Victory dealer POI file for Garmin units
Jedi Jeff
Posted 2011-11-14 5:28 PM (#101501)
Subject: Victory dealer POI file for Garmin units

Fountain Inn, SC United States
I contacted Victory about updating the POI that came preloaded on Victory-branded Garmin gps units. My gps wasn't purchased through Victory but I would like to obtain the latest dealer file.

They said to..."log into Garmin and connect the garmin to the computer via the USB link. Garmin has a specific down load for Victory GPS units".

Now I can read into this as "those that bought Garmin units thru Victory and registered their units with Garmin will be able to log into the Garmin website and download a current victory dealer POI file. " I wonder if Garmin tracks the SN of the Victory units and allows only them to be updated.

Have any of you with Victory branded units tried this? If so, would you be willing to share the file with others here?

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Posted 2011-11-14 6:05 PM (#101505 - in reply to #101501)
Subject: RE: Victory dealer POI file for Garmin units

Puddle Jumper

Posts: 39
If you know someone with a Garmin GPS that was purchased from Vic and what they are telling you is true, have them log in and update their GPS with the most current Vic dealer GPS file and then connect their GPS to your devise and copy the file from their GPS onto your PC, then paste it into your GPS. I have done this before.
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Posted 2011-11-15 4:11 AM (#101522 - in reply to #101501)
Subject: Re: Victory dealer POI file for Garmin units


Posts: 1350
Jeff, I have the Garmin Victory GPS that came with Anny. Beer and give it a try? Bring the other 2 ridars with you. ;P
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