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A 10k Mile Review of the 2008 Victory Vision Motorcycle

by Chris (Varyder) Nelms

Part 4: Opinion & Summary

On Victory
I am new to Victory motorcycles and I've made a few observations. First, I want to say that the motorcycle industry is a funny animal. There are not many cultures like those who ride, and it is diverse as society itself. So trying to support something that the masses deem as a "leisure" industry, while there are those who made it a life, can be very difficult. When you are new to building motorcycles, yet know how to build a great product, it takes time to understand this customer. So while I can, on one hand, sympathize with Victory, sympathy does not go far when the bike is broke and you can't get a resolution and it seems like no one is listening. So I say to Victory, thank you for building a great product, but please act like you care about me. I'm your biggest sales person. I'm not talking about me alone, but about all those who have taken a risk to buy a Vision, and to take this journey with you. I can make or break you in this venture all because of bad customer service. It can make a person say forget it and go to the competitor and never look back because "you didn't care" It can also cause the potential buyer to say, "not today", I have bad service with the brand I have, why would I go to a brand with the same problem. But if you focus on customer service, even for a few years to get Vision in a sure footing, you'll end up with a strong loyal customer base that says, not only is the Vision a great bike, but Victory shows me they care with the best customer service ever. Talk to me, not through some stinking survey that takes weeks to process, but someone who works at the factory. Tell that "dealer" you want my phone number when they call you with a problem, so you can talk to me directly. And on that point, I have a great dealer, but I get the impression that they are no more than a peddler of your product. Let these dealers know you are engaged with them in every issue. If you're not set up that way, get that way, get out in the field and see where you need to improved. I am perplexed at a Polaris dealership down the street that doesn't even sell Victory Motorcycle, but it does sells the competitions bike. That proves to me you have peddlers and not dealers. It says to me you have worked to do. But I will say thank you for building such a great bike and with that…

Given all this I have to say, that it seems as though I was the person the Vision was built for; from the way it sits to the way it handles. I could have never told them what it could look like and I'm so glad they thought out of the "tubs". I find the timing uncanny in that all through my life this is what I wanted my touring bike to be like and they it make available at the time in my life that I was able to afford it, and when my wife and I were setting our goals to travel more. I am not one to hype a product unless I believe it is a strong solution. I made the comment today that I would never go back to any other bike and as I stand right now, Victory has a lifelong customer. This is not off of a midlife crisis pursuit or a whim, but from a lifelong question, "Why isn't there a bike made just for me?" It doesn't matter if Victory never makes another Vision, or finds it a flop, it would not have had any effect on my decision to purchase one. In fact if I'm the last to be riding one, it will only convince me that it was made just for me.

- Chris (Varyder) Nelms

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