision. it looks like a vision that had a little body work (aside from engine). if this is a vegas platform i bet they get told all the time it looks like they just mod'd a stock vision....
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Posted 2012-01-01 5:15 PM (#104544 - in reply to #102372)
Subject: Re: Is it A Vision or a Vegas?


Posts: 4278
A guy here is the citys had a Hayabusa with nitrous and did dyno runs of 187 mph he added a turbo and the dynos could not handle it. A fried had a V rod with turbo and nitrous and could not beat stock Hayabusa.
On paper there all rockets. Bugatti has that new car that does just over 250mph and sells for 1 million bucks. They say at 247mph the tires only last for 49 miles.
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